The absolute pinnacle of League of Legends

Chapter 142 The Value of 'Victory Streak'

Chapter 142 The Value of 'Ten Wins in a Row'

Beijing E-sports Academy, in a certain dormitory.

A young man was sitting in front of the computer, his eyes were focused on the computer screen in front of him, his brows were sometimes furrowed and sometimes stretched, his hands were moving quickly on the mouse and keyboard, and there was an extremely rhythmic "cracking" sound, It sounds like playing a piano.

The mobile phone on the table hummed unceasingly, and slowly climbed to the edge of the table amidst the vibrations, and was about to fall to the ground. He freed his hands and quickly moved the phone back to the center of the table to continue operating.

Glancing at the phone screen, he frowned slightly.

This call has been made many times, he refused to answer several times in a row, and the other party still called, which made him feel very puzzled.

Today, a top analyst team from abroad visited the school and gave a public academic speech in the academic exchange center, the main content was game data analysis. This is a rare opportunity. Basically all the students of the school have passed. His Roommates are no exception.

As the second largest e-sports academy in China, the Beijing E-sports Academy is second only to the Shanghai E-sports Academy. Its teaching methods are rigorous and demanding. The visit of the foreign analyst team is of great significance to the academy. During the exchange period, students are not allowed to use mobile phones in the venue.

The roommate went to the Academic Exchange Center early in the morning. He should already be in the speech venue at this time, so how could he still have time to call him one after another?If the teacher finds out, he will be severely criticized and kicked out of the speech venue.

On the screen, seeing the blind man coming from the river, he opened his mouth to remind him and saw that the blind man did not respond. Then he typed a paragraph, but still failed to stop the blind man. The blind man seemed to have plans to jump over the tower and kill him. Quickly push the line of soldiers over.

But soon, the blind man went to the middle road after clearing his eyes. Seeing that the pawn line had passed and the gold coins on his body were enough to buy some key equipment, he retreated back to the city.

The vibration of the mobile phone had stopped at this time, he picked it up and looked through it, there were several text messages, he clicked on one of them, the content of the text message made him stunned for a moment.

Only now did he know that this blind man was actually Mr. Lu, who has recently become famous all over the world and was called the rising star of Chinese e-sports by the teachers of the e-sports academy.

He was still wondering how there was such a powerful king in the team. It turned out to be Mr. Lu. Even if it is the king of Hanbok.

He then flipped through the other text messages. The contents of these text messages were all added up, which was the information of the other nine people. Only then did he know who they met in this round.

He felt that something was wrong before. After all, with his strength, it was unreasonable to play so hard in the first positioning match in the Asian region. The players in the Asian region should not be so strong, but now he knows why, these nine people Without exception, they are the top kings of servers in various countries.

He also saw the news yesterday that Mr. Lu was going to play the Asian positioning match this morning, but he didn't expect that Mr. Lu would be ranked first, and he was teammates with Mr. Lu, and he was also in the line up to want to stop Mr. Lu and take the top ten. Winning streak, the top student of the Seoul E-sports Academy in South Korea.

The enemy team also has Malatang, the number one support among the newcomers in China. Malatang's cooperation with the top Korean kings is indeed not something he and Bron can resist. It was frustrating, but now I'm relieved.

After knowing the lineups of both sides, he couldn't help feeling competitive. His whole mental state was quite different from before, and he became more serious.

Unlike him alone, Malatang is currently conducting his first positioning match in Asia in the e-sports plaza of the Shanghai E-sports Academy.

As a star student of the Shanghai E-sports Academy, Malatang's Asian positioning competition has attracted the attention of the college's teachers and classmates. Therefore, after knowing that he is going to enter the Asian region, the analyst team of the college proposed to let him go to the e-sports square for positioning Sai, he agreed without thinking twice.

At this time, the e-sports plaza of the Shanghai E-sports Academy was already crowded with people, among whom were many high-level executives and analyst teams of the academy, who were also watching the placement match seriously.

And just as the students were discussing the victories and losses of Malatang's positioning match, a news came out suddenly, causing the whole venue to fall into a brief silence.

The news is that Mr. Lu is actually opposite Malatang.

Although his teammates are generally stronger than Mr. Lu's teammates, and even the two top students of the Seoul E-sports Academy in South Korea are on the team, but almost all the students are no longer optimistic about Malatang's first positioning match. He is doomed.

Since Mr. Lu became famous, he has brought a lot of shocks to LOL fans around the world, and people have extremely blind trust in Mr. Lu. He feels that even if Mr. Lu can't look down on the international professional arena, it is still no problem to beat these little kings in Asia. This is what most students think.

Some students even directly asked Malatang to release water. After all, compared with Mr. Lu, Malatang had no chance of winning ten consecutive victories.

What is the 'Ten Wins in a Row' of Asian Positioning Tournament?That is one of the important conditions for obtaining the reputation of 'E-sports Kingdom'. It is an honor that other countries want to win. In order to obtain this title, each country has offered an extremely terrifying price.

5000 million is the price China set for the "ten consecutive victories", which is about the same as Captain Fang Hua's annual income, let alone other developed countries, which basically exceed this amount, the highest of which is the United States. The price offered was as high as [-] million, which was still in US dollars.

Of course, no matter how high the price is, it has nothing to do with the students. What they value most is the reputation of "E-sports Kingdom". Compared with this honor, let alone [-] million US dollars, even billions are worth it.

However, their request is a bit unreasonable. If they really do this, it may have a bad impact on the reputation of the e-sports institute if it is spread, so no matter what, this round must be played, and it must be played more seriously. It's good to force out all the strength of Mr. Lu.

The news quickly spread to Malatang who was playing games in the background, and Malatang was stunned for a moment. He didn't expect such a coincidence that Mr. Lu was actually blind.

And the next moment he heard the news, a killing sound came from the earphones. The blind man who was squatting in the bottom lane just now ran to the middle lane at some point, and the fox in the middle lane fell down before even using his ultimate move. died.

What a great speed!

Malatang sighed in his heart, a strong fighting spirit welled up in his eyes for no reason.

(End of this chapter)

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