Chapter 134 Hero Simulator

at the same time…

In Nanling City, the e-sports squares of Jiangling Science and Technology, Qiyu University, Linhua Economics and other major colleges and universities are already overcrowded. To "Mr. Lu", "Asian server", "ten consecutive victories" and other words.

In a certain corner of the e-sports plaza of Qiyu University, three girls chatted together. These three were Ye Qingxue, Li Xiaoxin and Liu Xiaohua.

At this time, Ye Qingxue's pretty face became a little more attractive and rosy, and she laughed and quarreled with Liu Xiaohua. This Liu Xiaohua is too bad, and every time I mention "Mr. Lu" to her, I always use the three words "your man" Instead, she was sweet, shy and excited when she heard it, making her want to admit it but dare not admit it.

When she returned to the dormitory last night, she was often teased by her two roommates, but Liu Xiaohua seemed to like to call Xiaofeng like that in front of her, so she couldn't do anything about it.

On the other hand, Li Xiaoxin was much quieter, and didn't use the title 'your man' to tease her, just called 'Xiaofeng' as usual.


Qiyu University e-sports meeting room.

Liu Ming, Liu Xu and other main members of the school team and their substitutes are sitting in the conference room discussing excitedly. There are also a group of game analysts beside them. Each analyst holds a notebook and a pen in his hand. , are also talking, and the person in charge is explaining the work to them.

The big screen in the front has been turned on, and it is locked on the official website of Yaohua TV, and an advertisement is playing in the video on the website.


Fuhua Economic and Trade E-sports conference room.

Huanyuan, Qiyu, Whisper and other team members and substitutes are surrounded by a beautiful young female teacher, accepting the female teacher's teachings docilely, and asking questions they want to know from time to time, no matter what kind of questions, The female teacher can always give the perfect answer.

This female teacher is Mr. Song, a graduate of the number one Shanghai E-sports Academy in China. She is known as the number one analyst of Fuhua Economics and Trade.

Different from analysts in other schools, Teacher Xiao Song will do a lot of preparatory work before analyzing. For example, the pile of instruments and machines in front of her are all imported from abroad. Even senior analysts don't know how to use it.

The most amazing thing about Teacher Song is that she can calculate the rune talent of any hero in a short period of time just by looking at the initial value of any hero. The accuracy is extremely high, and she relies on It is the assistance of these instruments, as well as its own calculation ability.

Of course, this is just a small trick. Teacher Song's abilities are not limited to these.

Huanyuan picked up a certain small machine on the table with a curious face, and looked at it in front of his eyes, but he couldn't guess what it was. The boys who came to the side were also very puzzled, and they tried their best to guess. But they were all denied by Teacher Song with a smile.

Teacher Song explained: "This is called the Hero Simulator. It is a newly developed auxiliary device by Riot Games. It is very helpful for training. I will try it for you when I have time."

The so-called hero simulator is precisely a wireless interface, which can be used alone or connected to a computer. There are all heroes and equipment in the current version on the simulator, which is synchronized with the official version. You can use it to change a certain The hero's level and equipment.

For example, if you want to know who is more powerful, the barbarian king or the prince with magic costume, you can use this simulator to make these two heroes reach level [-] and magic costume in one go, and then compete against each other on the computer.

You think you can beat it, but the result is that you can't beat it. You refuse to accept it and want to go home and try to change a set of equipment.

This instrument can also help you record the speed of Raven Lightspeed QA...

In short, this is an artifact of training.

Of course, it is also an artifact of analysis!
Huan Yuan and the other team members were still confused, but seeing that Teacher Xiao Song had no intention of explaining, they had no choice but to give up as they understood her temper.

At this moment, a burst of music came from the big screen in front of them. They knew that Mr. Lu's promotion match was about to start, so they returned to their respective seats and sat down.

Jiangling Science and Technology E-sports Conference Room…

Linhua Economic E-sports conference room...

Research offices of major domestic teams...

In a ward of Nanhua People's Hospital.

Father Ye was lying on the hospital bed, staring at the large LCD TV screen hanging on the wall in front of him, chatting with Mother Ye next to him.

Yesterday's operation was very successful, and Dad Ye got rid of the troubles of the serious illness. At this time, he is healthy and light. It has been many years since he is so relaxed, and his smiles are more than before.

After yesterday's operation, he wanted to be discharged directly from the hospital, and he didn't want to spend the "wrong money" in the hospital, but his daughter and wife tried their best to stop him. He couldn't stand the insistence of the two women, so he had to stay.

And just last night, his daughter suddenly called him in the middle of the night and told him that Mr. Lu had a game to play tomorrow, and asked him to watch it if he had nothing to do. At that time, he was very surprised. Sorry, but he agreed without thinking too much.

Anyway, he usually spends most of his time lying in the hospital watching TV and watching games. It’s nothing to watch Mr. Lu’s game. Yes, and he is also his own savior.

For this reason, he specially spent 30 yuan to apply for a one-month membership of Yaohua, just to watch this competition.

He usually watches games from CCTV E-sports. It doesn’t cost him a penny, it’s completely free. He didn’t expect that this small Yaohua TV station would dare to ask for money. The monthly rent is as high as 30 yuan. This is the first time I haven't spent a penny on the Internet.

But when he saw the live broadcast of Yaohua TV later, he felt that it was totally worth it, and he had to sigh in his heart that Yaohua TV was really worthy of his 30 yuan.

Things that ask for money are good!

Although CCTV E-sports is completely free and has a very high ratings, there are still many shortcomings, such as occasional freezing, the picture is not clear enough, even the male and female commentators are not good-looking, and the experience seems to be not as good as Yaohua TV. The explanation is wide, and it is far behind in all aspects.

But think about it, no matter how noble people and departments are, if they only get the fixed salary and bonus from the state, no one will be satisfied. Since there is no better way, they will naturally have the idea of ​​saving money. Just do your job, don't ask too much.

With such an idea in mind, how high can the quality be? !
But Yaohua TV is different. In order to attract more users, get more members and income, all aspects will naturally go in the direction of high quality. If we persist for a long time, we have the current Yaohua TV, basically Everyone who sees it on the Internet will give it a thumbs up.

Father Ye has been deeply attracted by the live broadcast of Yaohua TV, and decided to watch more of Yaohua TV in the future, one yuan a day is not very expensive.

(End of this chapter)

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