Chapter 128 Discharge
Sensing the gazes of some boys, Ye Qingxue who was standing aside felt a little uncomfortable, but these gazes came and went quickly, so she breathed a sigh of relief.

Lin Yixue who came together didn't go up to express condolences immediately, but came to Ye Qingxue and whispered with a smile: "Qingxue, you stayed here the whole time last night, right?"

As she said that, Lin Yixue pointed mischievously at the deck chair beside her.

Ye Qingxue was quite embarrassed to be found out that she had been in the same room with Xiaofeng all night, and it seemed that those boys also noticed it, but she still nodded generously and said with a smile, "Yes, I will stay and take care of him."

Lin Yixue originally wanted to gossip about her and Xiaofeng's affairs, such as whether she has confirmed her relationship with him, whether something happened to him last night, etc., but seeing some boys looking at her, she didn't ask any more, just He gave her a thumbs up, and laughed in a low voice, "You're really good!"

She hasn't been in contact with her for a long time, but it can also be seen that she is a very thin-skinned girl, which is especially obvious when it comes to the relationship between men and women, but she still chooses to stay and boldly admits that she is alone with him Overnight, her determination was evident.

The two women were whispering to each other, and from time to time they would look at the boys who were making a fuss by the hospital bed.

Another girl came in, saw that it was Li Xiaoxin, Ye Qingxue was at ease, greeted Lin Yixue with a smile, then walked towards Li Xiaoxin, said with a smile: "Xiaoxin, you are here, is Xiaohua not here? "

"She has to go to class, I asked for leave, and I asked her to ask for leave for you too." Li Xiaoxin smiled, glanced at Ding Feng who was joking with the boys, turned around and said with a low laugh: "Xiaohua and I are still here." I thought you would come back last night, and made a bet, but you really didn't go back."

"I can't go away!" She blushed and smiled casually.

Seeing her rarely appearing like a little girl, Li Xiaoxin leaned into her ear and joked in a low voice: "To be honest, have you fallen in love with Xiaofeng?"

This question was asked a bit abruptly, which made her feel like a deer bumped. She glanced at the people around her with a guilty conscience, and nodded shyly when she saw that no one was paying attention to her side.

Li Xiaoxin was startled, she thought she would laugh and scold herself and then change the subject, but she didn't expect her to admit it boldly, she couldn't help but feel amused, and comforted her: "There's nothing to be shy about, you and Xiaofeng have a foundation of relationship now, Becoming boyfriend and girlfriend is a matter of time."

After speaking, seeing that she didn't speak, knowing that she couldn't let go of this kind of thing, not to mention that there are so many people here, he returned to the topic: "How is Xiaofeng?"

"Fortunately, he said he can leave the hospital today." When mentioning Xiaofeng's condition, the rosiness on her face gradually faded, and she nodded with a smile.

"That's good!" Li Xiaoxin finally felt relieved, talked with her a few more words, and then walked slowly towards Ding Feng.

The boys have noticed Li Xiaoxin for a long time. Li Xiaoxin is also considered a big beauty. She has a delicate figure with bumps and bumps. Although she is not as beautiful as Ye Qingxue, she is not too bad. The charm of a strong woman.

Some weak boys even find a sense of security from her. She seems to be a strong and responsible woman, and people can't help but have a strong urge to conquer her.

Noticing that the boys she was approaching tactfully moved out of the way, Li Xiaoxin smiled and nodded at the boys, then met Ding Feng's gaze, and said with a casual smile, "Is it better?"

"It's much better, I can be discharged from the hospital today!" Ding Feng smiled gently, he could tell that Li Xiaoxin had dressed up a lot today, and from her gaze he could faintly sense a difference from before, but he didn't know What is that, but I didn't think deeply about it.

After chatting with him for a few words, Li Xiaoxin didn't stay too long. After saying goodbye to everyone with a smile, she exchanged a few words with Ye Qingxue before leaving.

Li Xiaoxin's departure made some boys lose interest. Although there were still many beauties in the ward, they were either hard to chase, or they already had their own owners.

"I'm going to go through the discharge procedures now, and we'll go out to eat something together later." At this time, his body has almost recovered, and he doesn't want to stay in the hospital.

"Okay, outside..." Xiaohui nodded and was about to agree, but was stopped by brother Yi who laughed and scolded, "Take care of your sister, there will be more opportunities in the future."

He said hello to Ding Feng, "Brother Feng, we won't bother you anymore, see you at school!" After speaking, he waved his hand and walked out, shouting: "Let's go!"

"See you at Fengshen School!"

"Let's go outside for a walk!"

"There seems to be a competition in Qingfeng Internet Cafe, let's go and see."

"... "

The boys laughed and walked outside, and one boy shouted when passing by Ye Qingxue, "Sister-in-law Feng, I will leave the peak god to you."

These words made Ye Qingxue blush, and she could only smile and nod.

"Hee hee, Qingxue, let's see you later!" Lin Yixue greeted her with a smile, and then left the ward with the other girls.

All of them were gone at once, she quickly cleared up her strange emotions, walked to his side quickly, and looked at him with more guilty conscience and shyness.

Ding Feng also heard the phrase 'Sister-in-law Feng' just now, he was very satisfied with her non-denial, stretched his waist, and said with a smile: "Let's go!"

"Is it really okay?" She nodded with a smile, but still asked with concern.

"It's okay!" He smiled and moved his body freely. There was really no problem. She was relieved now, and smiled and reached out to help him out of the bed.

Although his current physical condition is no different from usual, he enjoyed her careful care, so he didn't refuse, and put his hand on her shoulder naturally.

Stepping on a pair of slippers, she stood still, straightened her waist, and saw that she had no intention of letting go, so she withdrew the hand on her shoulder. Seeing that he could stand still, she then withdrew her hand from him.

He moved his body briefly, and then led her out of the ward. He successfully completed the discharge procedures in an office, and then the two of them went to brush their teeth. Finally, he returned to the ward to change clothes. good.

Opening the door of the ward, seeing her standing quietly outside the door, he smiled and nodded at her, and said softly, "Let's go!"

She nodded obediently.

"Brother invites you to a big meal!" He closed the door with a smile, and walked towards the entrance of the corridor first. The corner of her mouth curled up, and she quickly followed, walking side by side with him.

These two are a perfect match!The female nurse who had just walked out of the ward looked at the backs of the two, her eyes lit up. The backs gave her a certain kind of extreme beauty.

The two of them didn't speak much along the way until they left the hospital.

(End of this chapter)

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