The absolute pinnacle of League of Legends

Chapter 129 A Telegram to Mom

Chapter 129 A Call to Mom

Walking on the street outside the hospital building, the cold breeze woke up two restless hearts, he stopped, looked at her and smiled slightly: "What do you want to eat?"

"Anything is fine, you decide!" She smiled sweetly, and directly handed over the decision to him.

"Then go there!" He smiled and pointed to the high-end restaurant opposite. She followed his finger and looked with some hesitation in her heart. She had never eaten in such a high-end place when she grew up. It's too expensive, but after thinking about it, she smiled and nodded, "Yeah!"

"Let's go!" He led her over, and soon came to the entrance of the high-end restaurant. He stopped and looked at the restaurant, and then stepped in slowly.

There were quite a lot of people in the restaurant, so he randomly found a corner and sat down by the window, and she sat opposite him.

She usually sat with him and didn't talk very much. He was used to it, and he didn't feel dull, but liked this warm feeling very much.

There were several menus neatly placed on the bright mirror-like glass table. He reached out and took two of them for a casual look, then handed one of them to her, jokingly said: "Order whatever you want, don't save it for me." Come on, I will be an e-sports god worth over [-] million in the future!"

"Whoever wants to save you, I'll pick the most expensive one." She smiled mischievously, took the menu he handed over, and looked at it seriously.

Although the menu is small, there are all kinds of food and beverages, which are divided into categories. It's just in the morning, and what she wants to eat is breakfast, so she focuses on the breakfast category.

In fact, she is a girl who pays great attention to the quality of life, including diet, but she did not have such good conditions in the past. She has imagined countless times that she will work and earn a lot of money after graduating from college. She must make up for the hardships of so many years and eat well. well dressed.

Of course, if she wanted to, these fantasies could be realized at any time, but she never thought of relying on others.

Only by paying the fruits of her labor can she feel at ease.

The breakfasts in the picture are full of color, fragrance, and taste, which makes people's appetite greatly increased. However, the price is really expensive, the cheapest one costs hundreds of dollars, which can cover her meals for many days.

It's so expensive, she can't help but see it!
Although she said she didn't want to be too polite with him, but seeing the price, she couldn't be arrogant, and she didn't make a move. He would pay attention to her from time to time, and he also saw her hesitation. He reached out and took his menu, and greeted her. Puzzled eyes smiled and asked: "What do you usually like to eat?"

She thought about it seriously, and then reported a lot of ingredients with a smile. He lowered his head and wrote them down in the notebook, and read them several times, his lips moved slightly, as if he was reading.

Seeing that he seems to want to remember all the things she likes to eat in her mind, she feels sweet in her heart.

After memorizing it for a while, he tore off the note that recorded her favorite food, put it in his pocket as a treasure, picked up the menu to compare it, and started to order.

There is a glass-like sign in the center of the table, and there is a button on the sign. After he finished ordering, he stretched out his hand and pressed the button, and the waitress quickly came over.

"Hello, what do you need?" The waitress smiled and glanced at the two of them. Ding Feng smiled politely and handed over the list.

The waitress took the list and looked it over. After confirming that there was no problem, she smiled and nodded with the two of them, and then walked inside.

As soon as the waitress left, she couldn't help but asked with a curious smile, "Xiaofeng, what did you order?"

"It's a secret." Ding Feng laughed and shook his head.

"Can you be considered a secret?!" She bent her crescent moon and muttered, took out her mobile phone from her trouser pocket, and said casually, "I'll call my mother."


She stared at the phone, instead of looking through the address book, she directly entered her mother's phone number, and she memorized all the phone numbers of her family members, as well as his phone number.

After a burst of beeps, she pressed the dial button.

The call was connected quickly, and Ye Ma's kind laughter came over, "Xiaoxue, how are you doing at school? Don't worry about your dad's affairs, and study at ease!"

There is a trace of fatigue that cannot be hidden in the loving words.

Even if she didn't need to listen, she could guess that her mother must be very tired now. She quickly cleared up her emotions and said with a smile: "Mom, I have some good news for you. Dad's surgery fee has been settled. I have already paid 90 yuan. It's on your card, you hurry up and let Dad go to the operation!"

"Xiaoxue, where did you get so much money? You tell mom where the money came from. You don't know your father's temper. If he didn't know where the money came from, he would definitely not undergo surgery." Hearing this, Ye Ma was not only not happy at all, but also quite flustered.

When her daughter returned to school this time, she instinctively felt that something was wrong. The daughter was so filial. Seeing that her father's time was running out, how could her daughter still have the mood to propose to go back to school? But she didn't think much about it at the time, but now it seems that, My daughter went back to school to ask for money.

For such a large amount of money, my daughter would have given it out long ago, but she got so much money within two days after returning to school, how could Mama Ye not panic!

Mama Ye usually likes to watch TV and watch the news at home. There are many negative news, such as mistresses, lovers, etc., so when she heard that her daughter gave out so much money in one go, the first thing she thought of was these She hates negative news to the core.

Ye Ma is a traditional and rational woman, and her daughter has inherited her characteristics, and has extremely strict bottom lines and principles in terms of emotions.

Of course, even ordinary mothers would not agree with their daughters to be other people's mistresses or lovers. There are not many people like Lulu's mother in the world.

If her daughter became a mistress or a lover because of her father's surgery fee, Mother Ye would definitely be in great pain, that's all, the most important thing is Father Ye's temper.

As she said, without knowing whether the source of the money was legitimate, Father Ye would not undergo surgery even if he died.

Therefore, Mother Ye must ask clearly, even if she knows it will make her daughter very embarrassed.

"Mom, don't worry, I borrowed this money from a very good friend of mine." She giggled and said with a more cheerful tone.

Borrowed from a good friend?Mother Ye didn't believe this reason at all. If her daughter really had such a rich friend, she wouldn't have to wait until now for the money.

Thinking so in her heart, Mother Ye flustered for a while, and asked worriedly: "Is the man a good friend? Did he ask you any conditions?"

"Let me tell you like this, Mom, I have been good friends with him for a long time, but this time when I went back to school, I found out that he is a rich man. As soon as he heard about me, he lent me 90 yuan. Don't worry, Mom." , my daughter won't lie to you." Saying this, she winked at him mischievously.

What he said made him dumbfounded, he could only shake his head in a funny way.

(End of this chapter)

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