The absolute pinnacle of League of Legends

Chapter 167 The Possibility of Winning the Championship [Part 4]

Chapter 167 The Possibility of Winning the Championship [Fourth Change]

After watching the deceleration playback carefully, the audience was even more shocked. They finally saw clearly that Yasuo's E did not pass through the body of the bright moon, otherwise even if the flash could keep up, the distance would not be enough to blow the bright moon away, and even so The extreme reaction is only enough to reach Haoyue's body.

From this wave, the audience can be sure that if this is not an accurate prediction in advance, it is that Mr. Lu's reaction speed has surpassed the limit that human beings should have. Even the top king can't compare with him, but the former's The probability is higher.

Even the audience didn't want to believe that this was the reaction of a human being, let alone those conceited, arrogant and jealous top kings.

Therefore, even the viewers who have the most confidence in Mr. Lu regard this move as Mr. Lu's amazing prediction, or Mr. Lu's self-confidence.

However, one person's opinion may be somewhat different from that of the entire audience.

This person is Mo Qingchen!

After watching this wave of deceleration replays, Mo Qingchen couldn't help but think of the last wave of duel with Ding Feng's solo last time. That wave of duel has exactly the same and outstanding feature as this wave, that is, masturbation Mr.'s amazing reaction speed far exceeds that of ordinary people.

That wave and this wave are also the most shocking fights he has seen in his life. The smoothness and perfection of the whole process is really hard to describe in words.

If such an operation only happened once, then he would think it was a coincidence, it was his extraordinary performance, but if it happened the second time, it would be very unusual.

As a top king, Mo Qingchen deeply knows that in the world league, once such a reaction ability is displayed in a key battle, it will be a wave of shocking reversal, and even a wave of crippling the enemy. Ultimately determine the victory of a game.

He is a little jealous of Ding Feng now. This is simply a magical ability bestowed by God. No matter how hard he trains the day after tomorrow, he will not be able to reach such an amazing level. But he is fortunate that such a person is not an opponent, but a teammate instead. Looking forward to my future career.

But what Mo Qingchen didn't know was that the trouble and panic brought to Ding Feng by such a magical ability was no different from being bitten by a snake for ten years and fearing the well rope.

In order to achieve such an astonishing effect, Ding Feng paid a terrible price. At this time, Ding Feng was rubbing his temples in the box, his lips were a little pale, but it didn't have much impact on his state. You can rest after playing another round.

Controlling Yasuo back to the lane, Ding Feng frowned.

This is the first time he has actively triggered this ability, so he has a better understanding of this ability. He found that this ability is not difficult to control, as long as he concentrates on it, he can trigger it. This ability can be released with a flick of the head.

Just because he knew this, his mind suddenly became active, and he coveted this ability.

With his current strength, if he forms a team with Mo Qingchen, it is not a big problem to enter the top eight of the World League, but it is almost impossible to win the championship.

The main members of the two Korean teams are very strong, all of them are top [-] champions in the world, far surpassing any Chinese team in terms of lineup, he and Mo Qingchen alone can't support this anti-Korean banner, Unless there are three more players who are not far behind them.

But, is it possible?
The answer is naturally no. If there were so many powerful players in China, the Chinese team would not have been abused so badly in the World League.

As a man in two lifetimes, he is of course not willing to just win the quarterfinals of the World League. A team that doesn't want to win the championship is definitely not a good team. If he wants to win, he will win the championship.

And since there are not so many strong players, the only way to win the championship is his own ability. If he can use this ability at will, he and Mo Qingchen alone, plus three teammates who are neither strong nor weak, can still win the championship. It is really possible to win the world championship, he has this confidence.

Thinking of this, he immediately became impatient, and almost couldn't hold back, he opened the box and went back to the dormitory to study. Fortunately, he still had reason.

He took a deep breath to suppress his excitement.

Back on the line, Yasuo’s drift value is full. As soon as he sees the bright moon, he immediately uses the soldiers to quickly shuttle towards the bright moon. After chasing the bright moon, he will be slashed. One of the basic attacks has a critical hit, and he almost missed it. Jiaoyue was scared to pee, not daring to continue to entangle with Yasuo, and retreated backwards with resignation.

Yasuo didn't hand over the ignition in the last wave, and a bad one might really be killed, she didn't dare to bet on this.

Yasuo dangled around the line, just didn't use skills to make up the knife, and controlled the soldiers to death. After recovering a little HP, Yasuo stepped forward to make up the knife. Yasuo was not happy, and went forward to fight with Jiaoyue When he got up, the bright moon was too hot, and he retreated after a wave with Yasuo.

Yasuo frequently fights with the E minions, making his own minions show signs of pushing forward. Seeing this, Yasuo slowed down the frequency of attacks, and he insisted on controlling the position of the pawn line.

As soon as the line of soldiers stabilized, Yasuo took the initiative to fight against Jiaoyue again, and from time to time, he would make a critical attack that made Jiaoyue very uncomfortable, but there was nothing he could do.

Haoyue has never met Yasuo who is so unreasonable and unforgiving, he is so cruel to the extreme, it seems that he is not afraid of wild poodles coming to catch him.

Several waves of duels crippled the bright moon, and he didn't dare to approach the pawn line. Yasuo's condition was not very good, with about half health, and his drift value was full after a few E's on the pawn line.

Haoyue hovered on the edge of the defense tower, and took two small steps forward. Her subtle movements aroused the vigilance of Yasuo, who pushed the line of troops a little forward.

At this moment, a golden exclamation mark suddenly appeared on Yasuo's forehead, and Yasuo moved a little to the bushes in the river below, and the bright moon followed slowly.

'Roar' the poodle jumped on Yasuo from nothingness, Yasuo turned around with a basic attack followed by a Q to poke the poodle, and then retreated, the poodle followed up and quickly played a set. The lasso was not released immediately.

Yasuo took two small steps forward, then turned around and passed through the body of the poodle, rushed towards the pawn line, and quickly shuttled through the pawn line.

At this time, Haoyue swung a round of crescent moon, hit Yasuo, calculated the damage, and then immediately flew towards Yasuo with a big attack. He squatted on his body with a general attack, trying to pull Yasuo over. At this time, Yasuo Suo went to the little soldier behind him for a moment, barely dodging the coming of the bright moon.

At this time, Yasuo is already left with blood, and the moon can be taken away by activating the second stage of the big move, rushing forward, and adding a general attack and ignition, but Yasuo has already accumulated the second stage of Q, and it seems to exist for two or three seconds up.

(End of this chapter)

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