Chapter 161

The card returned to the water spring to replenish, and the super soldiers of one's own side have already marched down the road. In a short period of time, the enemy's output position must stay at home to defend the super soldiers, and can't get out to do other things. It's a good opportunity.

The pawn line in the middle lane has been pushed to the bottom of the tower, and Kaka led the team directly to the top lane. With Wei's protection, he bought several eye-catching Fengnv and went to the river to set up his vision, and then followed Wei back to the top lane with Da The troops converge.

No one from the blue side came to defend, and it seemed that they planned to let go of the first tower on the road.

After VN and Jess pushed the line of troops out of the bottom lane, they walked up the road. On the way, Jess fired a light bomb enhanced by the acceleration gate and flew far away to the enemy minions under the first tower in the middle lane. Most of the damage from the explosion was directly taken away. Wave pawns, only some ranged pawns in the back are not affected.

Fengnv went to the blue buff and blew a tornado obliquely, piercing one eye into the grass of the blue buff, and then circled around to join the big army.

The two sides were at a stalemate at the second tower on the top road. The blue team wanted to find an opportunity to force open, but the purple team did not give them this opportunity, and moved very carefully.

The purpose of the purple side's top lane grouping is not simply to unplug the top two towers, but mainly to create opportunities for the bottom lane super soldiers to go to the high ground.

At this time, the crocodile's teleportation will have a short period of time to cool down, and the two C positions of VN and Jess are not strong in clearing the line, so as long as the crocodile leaves, or any one of them leaves, in a situation with few people Otherwise, the two towers will definitely be lost.

The two sides stalemate for a while, and the purple super soldiers entered the range of the enemy's two front teeth as they wished, followed by a group of super soldiers. If they don't go back to defend at this time, one of the front teeth may not be able to keep.

The blue side is starting to struggle!

If you choose to defend, the front teeth are saved, and the inner tower on the road will definitely be lost. If you choose not to defend, one front tooth is gone, and the goal of the purple side has also been achieved. A fall is extremely detrimental to the next team battle.

Besides, if this wave allowed the purple side to easily achieve their goal, then maybe they won't make progress, and repeat the same trick to demolish the two outer towers in the middle!
If this continues, the blue team's defense will become weaker, and they will be caught in the enemy's rhythm and cannot extricate themselves. This is tantamount to a slow death.

No matter what angle you choose, this time not only you can't go back to defend, but you have to take the initiative to launch a violent attack. It is best to disrupt the momentum and rhythm of the purple side.

If you don't put it to death, how can you be reborn!

After figuring this out, the three Korean players on the blue side, top, center, and field, quickly reached a consensus that even if there is no chance, they must create one.

The poodle directly activated its ultimate move and rushed forward. After going around the wild area, the blue team did not act rashly. They were waiting, waiting for the poodle to approach the enemy's back row.

Card frowned, he vaguely felt something was wrong from the opponent's position, and at this time his own super soldiers were already close to the front teeth, but none of them had the intention of going back to defend, and moved forward slightly A little bit, looking ready to move.

This seems a bit unusual!
From the previous series of contacts, he knew that the three Korean students on the enemy side were extremely shrewd, their tactical style was rigorous and sophisticated, and their coordination was tacit. If his judgment was correct, they had already made the best decision at this time and plans are being implemented.

With this in mind, Kaka retreated instinctively, trying to squeeze into the protection range of Shen and Wei, and sent a danger signal to the team.

Seeing that the poodle was about to pass through the triangle grass behind, the four in blue moved!
Jess opened the acceleration door, and immediately a light bomb flew into the crowd of the purple side and exploded, then switched back to the hammer form in an instant, followed by three teammates and quickly rushed towards the five people on the purple side.

The attack of the blue side was a bit sudden, and the reaction of the purple side was not slow. On the body, the wind girl was startled, and her finger was already on the 'R' key.

But he didn't press it out!

The moment Shen and Wei launched an attack from the enemy, the first thing they thought of was to protect the cards. Wei's Q was already charged, and as soon as they saw the poodle jumping down, they immediately punched it.

Although the real eye of Feng Nu was released a little later, it also showed the huge figure pounced by the poodle about [-] seconds earlier.

And this [-] seconds is enough for Wei to react.

As soon as he saw the poodle jumping towards the card, Wei, who was standing beside the card, subconsciously punched the poodle, and the short repelling effect interrupted the lasso that the poodle was about to shoot, and borrowed Taking this opportunity, Kaka quickly retreated back.

In seconds, a yellow card was pinned on the poodle, and the poodle was stunned in place, followed by the Q skill, the policewoman found a safe position and began to output the poodle.

The yellow card of the card has the passive of the Lich and the passive of the E skill. The yellow card with three stages of damage superimposed on the poodle directly knocked out nearly one-third of the poodle's blood volume, plus the policewoman and Wei output, the poodle was already bleeding in an instant.

In order to maximize the output, the poodle dropped cards in seconds. It didn't have a magic resistance item, but only a red crystal to support its blood volume, which is not considered hard.

At the same time as the poodle pounced on the card, Jess, crocodile, VN, and Thresh had rushed to the battlefield with the acceleration of the acceleration gate, and their big moves were activated one after another.

Enemies meet, especially jealous!
The two sides have already fought together!
The crocodile, Jess, and the poodle have the determination to kill the card, and even the policewoman was implicated. The policewoman had to surrender her E skill to pull back a distance, and as the first target, was caught by this The cards played by the two mad dogs had no choice but to quickly hand over the flash.

The bloody poodle was quickly shot to death by the policewoman, and Jess and the crocodile without the charge did not pose much threat to the cards that flashed out of fire, but failed to kill them and fell into a desperate situation.

VN and Thresh were held back by Shen and Wei in the front, or they held Wei and Shen back. At this time, Feng Nu stopped helping them and went to protect the policewoman and Kaka.

I have to say that this VN is really not an ordinary walker. In the case of being continuously controlled by Shen's taunts and Wei's ultimate move, he still controls the blood volume to about one-third, and this one-third of the blood is for VN , as long as you are careful not to make mistakes, it is enough for the two of them to show their death.

However, Wei and Shen are not weak. After a confrontation, VN nailed Wei to the wall and killed him, and then VN was also taken away by Shen with a Q.

After killing VN, Shen took the time to look at the battle situation behind him. Although Jess and the crocodile were already in decline, he left Thresh and rushed over.

 I saw a lot of comments today, but I only remember one. I’m really sorry. It seems that I have to develop a habit of registering in a notebook first when I see a question, so as to serve the book lovers better. The answer is as follows:

  The crocodile’s two paragraphs E, right? In fact, some book friends have already explained it to everyone. The passive anger of the crocodile will drop at a rate of 12 points per second after leaving the battle for 4 seconds. If the anger is above 90 points, then At least within 22 seconds, the anger will not be lower than 50 points, that is, red anger.

  Looking at the article again, the crocodile went back to the city without even confiscating the soldiers after killing the vagrants. Then the blind man rushed to Xiaolongkeng, and the crocodile also teleported down. I think this period of time should not exceed 22 seconds!

  You are too serious, but I like it, and I will be more serious than you!

(End of this chapter)

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