The absolute pinnacle of League of Legends

Chapter 165 55 open! 【Part 2】

Chapter 165 [-]-[-]! 【Second update】

The hero Yasuo has two options for level-[-] skills. One is to point Q. Yasuo who points Q is very timid. He doesn’t want to play too aggressively. Consuming the opponent's thoughts, Yasuo, who is generally level-E, is quite confident in his skills.

Most of the professional players' first-level points are also E skills. Even if they are cowardly, they must not let the opponent find out, otherwise they will become soft persimmons.

Yasuo brought a Dolan sword and two reds in the regular lane. The price of the Dolan sword in this version is 400 yuan. If you buy two bottles of red, you will have 5 yuan left.

Yasuo didn’t use up his skill points right away, and keeping them at critical moments might have unexpected effects. He never believed that the jungler on the other side wouldn’t kill him when he knew he was Mr. Lu, so it’s better to be steady Better, don't capsize the boat in the gutter.

Yasuo and Jiaoyue are facing each other. If one player gets a little advantage, the other will be very difficult to fight. Ding Feng doesn't want to spend too much effort in this round, and more importantly, if it is a disadvantageous round, he will be even more difficult. It's not that you can't fight, but that you don't know how to fight.

Once he gets serious, his whole spirit will enter that mysterious and mysterious state. In this state, the speed of everything in his sight will slow down infinitely. This is indeed a heaven-defying ability, but he can't grow Time to use, otherwise extreme discomfort will occur.

If his predictions are correct, with his current state of mind, he will pass out if he can't hold on for three seconds in that state, and every second he is immersed in it, he will be a little weaker, and by two Seconds, it will be the same as in the morning, and I can't even walk steadily.

This made him feel extremely panicked, he didn't know how to control the appearance of this state, and he didn't know when it would appear.

This is simply a time bomb, it will explode at any time, no one can stay calm!

If you can use and control this ability at will, it doesn't matter if you are weak, and he will only use it at a critical moment, but these short three seconds really don't help him much, but he has to pay so much The price made him feel very unworthy.

If he could choose, he would rather not have this strange ability. After all, compared with the troubles it brought him, this ability is really nothing to mention. Concentrate, for fear that that state will appear unknowingly.

Therefore, this game must be stable, and never enter a disadvantaged game. Others are not important. He only cares about the result, as long as he can win.

Putting aside these troubled thoughts, he manipulated Yasuo to stand under a tower, and then the bright moon appeared, standing not far from him to start the teasing mode.

Army attack!

Following the line of soldiers, Yasuo still didn't lose his skill points, he picked up the sword and slashed at the little soldier with little blood, and then took a small step back.

As he expected, after the purple side hit the wild poodle, he came to the upper river to stand for a while after taking away the red, and then went back to the wild area to brush the wild after a while.

Yasuo has a well-known skill in laning, which is his passive, which can accumulate drift points through continuous movement. Once the drift points are full, they will be triggered when attacked by enemy heroes, turning into a shield to resist damage. And there is no cooldown time, the drift value will always accumulate with Yasuo's movement.

Therefore, Yasuo usually dangles around when he is laning, in order to get more shields to consume and fight with enemy heroes.

Up to two levels, Yasuo used up two skill points at the same time, lighting up W and E skills. With E skill, he no longer hesitated. Once the sword intent on his body was full, he immediately looked for opportunities to pass through soldiers Spend a wave with Bright Moon before the line, and then leave quickly with the help of the line.

Haoyue also has a shield skill, and it still has a shield with damage. It is worthwhile for Yasuo to go forward and consume it. Although he didn't consume much of Haoyue's blood volume, it is good to consume the blue of Haoyue. Yasuo is not tired of it. And the control of the range of the defensive tower is very precise.

If the consumption of Yasuo at the second level is not strong enough, then the consumption of Yasuo at the third level will be even higher. The Q skill at the third level can ignore the attack speed interval, and you can immediately connect to Q after the basic attack, and The attack distance is larger than the normal attack, and the consumption is more powerful.

The two sides controlled the pawn line at the center line, and the bright moon was a little bit empty, standing slightly behind the pawn line, and occasionally stepped forward to fill up pawns, and occasionally used Q to fill up pawns.

Swish Swish Swish, Yasuo's E three minions appeared in front of Jiaoyue, a basic attack followed by a Q, Jiaoyue turned around and shot out with a passive basic attack, triggering Yasuo's passive shield, followed by Jiaoyue Yue jumped with her feet in the air, and the three body protection balls danced slowly around her body.

The body protection ball touched Yasuo and caused a small amount of damage to Yasuo. Yasuo E passed through Haoyue's body, turned around and shot out with a basic attack.

'Hu' swiped the Taidao forward, and a wall of wind stood in front of him. As soon as the crescent of the bright moon touched the wall of wind, it disappeared cleanly and was completely swallowed.

With the wind wall in front of him, Yasuo naturally wouldn't just retreat. He chased after and slashed at Jiaoyue twice. It wasn't until Jiaoyue approached the defensive tower that Yasuo turned around and walked towards the line of soldiers.

In this wave, because of Yasuo's initiative, he gained a little advantage in blood volume in the duel, but the damage of Jiaoyue was not low, and the two sides split [-]-[-].

The poodle cleared a wave of wilds in the first half of the jungle and came to the middle to observe it. Unfortunately, they didn't find a chance. Although Yasuo frequently stepped forward to fight against the bright moon, he didn't clear too many minions that could be used as displacement. Now There is not much opportunity to go out, but instead exposes his position.

Although the friction between Yasuo and Haoyue is frequent, it is also extremely elegant. The operation of both sides is not bad, and the blood bottles on the equipment bar are enough to support both sides to level six.

During the period, the prince went to the road to catch a wave, but unfortunately he couldn't force the flash of the sword girl, but it was not ineffective, and knocked out a lot of blood volume of the sword girl, and this difference in blood volume can alleviate the unhappiness of the stone man. little stress.

The poodle then squatted down the road for a wave, and jumped on the male gun from the grass. A lasso imprisoned the male gun in place, and then the male gun was hit by Thresh Q again, but it did not cause a kill. The bull head was at a critical moment Saved the male gun's life, after this wave, the male gun started to be wretched.

With the blood of the bull's head, it is barely passable.

In the middle of the road, Yasuo reached level [-] first before Jiaoyue. I don't know if Jiaoyue was distracted or for some reason, but he couldn't accurately calculate the time when Yasuo reached level [-]. At this time, Jiaoyue was in the line of soldiers. When he saw Yasuo At level six, the pupils shrank involuntarily, and hurriedly stepped back.

(End of this chapter)

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