The absolute pinnacle of League of Legends

Chapter 144 Thresh Wanders, Counterattack!

Chapter 144 Thresh Wanders, Counterattack!
The blind man activated the second stage and sprang out. The fox turned around with a charm and controlled the blind man, but the crocodile was also stunned by the rushing crocodile. The heavy blow hit the crocodile, and then retreated without stopping.

The prince knew very well that if he didn't leave at this time, once the fox was killed, the blind man would die if he chased him.

With the same blood volume, his prince could not beat this well-developed blind man at all, and the chance of escaping from the blind man's hands was also very low.

The fox without a big move was quickly kicked to death by the blind man with a big move. At this time, the prince had already entered the triangular grass, and it was too late to pursue him, so he turned around and gathered the fire hammer.

In this version, the auxiliary economy is too lacking. Most of the economy is spent on the layout of the vision, and the equipment is pitiful. The blind man and the crocodile killed his half-blooded Thresh in less than two seconds.

This wave is a big profit for the purple side, not only killing two people but also snatching Xiaolong.

If it is merged with the previous wave, it will be three for four, and there will be an extra dragon's economy. It is not an exaggeration to say that it will make a lot of money.

The crocodile returned to the city and rushed up the road, and the blind man went to the wild area to search a wave and then returned to the city.

Both sides will be resurrected soon!

Thresh did not go down the road this time, but followed the prince directly up the road.

"Haha, it should have been like this a long time ago. A prince is still no match for Mr. Lu."

"Yeah, Thresh's ability to keep and save people is very strong. With Thresh's cooperation, basically there won't be too many problems in catching solo laners."

"The crocodile is in danger. It was dragged by the vagabond. Before it had time to go to the river to insert eyes, the prince and Thresh arrived soon. If the crocodile continues to be arrogant, it will die miserably."

"Look, the two of them bypassed the ward placed by Syndra. They are indeed the top students of the e-sports academy. They really have a lot of ideas about this way of arresting people."

"This is the quality of a quasi-professional player. Even if it is the first time to cooperate, it will not be too jerky, and the strength of these two people will not be inferior to the average professional player."

"... "

Seeing these two controls rushing up the road, the audience couldn't help but sweat for the crocodile who was still playing a chasing game with the wanderer. Although the wanderer is wretched and his level is average compared to others, his acting skills are top-notch, and It didn't let the crocodile see that someone was coming to help.

Is Singapore very rich in actors?

Bottom male gun and Bron quickly noticed Thresh, who had never appeared, and sent a signal to the upper and middle lanes. Bron was about to go to support with a shield, but was blocked by a signal from the blind man Going back, the blind man is signaling them to quickly push down the next enemy tower.

The blind man's series of performances had convinced them, and Braum returned to the line without thinking twice, cooperated with the male gun to quickly clear the troops, and quickly pressed under the defensive tower.

At this moment, the fox in the middle lane started to fight with Syndra, attracting the attention of the blind man who was driving up the road, and the blind man couldn't help hesitating.

And this hesitation delayed the blind man's support on the road.

At the same time as they were fighting in the middle lane, the prince and Thresh finally emerged on the road. The crocodile who was chasing and beating the vagabond couldn't help being shocked when he saw this. land.

The prince with the five-speed shoes moved very fast, catching up with the two-step EQ Erlian and crashing into it like lightning, flying the imprisoned crocodile, and passively hitting the crocodile again before it landed.

Thresh's footsteps stopped, and the ghost chain slowly turned in his hand, and then he threw it towards the crocodile, hooked the crocodile that had just landed, pulled it twice and then pulled it hard, and flew towards the crocodile with his whole body.

Immediately afterwards, Thresh's ghost chains swept to the ground, and the crocodile seemed to be standing on the carpet and being pulled off the carpet forcefully. It staggered on its heels and almost fell to the ground, and its body was also pulled closer to the hammer. Stone some.

Although the crocodile produced only a half-meat suit, it was still too fleshy, and it only lost about one-third of its HP when it was beaten by three people.

Feeling the hardness of the crocodile, Thresh activated the big move Nether Prison amidst a burst of eerie laughter, including the crocodile and the prince.

Out of control, the crocodile raised its head to the sky and shouted angrily, decisively turned on the tyrant form, and became even bigger in size, surrounded by the power of wind and sand from the desert, frantically tearing at the enemies who invaded him.

When the big move was activated, the crocodile didn't use the E skill to retreat immediately. When it turned around, it threw a set of skills on the wandering face. It used the Q skill to recover a little blood, and then used the E skill to rush to the defense tower.

At this time, the crocodile is already red and angry, and the E skill has two stages. After using the first stage, it is changed to walking, and the second stage is reserved, in order to prevent the prince's big move.

When the crocodile ran out, it touched Thresh's ultimate move. It froze, and was about to be overtaken by the strays. The crocodile couldn't control that much anymore. It immediately opened the second stage E, and rushed into the range of the defense tower .


The prince's big move kept up with the output of the stray and Thresh, and the crocodile quickly fell under the tower. The prince also suffered damage from the defense tower twice, leaving only about half of his HP.

At this moment, the blind man finally arrived, and the three quickly retreated.

As soon as the blind man came up, he kicked the wanderer out with one kick. The Q skill immediately caught up and landed on the wanderer, but he didn't immediately activate the second Q to catch up, because Thresh had already started to rotate the ghost chain in his hand.

This is the precursor to the Q skill!

At such a close range, if he activates the second Q immediately, he will definitely be controlled by Thresh's Q skill, thus losing the opportunity to kill the stray.

Seeing that there was no way to hide, the blind man touched his eyes at the speed of light, narrowly dodged Thresh's hook, and immediately activated the second Q to kick the wandering man who was running wildly.

One punch and one palm slapped the ground, and the vagabond died miserably!

The prince and Thresh rushed over quickly. Given the blind man's current equipment and blood volume, it was a violent beating to meet the prince. Thresh was waving the ghost chain to beat the blind man, but his little damage was not enough. For a blind man, it's just tickling, which only plays a role in fanning the flames.

While walking around while beating the prince, occasionally burrowing into the grass beside him to avoid Thresh's general attack, Thresh immediately inserted an eye into the grass.

The prince's blood volume dropped rapidly. At this time, the blind man's Q skill improved. A Q fell on the prince, and another punch followed the second Q.

I thought I could kill the prince with the beheading effect of the second stage of Q, but was saved by Thresh's timely lantern shield. It happened that the prince's EQ and two skills were improved at this time, and the EQ two immediately went to the defense The tower rushed, but failed to lift the blind man away, and the blind man stepped forward and gave way.

Seeing that the prince was about to run away, the blind man caught up with him at the speed of light, and happened to avoid Thresh's sweep of the carpet, and then slapped the ground with his palm, just enough distance to slap the prince to death.

 A book friend asked me, would it be Cavin to position the protagonist so high at the beginning?My answer is no, not at all. In fact, the protagonist is not as powerful as you imagined now, but it is just that he has not met a real strong person. In professional competitions, there may be a slight gap, and one of them may fall into In the rhythm of the other person, and then the gap widens, this is no joke!
  I haven't received any special questions today, so that's all!
  The third watch is over, book friends, go to bed early, good night!
(End of this chapter)

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