The absolute pinnacle of League of Legends

Chapter 130 A couple with an extremely heavy heart

Chapter 130 A couple with an extremely heavy heart

"Local tyrant?" Ye Ma didn't quite understand the meaning of this word, but it should refer to rich people, and from her daughter's tone, even though she was delicate, she didn't hear the slightest bit of grievance, so she believed most of it and forced a smile Said: "Xiaoxue, your father may ask later, you'd better be mentally prepared."

No matter how strong the reason is, Father Ye can only be relieved if he asks him personally. No one can do anything about it, and Ye Qingxue knows it well.

"Understood, mom, hurry up and get the money, I'm here!" She smiled confidently, and then chatted with her mother for a few more words before hanging up the phone.

Putting down the phone, seeing him looking at her with a smile, she winked at him cutely, and said with a mischievous smile: "Lord, let's be friends!"

"Aren't we friends now?" He asked with a funny smile.

"Of course!" She smiled triumphantly, and said, "From now on, I will tell everyone that I have rich friends and introduce you to them, hee hee!"

"That's great!" He smiled and nodded.

After this episode, the two also chatted, and the atmosphere was unusually cheerful.

Not long after, the waitresses came over with the meals, and steaming delicious dishes were placed on the glass table. The fragrance of the meat dishes greatly increased the appetites of the hungry two.

There are five dishes in total, four dishes and one soup, and a small table is full. Three of the dishes include her favorite potato shreds, sweet potato leaves, beef, chicken, etc., and they are mixed together, full of fragrance, better than the school cafeteria. It looks better and smells better, but I don’t know how it tastes.

The other two, one is steamed carp, and the other is seaweed egg drop soup. She didn't mention these two before, but he believes that she will like them.

"This is carp. I've seen it before, but I haven't eaten it yet." She pointed to this plate of steamed carp with a happy face. Carp is a relatively high-end ingredient in her opinion, and it is not available in the cafeteria.

Of course, even if there is, she can't afford it.

"This dish is called steamed carp, do you like it?" He explained to her with a smile, reached out for the bowl and spoon, and served the rice by himself.

"It must be delicious!" She smiled sweetly, stood up and snatched the bowl and spoon from his hand, "Let me do it!"

He ignored him as he said that, and filled the bowl with rice on his own. The extremely skilled movements seemed to appear on her body, but they could give people a sense of harmonious beauty.

"Let's eat!" A full bowl of rice was quickly served, she smiled and handed it to him, and he was not polite, she then filled a bowl for herself, and ate together with him.


Nanhua City, in a flat-roofed house.

Listening to the beeping sound on the phone, Mama Ye was still panicked, she finally sighed heavily, quickly collected her emotions, went to the house to get some things, and then walked to the bank not far away.

There were people depositing and withdrawing cash at several ATMs. Mama Ye waited quietly for a while, and soon after someone withdrew the money and left, she walked forward and inserted the bank card into the ATM.

Entering the password number by number, she nervously clicked on the query, her eyes fixed on the ATM screen, and after a while of reading, a series of numbers jumped out, which really scared her.

She had never seen such a large string of numbers in an ATM, subconsciously looked around nervously, and found that no one was paying attention to her side, she was greatly relieved, and moved closer to the ATM, blocking the screen, Don't let others see this 'astronomical' figure.

This is life-saving money, so she can't help being nervous!

After repeated counting several times, it was confirmed that there was indeed 90, and the remaining fractions could not be withdrawn because they were less than [-], and this was the last deposit of the whole family.

I didn't take it, and returned the card directly.

Although she had this life-saving money, she couldn't be happy at all, because she couldn't be sure that what her daughter said was true. dispensable.

Leaving the bank, Ye Ma hurried to Nanhua People's Hospital.

In less than a moment, Mother Ye appeared in a certain ward of Nanhua City People's Hospital. As soon as she entered the ward, Mother Ye excitedly shouted to Father Ye: "Qingxue, her father, is saved!"

Father Ye was lying on the hospital bed looking at the impurities, and seeing his wife shouting like this as soon as he came in, he couldn't help but frowned, and said dissatisfiedly, "What's wrong with you, there's nothing to be saved."

"I've collected enough money for the surgery. I'm going to call the doctor to arrange surgery for you." After Ye Ma finished speaking, she was excited to go out to find a doctor.

"Wait!" Papa Ye called her to stop loudly, threw the magazine in his hand on the table vigorously, stared at his wife firmly and said loudly, "Did Qingxue remit the money?"

It seems to be asking, but the tone is full of affirmation.

At this moment, all he could think of was this possibility. After all, even if he didn't have to think about it, he thought it was unusual for his daughter to rush back to school this time.

"This!" Ye Ma hesitated for a moment, she wanted to be perfunctory, and if he asked after the operation was successful, she would explain it to him, but he still guessed it.

As a last resort, Ye Ma had no choice but to explain the source of the money to her husband.

"What kind of rich friend, I don't believe it!" Father Ye's face was grim after hearing this, more sad and painful, the last thing he wanted to see seemed to have happened.

After recovering from the horror, Father Ye shouted unquestionably: "Call Qingxue, I have to ask about this matter, otherwise I won't touch the money even if I die."

"It's okay, it's my daughter's wish. Are you worthy of her?!" Mother Ye hurriedly grabbed his shoulder to comfort him, Father Ye snorted heavily and shook off Mother Ye's hand, full of anger Staring at Ye Ma.

Unable to stand her husband's stubbornness, Ye's mother had to take out her mobile phone and hurriedly called her daughter, praying in her heart that her daughter could persuade her husband.

Finding her daughter's phone number, pressing the dial button, and handing the phone to her husband, Mother Ye begged, "Talk to her well, don't scare your daughter."

"I know!" Papa Ye responded casually, grabbed the phone and attached it to his ear, and now he was also very nervous, so he couldn't help but took a deep breath, trying to calm down.

The phone was connected quickly, and the daughter's cheerful greeting came from the phone immediately, "Dad, how do you feel now, have you eaten yet? How do you feel now?"

As soon as she heard her daughter's voice, Mother Ye put her ears to it, her heart still heavy.

"Eat, you don't have to worry about dad's business, just study at ease!" Hearing what his daughter said, Ye's father's irritable mood gradually eased, he smiled gently, and after a short pause, he asked solemnly: "Qing Xue , tell me honestly, how did that money come from?!"

 It's the fourth update that has nothing to do with LOL, but I believe some book lovers will like it, and I also believe that if you can patiently read the latest chapters, the plot later will make you feel different, please read carefully!

  Although this book is a LOL novel, the emotional drama between the hero and heroine will take up a large part. The ratio between the game and reality is between [-]:[-] and [-]:[-]. What's more, you can keep it in your collection first, and you will have at least one hundred chapters for a month.

  Thank you very much for the support and love of the book friends, the fourth update is over, book friends, go to bed early, good night!
(End of this chapter)

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