The absolute pinnacle of League of Legends

Chapter 143 The Panic Caused by Mutation of Eyes

Chapter 143 The Panic Caused by Mutation of Eyes

After the blind man killed the fox, he cooperated with Syndra to push the pawn line under the tower, and then ran towards the upper half of the field.

As soon as the blind man left, the prince appeared in the middle of the road, but he didn't appear on the line. He stood behind the river and watched the back of the blind man disappearing into the wild area, and then rushed down the road.

At this time, the prince has found himself completely trapped in the quagmire of the blind man's rhythm. If he continues, the consequences will be unimaginable. He is trying to break free.

Although there were a group of members of the world's No. [-] team behind him, these people did not speak, even if they knew about his problem, they did not open their mouths to remind him.

This is the quality of a professional player, the principle is the same as playing chess, you can watch it, but you can’t disturb it by talking, otherwise the other party will get caught up in your thinking and become uninitiated. This problem seems small, but sometimes it is very serious. Fatal, and even cut off the future of others.

Therefore, the current situation can only be resolved by the person concerned. If he has not discovered his problem until now, then the SXM team must reconsider whether to let him enter the bench.

A player who has no idea, his e-sports road is destined not to be too far away. As the world's number one team, SXM has only one requirement for the supplement of fresh blood.

As soon as he entered the wild area, the blind man rushed into the Dalong Pit at the speed of light, bypassing the range of the most likely wards in the upper and middle lanes, and marked the wanderers on the upper lane.

At this time, the crocodile is about to push the line of soldiers under the tower. The crocodile doesn't need much acting skills, and the wanderer will not notice the blind man's arrival, because the eye that the wanderer inserted outside the triangle grass did not see the blind man's figure, and just now He also saw that the blind man had entered the purple field.

Even if the blind man came over, it would not be so fast.

But he was wrong again this time, he still underestimated the blind man's interest in him.

The pawn line was quickly pressed down under the tower, and Wandering, who had been under the pressure for a long time, was relieved. Replenishment under the tower couldn't be easier for him, a magic machine gun.

However, before he had time to be happy, he just made up a pawn, and found that the blind man suddenly came out from the triangle grass next to him, which shocked the wanderer, and at this time his prince was on the way.

How could this blind man appear here so quickly?
Full of doubts, Wandering watched the two people's positions while quickly calculating countermeasures in his mind. He knew that he would die, but he would try his best to replace one, even if the possibility was unlikely.

The blind man and the crocodile gathered together, constantly compressing the wandering positions.

When he first came into contact with Wandering, the crocodile made the first move. Its huge body leaped forward and passed through Wandering's body. Wandering's armor was pierced. Then the fan in his hand cut Wandering lightly, and then swung it out with two hard blows. Wandering fainted in place, and then the iron fan in his hand turned with his body, taking away a lot of blood from Wandering.

The crocodile was locked by the defense tower, and a wave of light sank into the crocodile's sturdy body.

Waking up from the dizziness, the wanderer immediately fought back.

The blind man threw a Q on the stray, punched, slapped the ground, and punched again.

After taking damage from the defensive tower twice, and being hit by the wanderer who activated his ultimate move, the crocodile's blood volume dropped rapidly, leaving only a little over two-thirds in an instant.

The crocodile raised its head to the sky and let out an angry roar, the tyrant form was activated, and sand and stones flew away for a while, and the wind and sand surrounded the huge body, and the blood volume was forcibly pulled back a little.

Wandering only had a lunch box and two pieces of cloth armor on his body, and he couldn't bear the beatings of two well-developed bullies, and soon only a layer of blood remained.

After the crocodile got rid of the strays, the second section E that had been kept jumped out of the range of the defense tower, and returned to the city without even having time to collect the troops.

At the same time, a wave of small-scale team battles broke out in the bottom lane.

In the case of three-on-four, the purple team suffered a big loss and was beaten one for three. All three of the purple team died, and only the blue team was killed by the fire.

When the blind man rushed to the middle, the team battle was over, and the remaining three of the enemy were fighting Xiaolong, so he hurried over without saying a word.

The fox, the prince, and Thresh had already seen the blind man's arrival, and knew that the crocodile was teleporting, but at this time the dragon was about to be killed, so naturally they would not give up just because of a blind man.

The blind man walked around the three of them and came to the back of Xiaolong Pit to stand still. He only had one eye at this time, and it is very likely that he will be directly discharged if he puts it down now.

After waiting for two or three seconds, he inserted an eye into Xiaolong's pit. Seeing that Xiaolong's blood volume was about to fall to the range of punishment damage, he rushed over directly.

He didn't make a move immediately, but just stood there.

At this time, in Ding Feng's eyes, I don't know if it is an illusion, every movement of Thresh, the prince and the fox is infinitely slowed down, and even the moment when the three of them raise their hands and shoot them can be clearly seen , This sudden and familiar change surprised Ding Feng.

This kind of change also happened during the last solo with Mo Qingchen, and the result was that he won, and then fell into a coma in the hospital for three days, almost becoming a vegetative state.

At this moment, he could clearly feel that his spirit was passing by at an extremely terrifying speed. That feeling was like a candle in a windy night, which would be blown out by a gust of wind at any moment. He felt extremely panic, unprecedented fear.

He was stunned, trembling all over, and soon woke up, shaking his head vigorously.

This kind of change may be useful in the last solo with Mo Qingchen, but this time it is not necessary to grab the dragon, and he dare not use it.

The prince's level is one level lower than his, so the damage of his punishment will naturally be higher than the prince's punishment, this is his advantage in robbing the dragon.

And the extra damage allowed him to use punishment in advance, and the success rate of robbing the dragon was higher.

The momentary change just now made him dare not focus too much, he was afraid that that change would appear again.

At this moment, the crocodile teleported to the next eye position.

Soon, Xiaolong's blood volume entered the range of his punishment, his eyes froze, and he immediately used punishment.

There was a pleasant jingling of gold coins, and Xiaolong was successfully grabbed.

Xiaolong was robbed, and the crocodile teleported over. Although the three enemies were angry, they still chose to retreat.

Unfortunately, these two villains have no intention of letting them go.

The moment the blind man used punishment, Q also shot at the same time, passed through the fallen dragon and landed on the fox, and directly activated the second stage to keep up without saying a word.

The crocodile followed immediately.

Although the previous four-on-three game was a one-for-three exchange, the three of them were not in a good state. Coupled with the consumption by Xiaolong, Thresh and the prince only had about half of their HP.

The fox was caught and killed by a blind man before, so he came later, so he didn't suffer too much damage. He was only responsible for harvesting, and his blood volume was still healthy.

 Originally, my setting for the dragon robbing section was that the blind man would [-]v[-] and then escape, and there was a strong basis, but later I thought there was another crocodile, so I let him out, and it became [-]v[-], hehe!

  Damn crocodile, let me show you and you will die!

(End of this chapter)

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