The absolute pinnacle of League of Legends

Chapter 160 A scene that makes people laugh

Chapter 160 The scene that makes people laugh

The highland tower in the bottom lane was quickly broken, but Shenhe Kakaga did not leave directly, and continued to attack the highland crystal. With the passive of the lich, the card's crystal pointing speed is not lower than that of ordinary ad, but slower than the pointing tower Just a few, after all, the W skill is not effective for crystals.

The crocodile returns to the city, and the crocodile, who has no money to buy home guards, walks slowly towards the crystal. When the crocodile arrives at the scene of the crime, the crystal has lost nearly half of its blood.

The two ignored the crocodile, Shen just stood there and knocked on the crystal, while the card tapped the crystal and circled around the crystal and the crocodile, if you go left, I will go right, if you go right, I will go left, just because I don’t want the crocodile to get close body, making the crocodile lose its temper at all.

Now the crocodile regrets using up the two dashes, but it doesn’t matter, the pause of the card clicking the crystal made him approach the card very quickly, but before the crocodile could be happy in the future, he was ridiculed by Shen who was watching the show, and then Pulled some distance by the card, the crocodile wanted to cry but had no tears.

Seeing that the crystal was about to be pulled out, the four people from the blue side with the acceleration effect rushed over. Shenhe Card did not give up because of this. He exploded the crystal directly, started to sprint without saying a word, and ran outside without looking back.

Kaka did not stop even a single step, and ran away desperately, and soon ran away, leaving only Shen where he was severely beaten by five angry people.

That calf runs really neatly!

We agreed to share weal and woe together!
You left me like that!
How can I trust you? !


Looking at the thin back of the card flying away and gradually disappearing into the darkness, Shen's face was full of complexities.

This wave of victory, you should leave me behind, but after you are safe, should you also look back at my situation and see how I was beaten by these five villains?Isn't this more determined to revenge!Even if you don't look back, just say 'I'm going back to rescue soldiers' to comfort me.

Unfortunately, the card has disappeared!
Shen didn't hold on for long before he fell down, a corpse lying beside the blasted crystal, and the five perpetrators scattered like ants after Shen fell down.

How bleak!
If Shen knew that after the card left, he would go to the wild area to wear red buff leisurely, without a trace of sadness on his face, I wonder if he would be depressed to death!

After stealthily collecting the enemy's red buff, Kaka found a safe place and went back to the city comfortably.

And the scene where the cards ran away before made the audience outside laugh like crazy:

"Ha ha…"

"Haha... I laughed so hard, I can't take it anymore, Mr. Lu is too funny, haha, I want to laugh..."

"Haha... I'm almost out of laughter. Mr. Nima Lu's technique of selling teammates is absolutely superb. He must have done a lot in normal times, and he doesn't take his head off..."

"Hehe... It's such an intoxicating scene, Shen doesn't know how depressed he is now, haha... I don't know why I laughed like this, but it's really funny..."

"Ha... Ouch, it's okay if you laugh at me, don't step on me!"

"Haha... I'm sorry, I can't do it anymore, I can't help it..."

"... "

The entire spectator venue, the countless dormitories, and the streets had turned into a sea of ​​joy. Although this scene was normal, it made the audience burst out laughing.

It may be that the usual Mr. Lu is too rigorous in playing games, but the gap between the appearance of this funny scene is too great, and it directly becomes an irresistible laughing point.

Not to mention the generally relaxed audience, even the usually quiet Ye Qingxue and Li Xiaoxin were so amused by this scene that they couldn't help but laugh so much.

Liu Qian and Mo Qingchen, who were also watching this scene in the foreign hotel, were also overjoyed at this time, because they were so happy that they hugged each other tightly, and Liu Qian, who was overjoyed, kept beating Mo Qingchen's chest hard , Mo Qingchen hugged her tightly and laughed crazily.

Card had already run far away, and was clearly out of the dangerous place, but he didn't want to stop and look back at his beaten teammate Shen, instead he seemed to run harder into the wild area, as if he would be chased if he ran slower. How can this not make them laugh like crazy!
If someone told them that this card was Ding Feng, they would not believe it even if they were beaten to death. The two of them could not associate Ding Feng with such a funny card.

But now seeing is believing, this card is indeed Ding Feng, and it is precisely because they know that it is Ding Feng that they laugh so wildly, laughing so uncontrollably.

This is completely unlike the actions that a professional player and e-sports master should have!

To be more precise, this doesn't seem like a move that a young, vigorous, and frivolous young man would do!

And the e-sports masters are also young people!

Father Ye, who was in the ward of the Nanhua People's Hospital, also became cheerful at this time. It was the first time he saw Mr. Lu playing so many games.

Although Mr. Lu is a college student and a young man, his style of playing games tends to be stable and rigorous, without the impulsiveness and arrogance that young people should have. Of course, his drive is no worse than that of any young man, which made Ye Pa once think that he is a stable and mature person. outstanding young people.

But after seeing this scene, Dad Ye realized that Mr. Lu did not lack what young people should have. This is not a bad thing, but a good thing.

And even Ye Ma, who didn't quite understand it, laughed again and again. The reason Ye Ma was amused was that this gentlemanly card could sell his teammates so decisively.

At the beginning, the two were fine. First, Kaka flew down to help Shen push the tower, and then Shen helped Kaka control the crocodile at a critical moment. The two seemed to be good comrades-in-arms, but when the crisis came, the Kaka The cards run so fast that they don't even look back.

Ye Ma was puzzled, how could this short-legged card run so fast!Could it be the potential of the human body stimulated for escape?

Ye Ma didn't think too much about it, but she was also deeply attracted by the graphics and fierce fighting scenes of this game. Now she knows why her husband likes to play this kind of game so much, even a traditional and conservative woman like her I can fall in love with this scene so quickly, let alone a man.

High-definition picture quality, intelligent laning skills and tactics, nuanced last-difference, characteristics of more than a hundred heroes, exciting and dazzling fighting scenes, relatively balanced abilities...

The perfect fusion of these features and advantages is the charm of League of Legends, and this is the general reason why it has become the most popular competitive game in the world.


As the person involved, Ding Feng, who was in a box of the Unlimited Firepower Internet Cafe, took a sip of the Atama drink leisurely after receiving the enemy's red BUFF, without much expression on his face, unaware that what he had done before Almost made all the audience laugh.

If the audience at this time sees his current expression, they don't know how they will laugh!

I guess I'll die laughing!

 The fourth update promised to my brothers and sisters has been delivered, but unfortunately I failed to perform exceptionally and come up with the fifth update. Fortunately, I did not promise everyone, otherwise this time it will really be over. I originally wanted to rest at the end of the month!

  Let me tell you in advance that the book will be on the shelves on August [-]st, Army Day. At that time, those who have money will hold a money market, subscriptions, rewards, monthly tickets, etc., and those who have no money will also hold a personal market. Help me It is also good to add clicks and recommendation tickets!

  Don't panic if you don't have book coins, I will find a way for everyone, hehe!

  The fourth update is over, book lovers, go to bed early and don't open too late, good night, good night, sleep well!

(End of this chapter)

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