The absolute pinnacle of League of Legends

Chapter 133 The 'Victory Streak' That Didn't Appear

Chapter 133 The 'Ten Wins in a Row' That Didn't Appear

When it comes to Mo Qingchen's entry into the ten promotion games in the Asian region last year, it was really an interesting and passionate event, which still makes people talk about it.

Veteran League of Legends players know that the three major servers in Asia, Europe, and America were created at that time, that is, at the end of S3.

At that time, as soon as the three major servers were launched, they ushered in the crazy influx of kings from various countries, and a protracted and shocking competition began.

It was a star-studded era!

In the end, South Korea overwhelmed other countries in the world and became the strongest e-sports country in the world.

Korean e-sports really rose from that time!

And the current top ten kings in the world region also stood out from these three servers at that time.

Mo Qingchen was obviously one of them.

Of the ten Asian promotion matches that Mo Qingchen played at that time, the first six games were won by a huge advantage, while the next four games were full of ups and downs.

In the seventh round, Mo Qingchen was ranked second in Korea, Li Xiuzhi, and the two top kings joined forces to defeat Park Youngjue, ending Park Youngjue's six-game winning streak.

And Pu Yingjue is currently the number one king in the world.

In the eighth round, the two top Korean champions, Park Youngjue and Li Xiuzhi joined forces to end Mo Qingchen's seven-game winning streak.

Then in the ninth game, Mo Qingchen teamed up with Japan's No. [-] team RBZ captain Aoi Moto and South Korea's No. [-] champion to end Li Xiuzhi's eight-game winning streak.

In the last match, Mo Qingchen teamed up with Park Yingjue, Li Xiuzhi, and South Korea's fourth king for the first time, ending the nine-game winning streak of Aoi Yuan and South Korea's third king.

The last four promotion games were played quite fiercely, and the level of excitement was no less than that of the S3 series global finals. The opponents and teammates in each game almost included the top ten top kings in the world. Mo Qingchen's teammates in the last game There are three of the top ten kings.

Including Mo Qingchen, that's four!
This lineup is so luxurious that people can't look directly at it.

But it is regrettable that Mo Qingchen did not win ten consecutive victories, which failed the expectations of the majority of domestic players. However, the fans did not feel disappointed, but were proud of him, because his record was comparable to that of the two major Korean teams. Like the captain of the team, they all had nine wins and one loss.

At that time in China, he was the only one who could do it. Even Captain Fang Hua, who was also favored, only scored eight wins and two losses, and this result was not many in China.

In fact, so far, no one has successfully won ten consecutive victories in the promotion match of these three major servers, none, and the highest is only nine wins and one loss.

This is the most regrettable part of Yaohua TV. If it can record a ten-game winning streak, then Yaohua TV will definitely be able to lead all similar TV stations in the world.

Yes, China is not the only TV station like Yaohua that specializes in the live broadcast of positioning games. Every country that vigorously develops e-sports has similar TV stations.

For example, South Korea, Japan, Thailand in Asian countries, and some countries in Southeast Asia, Britain, France, Italy in Europe, the United States, Canada in America, etc., also have similar TV stations, and these TV stations have high popularity in various countries. Influence and ratings.

And like Yaohua TV, these TV stations have never recorded a ten-game winning streak, and the ten-game winning streak is also the biggest shortcoming of these TV stations!

Walking into the Unlimited Firepower Internet Cafe, Ding Feng took a glance inside. There were still so many people. He handed his ID card to the cashier, went to the side refrigerator and took a bottle of Atama drink and a pack of betel nuts. The good card was handed to him, he accepted it with a smile, and settled the bill.

A familiar voice came from the stereo under the cashier counter, it was the unique music of Yaohua TV, and the female cashier was watching the live broadcast of Yaohua TV.

He shook his head amusedly, and walked upstairs with his things.

The Unlimited Firepower Internet Cafe is divided into two floors, only the second floor has private rooms, which is much more upscale and quieter than the first floor. This time he plans to go to the second floor for the promotion competition.

It's not that he values ​​this promotion competition so much, but that he doesn't want to be disturbed by others. If he is on the first floor, his ID will inevitably be seen by passing students. How can you play with a bunch of people, but there is no such problem with boxes on the second floor.

After shopping around on the second floor, he found an empty single room near the window in a certain corner. He opened the door of the box and walked in to start the machine.

Putting the betel nut aside, he unscrewed the bottle cap and took a sip of Atama drink.

After the computer started up, he put the Atama drink aside, took apart the betel nuts, took out one of them and tore it into his mouth, then clicked on the game client.

At this time, a small window popped up from the lower right corner of the screen. This small window was the notification window of the Internet cafe system. He glanced at it casually and then fixed his eyes.

The content of this small pop-up window was actually to inform the customer that Mr. Lu was about to play the Asian server promotion match, and there was a 'click to go' at the end.

He tried to click, and a page popped up, which was the official website of Yaohua TV.

At this time, the number of online members on the website has reached hundreds of thousands, which is usually not so many, so most of these members came for him.

He then went to some large e-sports news websites and forums in China, and found that almost all of these websites were posting news about his promotion match.

He shook his head amusedly, and closed all browsers.

To log in to the game, he directly chooses the Asian server to log in.

A few days ago, he entered the Asian server as soon as he joined the king, but he had just chosen a name, and before he had time to check it, he received a text message from Mo Qingchen, and then he and Mo Qingchen offered to borrow 100 million, and Mo Qingchen He readily agreed, but the condition is that the solo wins him.

In the end, he narrowly won and successfully borrowed 100 million.

Therefore, this is also the first time he has really entered the Asian server. He casually learned about the interface, and then directly clicked on the leaderboard of the Asian server.

Just like what I saw on the national server forum, among the top 47 kings in the entire Asian server, players from the Korean server accounted for nearly half, with a total of [-] players, and the overall ranking is very high, just from this point of view , I have to admit the outstanding talent of Koreans in e-sports.

Of the remaining 53 top 24 kings, China occupies [-], Japan occupies [-], and the last ten are shared by several countries such as Southeast Asia, Thailand, and India.

After briefly browsing the ranking list of kings, a window popped up. He looked at the ID and couldn't help smiling.


Open the chat window, and a paragraph of words comes into view:

"Mr. Lu, I'm the director of Yaohua TV, are you ready?"

"Give me 5 minutes, I want to adjust the runes and talents." He quickly typed a paragraph and entered.

"Don't worry, just tell me when you're ready."


He clicked on the talent and rune page, adjusted the talent rune as quickly as possible, checked the rune again, and then nodded in satisfaction.

(End of this chapter)

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