The absolute pinnacle of League of Legends

Chapter 166 Shocking single kill! 【Part 3】

Chapter 166 Shocking single kill! 【Third update】

The frequent friction made the blood volume of the two people not much, and the blood bottles on their bodies had already been exhausted. If they were blown up by Yasuo at this time, the result would definitely be death.

But she didn't hand over her flash immediately, at such a close distance with Yasuo, even if she flashed, she couldn't escape Yasuo's palm.

The only way to escape now is to avoid Yasuo's knock-up.

Yasuo, who has been in the line of soldiers, has already stacked a layer of Q when he was promoted to level [-]. After he was promoted to level [-], he immediately stepped forward in two stages. During the period, he used Q to turn around again. It emanated from the body, and the whirlwind caught up with the bright moon, but it didn't catch up immediately.

At this time, Ding Feng's eyes were fixed, he was trying riskyly to see if he could trigger that mysterious and mysterious state at this moment, and his eyes were fixed on the position of Haoyue.

Similarly, Haoyue is also staring at Yasuo's movements, one finger touches the flashing button, as long as Yasuo E comes over, Haoyue will press it immediately.

Jiaoyue knew that if Yasuo took her own head, due to the double gap in equipment and strength, her life as a melee mage would be very sad. I am afraid that she would not even dare to go up to make up for the soldiers, and the poodle jungler did not The ultimate move is not a big threat to Yasuo.

This time, you must not die!

As soon as the Q skill Zhan Gang flash turned around, Yasuo leaned forward and rushed towards Haoyue with a 'shua' sound. Jiaoyue, who was staring at Yasuo's movement, saw Yasuo move, and leaned decisively without saying a word Thirty degrees before the angle handed over his own flash, avoiding this ultimate move of death.

The flashing position of Haoyue is a bit tricky. Even the most extreme reaction of human beings can't react to Yasuo's EQ sword wind that is effective at this moment. You can only predict her flashing position in advance, and Haoyue Be confident that your flashing position will not be predicted.

The bright moon was also watching Yasuo's movements closely when it flashed, but she was completely relieved for a moment.

If Yasuo keeps the whirlwind, and after the bright moon surrenders the flash, the flash will catch up with the wind, and the bright moon will be difficult to avoid at close range, and it has not yet entered the attack range of the defense tower. In this way, the bright moon will also die, but This Yasuo directly used the Q skill whirlwind at the moment E reached the bright moon.

This is why Haoyue is relieved. Without the Whirlwind Steel Flash stacked to the second floor, Yasuo can't kill her at all. She still has about a quarter of her health, which is enough for Yasuo to attack two or three times. .

These thoughts are only for a moment, the smile of the bright moon has just bloomed on the face, before it fully blooms, the next moment it is completely frozen, the eyes are full of shock, and the expression is very rich and wonderful.

Yes, the bright moon is blown up!

Yasuo flashed to catch up with the bright moon at the moment before the knock-up effect of the EQ combo completely disappeared, and knocked the bright moon into the air. Before the basic attack actually landed, Yasuo appeared in mid-air, and the sharp sword in his hand turned into a stream The strong wind crazily tore at the body of the irresistible Bright Moon.

The wind never stops, cut!

The last knife cuts the bright moon to the ground, followed by a basic attack followed by a Q. After the two strikes, there is only a layer of blood left on the bright moon. Yasuo originally wanted to directly put on the ignition to kill the bright moon. It just so happened at this time The enemy line came up, Yasuo approached with an E, and killed the bright moon with a general attack at the limit distance.

The damage of the defense tower fell, and Yasuo, who was still in blood, quickly fled with the E-pawn line. After pushing the pawn line over, he retreated a certain distance and stood still to return to the city.

"Hey, why did it blow up? I didn't see clearly!"

"I didn't see it clearly either. I saw the bright moon flashing to the ground and immediately flew up by itself. It seems that Mr. Lu's E didn't pass through completely."

"Although I didn't see it clearly, but if I guessed correctly, Yasuo's E should have flashed with the bright moon as soon as it touched the bright moon's body, because if Yasuo passed through the bright moon, it would be considered a flash It can't reach the bright moon at all, and the knock-up range of Yasuo's EQ second company is too small."

"Not to mention anything else, just this reaction speed exceeds the limit that human beings should have. This wave is really awesome, and it is definitely one of the most classic duels."

"Maybe it's a coincidence!"

"What you said is possible, but don't you think it's strange? If you don't have the confidence to blow up the bright moon, Mr. Lu can wait for the bright moon to flash before flashing and blowing away. It is impossible to hide from the bright moon at such a close distance." If you drop it, it can also cause a kill, which is more secure."

"I also think so!"

"... "

The kill this time not only shocked Jiaoyue, but also the audience. They all opened their mouths and couldn't say a word for a long time. Mo Qingchen, Li Xiuzhi, and Pu Yingjue who also saw this scene Such top-level players in the world were also taken aback.

This kind of reaction ability has far exceeded the limit that a human being should have. Under normal circumstances, even they would never have such a reaction rate.

They never believe that a person can have such an astonishing reaction speed, because if someone has such a reaction under normal circumstances, it is by no means a joke to hang them, the world's top kings, after all, compared with such a person, they The reaction speed is too slow.

Therefore, they all subconsciously attributed this to Mr. Lu's early prediction. Although the prediction was terrifyingly accurate, they could barely accept it.

Although it is a bit reluctant to attribute this to pre-judgment in this situation, they still don't want to believe that this is Mr. Lu's reaction, even if it is an extraordinary performance, it is not acceptable.

Because sometimes, even one such extraordinary performance is enough to reverse the entire situation of the battle. This is a very surprising and uncertain factor.

Yasuo returned to the city safely, and Yaohua TV prepared a wonderful replay for the last wave of confrontation. This replay is completely different from the usual replay, it is a slowed down replay:
Yasuo was covered in white light, and he had reached level six. He immediately joined E and two small soldiers and made a circle. Whirlwind Slashed Steel flashed in his hand, and chased after the retreating bright moon.

The wonderful scene has begun.

When the Q skill improved, Yasuo leaned towards the bright moon and pierced through it. Just touching the bright moon's body, the sword in his hand turned with his body. Before the knock-up effect of Yasuo's EQ second company took effect, the bright moon went to the third obliquely It flashed away at a ten-degree angle ahead, and this flash was the maximum distance of the flash.

But as soon as the bright moon flashed, the soles of the feet were scraped by a blade as soon as they touched the ground, and then Yasuo appeared, with a basic attack that had not been fully fired but the damage had been triggered, the soles of the bright moon were about to touch again The ground flew into the air again, receiving Yasuo's crazy devastation.

With the sound of shouting, he cut the bright moon to the ground with a heavy blow, followed by a basic attack to catch a Q at the limit distance, and then used a small soldier who came up to approach the bright moon, and took it away with a general attack.

Replay ends!

(End of this chapter)

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