The absolute pinnacle of League of Legends

Chapter 159 You Overpass the Tower, We Steal It!

Chapter 159 You Overpass the Tower, We Steal It!
Although the card only threw out two skills, the Q skill hit Jess, Crocodile and Thresh, only the poodle behind him was spared.

Although the equipment of the card can't be said to lead the whole field, none of the three opponents have any magic resistance equipment. With less than a quarter left, some dared not approach the policewoman standing in the grass.

Before the card was set on fire and died, it played the output it should have, but because the card attracted the attention and firepower of the enemy, the five enemies took care of the policewoman. The poodle is a bit disabled.

Seeing that Feng Nu's health is low but no one is taking care of her, Jess jumped up and hit Feng Nu hard with a hammer, followed by a basic attack and a heavy hammer to knock Feng Nu back, and the crocodile made a dash to catch her. The wind girl took it away, but Jess was also violently killed on the spot by the policewoman's two consecutive critical blows.

As soon as Jess died, the crocodile was already in front of him. The policewoman raised her hand and attacked the poodle, but was dodged by the poodle with a flash. The daughter decisively used the E skill to slow down the crocodile and retreat a certain distance. As soon as she stood still, The policewoman squatted down and aimed a red line at the fleeing poodle.

'Boom', the poodle was killed!

Later, the crocodile was also killed by the fire after taking Wei away. Only Thresh, who realized that it was not good to retreat decisively, was able to escape and returned to the tower and returned to the city.

This wave was a three-for-three, plus the VN who was forced to kill by jumping the tower just now, that is three for four, this wave is a small profit for the purple side.

"Hey, Mr. Lu is too hateful. These three Korean players take good care of Mr. Lu! When they meet, they will have two controls and one shell, and they will die with full blood."

"It's right to target Mr. Lu. Although the hero card is not very explosive, the CD of W is very short. In a certain period of time, no hero has more card control. If the card survives, let alone three changes. Three, I’m afraid it’s hard to kill even one of them.”

"It's strange, it seems that this wave of Feng Nuo didn't make it big!"

"It was opened earlier, but Fengnv's ult was opened under the tower, and she didn't pay attention to the hatred of the defensive tower. It was canceled immediately after opening the ult, so you didn't see it."

"That's right, this wave of Feng Nu made too many mistakes, otherwise Mr. Lu wouldn't be killed by the fire. It's really abominable Feng Nu who killed Mr. Lu."

"One mistake ruined a big advantage, it's a bit of a loss!"

"... "

As soon as this round ended, a foreigner kept talking in the voice. It seemed to be Japanese. Ding Feng didn't understand much, but he could feel that the foreigner's tone was a little different from before, as if he was very embarrassed. He shook his head, but didn't care.

The enemy's bottom tower was destroyed, and his teammates returned to the city one after another.

After going out, the upper and lower roads made an exchange, letting the policewoman and the wind girl go to the top road can suppress the crocodile that wants to continue to develop, and look for opportunities to unplug the top road.

The VN who died prematurely in the previous wave is currently on the next tower of the purple side. Seeing that the defense tower has low blood volume, Shen pops up, and the VN does not stop and retreats directly.

Back at Shuiquan, VN and Thresh walked up the road, while the crocodile followed the poodle and wandered around. The two dumb-headed and strong men were looking for a chance to regain a little advantage.

The card has a real eye inserted in the grass behind the enemy's red BUFF, and a fake eye inserted in the lonely grass in the river above.

Quickly push the pawn line over, the card retreats a little, marking the second tower of the enemy's bottom road, and then runs up the road, squatting in the triangle grass on the top road.

Pushing the pawn line under the second tower of the blue square lower road, the thorn blade in Shen's hand exuding bright purple light began to scrape the defensive tower again and again, and would take a step or two from time to time.

As Shen continued to scratch, the defense tower was covered with scratches.

The crocodile, who was rushing up with the poodle, hesitated for a moment, then gave up the plan to stop Shen. It happened that Shen didn't have a big move now, so he could catch a wave.

The card standing in the triangular grass saw that the enemy crocodile and poodle had not appeared for a long time. After clearing a wave of soldiers, Jess disappeared. Without vision, it was difficult for him to judge where the three went. He should come to the top, but then he thought about it and went back to the middle.

Will followed Wei Dian, the card sent a signal to the top lane, returned to the middle lane to clear a wave of soldiers, and did not dare to pull out the tower, no matter how fast he selected cards, he was quite afraid of this poodle, No flash, once caught by the poodle, there is really no way out.

As soon as Ka Ke got into the grass on the side of the road and down the river, he saw that there was already a fight on the road. As soon as the poodle appeared, he restrained the policewoman, and he couldn't help shaking his head.

The eyes of God are opened!
Five deep and gloomy eyes hung on the five enemies, and the positions of the five enemies were exposed. To his surprise, these five were all in the top position, and the policewoman was surrounded by the crocodile and Jess in seconds. After that, Wei and Fengnv's retreat route was blocked, and it seemed that they planned to jump over the tower.

The card flying over now is undoubtedly looking for a dead end, and immediately dispelled this idea. After walking down a few steps, it appeared under the second tower of the enemy's bottom lane thousands of miles away. A blue card with the effect of a lich will be directly killed by Shen scraped for a long time, and the defense tower with only a layer of blood skin left was destroyed.

The appearance of the card in the bottom lane immediately attracted the attention of the five enemies, but they didn't choose to return to defense immediately, but just accelerated the speed of the tower jumping and killing.

Surrounded by five people from the blue side, Wei and Fengnv, who knew they were doomed, were ready to fight to the death, trying to buy as much time as possible for Kaka and Shen.

The five people from the blue side rushed into the defense tower at the same time, and Feng Nuo kept a close eye on the movements of the five enemy people, swaying from side to side, and Wei's Q skill also began to charge.

As soon as the five enemies came up, Feng Nu opened her hands, and an irresistible force of wind quickly spread out around her, and the four enemies who rushed over were pushed out as soon as they touched this force. And the VN at the edge of the range of the ultimate move was just touched by his heels.

'Boom', VN's big move is activated, and regardless of whether there is anyone resisting the tower, he just punches Fengnv fiercely. Wei, who has accumulated power for a while, punches VN, and is dodged by VN's roll, but there is no After avoiding the tornado that Fengnv came, he was blown up, and then hit by the tower again.

Some couldn't bear the damage of the defensive tower, so VN took a step back and continued to follow his teammates. Fengnv was quickly killed by the fire, and the four continued to beat Wei.

Seeing that the blood volume of the Highland Tower was dropping rapidly, the crocodile ignored Wei and went back to the city directly, but was affected by Wei's punch, and the crocodile's return to the city was interrupted!
The crocodile has no choice but to continue returning to the city!
The next moment, Wei was beaten to death by the group!

(End of this chapter)

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