The absolute pinnacle of League of Legends

Chapter 132 Positioning Competition in Asia

Chapter 132 Positioning Competition in Asia

The street was dark, only the lights of passing vehicles flickered. Even so, her dress and figure still attracted a lot of people's attention, but because they didn't see her face, they noticed her appearance. People just look seductive and then look away.

When she came across the gate of Qiyu University, she let go of the hand holding his shoulder, and glanced at him cautiously. The action just now was indeed a bit bold.

Although I have been walking around with him all day today, the two of them have always maintained a respectful distance, and they have never grabbed a shoulder like this once.

Feeling her gaze, he shook his head funny and didn't speak.

After this period of contact, he also saw that she was a fairly traditional woman, and he knew that this was her traditional concept. If it was an ordinary girl, with the current relationship between the two of them, grabbing her arm was really no big deal. Her thinking is still too conservative.

However, he liked it.

I took her to Taste 100, found a seat at random, and asked the waiter for a cup of chrysanthemum tea and a cup of kumquat green, both of which were large.

After getting along with each other for this day, the two people's conversations were no longer as cautious as before. After a short break-in, the two chatted quickly.

This chat lasted for a long time, and before I knew it, the night was already deep.

The lively crowd around gradually dispersed, the sound of people and cars decreased, and the air in the middle of the night became colder. The two chatted for a while reluctantly. Seeing that the door of the dormitory building was closing, they saw that he hadn't asked yet. In order to disband, she had no choice but to offer to go back.

If it dragged on, he would have to climb the wall and go back to the dormitory.

On the dim school road, two thin figures walked side by side, and the cold evening wind blew their clothes rattling.

Sending her to the dormitory building, the two said goodbye reluctantly, she turned her head three times at a step, and waved him to go back quickly, he smiled slightly, turned and disappeared into the night.

When she reached the second floor, she stopped and stared at the direction in which he was leaving. What she could see was the endless night. Under the street lamp at the end of her sight, a small figure appeared, slowly drifting away, and she was alone.

Until he completely disappeared, she came back to her senses, smiled foolishly, and walked upstairs quickly.

The next morning, after Ding Feng finished his breakfast in the school cafeteria, he walked slowly to the Unlimited Firepower Internet Cafe.

Different from usual, there is more expectation in his eyes today.

With the enthusiasm of domestic players for giving points, he jumped directly from diamond five to king in just half a month, becoming the fastest player in the world from diamond group to king group, and also maintained a terrifying record of more than 200 consecutive victories , it is said that Guinness World Records seems to intend to include these two records.

But so far, he has not received relevant news, but he thinks this possibility is very high, and there should be a result in a few days.

Entering the national server king group also proves that he is eligible to enter the Asian server.

There are only two tiers in the Asian region, namely the diamond group and the king group, and what is the initial tier when transferring from the national server to the Asian server, it depends on how well the player plays in the positioning match.

Just like the positioning match after each season reset, there are ten positioning matches to enter the Asian region, and the win or loss of each game can be said to be very important.

The promotion rules for the ten positioning matches in Asia are as follows:
Lost all ten games and scored 0 winning points.

One win and nine losses, with 0 winning points.

Two wins, eight losses, and 0 winning points.

Three wins and seven losses, with 0 winning points.

Four wins and six losses, 0 win points.

Five wins and five losses, the king has 0 win points.

Six wins and four losses, the king has 20 win points.

Seven wins and three losses, the king has 50 win points.

Eight wins and two losses, the king has 100 win points.

Nine wins and one loss, the king has 200 win points.

Winning all ten games, the king has 500 victory points.

From the above promotion rules, it is not difficult to see that every additional positioning match won is enough to save players 30 years of struggle.

In the Asian region, winning a qualifying game is only five LP at most, that is to say, if you want to go from diamond 0 LP to diamond [-], you need to win at least [-] games in a row.

And that doesn't include the qualifying rounds!

How difficult it is to win [-] consecutive victories in the Asian region. I believe that players who have entered the Asian region know that although the Asian region cannot be said to have gathered the top players in Asia, after all, the real masters are all in the world region, but they will stay in the Asian region. In the Asian region, those are the most elite people below the world kings.

If the strength is not strong enough to crush them, it will be as difficult as heaven to win twenty consecutive victories, almost impossible.

It is precisely because they know how difficult it is to score in the Asian region, so every player who is eligible to enter the Asian region will make all preparations before playing the promotion match, just to win more.

There are even some people who don't hesitate to ask the great gods to fight on their behalf, but there are only a very small number of such people. After all, those who can become kings in the national server by their own strength are not arrogant.

Even if they enter the Asian region where there are so many strong players, even if they know that winning one more promotion match will save 30 years of struggle, they will not think about letting others play for them. They also want to experience the thrill of competing with the kings of other countries. , I also want to know what the level of king players in other Asian countries is, and how it compares with domestic kings.

Therefore, for players from Asian countries, these ten promotion matches are equivalent to showing the overall level of their country to other Asian countries. It took a month to prepare for this promotion.

In addition, there is a TV station in China that specializes in live broadcasting this kind of promotion match, and the ratings are extremely high. Every domestic champion who enters the Asian region or the world region will also try to apply for the live broadcast of this TV station. If the performance is good enough, the famous It is no problem to fill the Chinese e-sports circle.

This TV station is called Yaohua TV. It was established in the middle of the S3 season, that is, in 2013, and it has only a history of nearly two years.

Although it has been established for less than two years, it has created a unique brand and advantages by relying on countless high-quality products and even classic promotion competitions. In a very short period of time, it has surpassed countless domestic popular live broadcast rooms and marked a new milestone in the history of Chinese e-sports. A strong stroke, set a milestone.

Yaohua TV broadcasts [-] regular promotion games every day. This may seem like a lot, but compared with the number of domestic players who are promoted to the king every day and enters the Asian region, it is really limited. Therefore, the only ones who can successfully apply for the live broadcast are the list of applicants. The most favored people among them.

There is no way, the quantity is limited, high-quality products are given priority, if anyone's promotion match is broadcast live, it is tantamount to Yaohua TV station smashing its own brand.

Although Yaohua TV is very satisfied with its own achievements and international reputation, it has always had a regret. This regret is that it has not included a promotion match with a complete victory. The highest record since its establishment is only nine wins and one loss. And it's only one game.

This is also a pity for domestic players!

And these nine wins and one loss came from the hands of the number one domestic king, Mo Qingchen, who entered the Asian region to play in the promotion match when the S4 season was approaching.

 When I speak here, everyone should understand the meaning, I believe some book friends will understand, yes, there are only these three chapters today!
  In fact, it is not difficult to write high-quality things, but it is difficult to persist for a long time. In addition, due to the influence of life and work, mood will occasionally be brought into writing. As long as you are a person, these factors are unavoidable.Sometimes after coding a paragraph of words, it’s 2000+ words, which is very easy. Sometimes after coding for a long time, it’s only 1000+ words, and then I’m a little tangled. Some plots want to finish writing in detail, but I’m afraid of delaying the rhythm, but I don’t write it , I was dissatisfied, and began to struggle again.

  There are quite a few things that confuse me today. Sometimes I can’t type a word after half an hour of tangled up, alas!

  Many book lovers want to know the specific update time. In fact, I am not sure. After all, I also have a job. I can only say that it is usually after 23:[-]. As for the book currency or monthly subscription after the book is charged, I have to wait for the editor's notice , I will explain to you at that time, don't worry!
  The third watch is over, book friends, go to bed early, good night!
(End of this chapter)

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