The absolute pinnacle of League of Legends

Chapter 177 Korean Rookie King, Li Ruihao!

Chapter 177 Korean Rookie King, Li Ruihao!
South Korea, Seoul International Airport.

"Passengers heading to Bangkok, Thailand, please note: your first flight is now boarding. Please take your belongings, show your boarding pass, and board the plane from gate *. I wish you a pleasant journey, thank you!"

In the terminal hall, as a stewardess announced, the five SXM team members and their escorts took their luggage and walked to the designated boarding gate.

Before the boarding gate, the team members boarded the plane one after another, Park Yingjue turned around and looked in the direction of the entrance of the terminal hall, his eyes were full of complexity.

"Captain, it's your decision to go to Bangkok now, why, I'm starting to worry!" The team members who hadn't boarded the plane noticed his emotions and joked with a smile.

From last night until now, he still couldn't figure out why the captain changed his mind temporarily and made the decision to rush to Bangkok in advance, and it was still at such a juncture.

Ask the captain, and the captain doesn't say anything!
You know, in such an important period when Mr. Lu is preparing to win the "ten consecutive victories", if the captain leaves the country, if something happens to the captain, the captain will be the emperor of Shangao, and he will be powerless to support him. In this way, This ten-game winning streak will definitely be won by Mr. Lu.

What's the difference between this and giving in!
He didn't think that the captain was cowardly. There was no one in this world who could scare the captain, and there certainly wouldn't be one in the future, but why?

Just because of trust in that guy?

Probably not exactly!

"Oh, what can I worry about!" Pu Yingjue smiled lightly without explaining too much. After speaking, he stretched out his hands to tighten the backpack on his shoulders, and walked towards the boarding gate, "Let's go!"

"Boy, it's up to you from now on. I hope you don't disappoint the captain. We are waiting for your good news in Bangkok. Goodbye!" Inside the boarding gate.


That night, Ding Feng, who was wearing a thick coat, walked into a single box of the Unlimited Firepower Internet Cafe. After two or three hours of deep sleep, he was full of energy at this time, and his mental state had reached a certain peak.

He turned on the computer casually, put the drinks and betel nuts in his hand on the table, leaned lazily on the soft seat, and brushed his short hair bored.

The computer screen turned to the desktop, and he glanced at the time in the lower left corner. It was already 07:30, and there was still more than half an hour before the start time.

Come early!
Not knowing what to do, he opened the browser subconsciously, wanting to see some interesting e-sports news. As soon as he opened the browser, he thought about it and then closed it. He doesn't want to be disturbed by some comments now, even if it is Whether it is praise or praise, he needs a normal heart.

Reluctantly, he took out his mobile phone and flipped through the text messages. The text messages were full of conversations with her. The last text message was sent by her half an hour ago. There were only two short words:
"come on!"

He laughed and read all the conversations with her over and over again. Before he knew it, it was almost eight o'clock in the evening. He took a deep breath, turned off the phone and put it aside.

at the same time…

Beijing, China E-sports Association headquarters building.

In a large training room, the president of the e-sports association is giving an impassioned speech on the stage. A young man sits in front of each of the [-] ultra-high-end computers. These young people are staring at the president on the stage. , Seriously keep every word the president said in my heart.

In addition to these hundreds of young people, there are also many middle-aged and elderly people sitting in the auditorium behind. These people are all high-level Chinese leaders without exception.

The chairman on the stage seemed to have a lot to say, and he didn't mean to stop. Seeing that the time was getting closer to 5 o'clock in the evening, the female director looked at her watch. There were less than [-] minutes left, so the female director hesitated , and stepped forward to remind the president.

The president nodded, and the female director returned to her original position. The president laughed loudly to the audience: "Okay, that's all I'll say. Comrades, get ready and adjust the state as quickly as possible. Next These two tough battles are up to you, once the engineer reminds you, let me line up immediately."

After speaking, the president walked off the podium, came to the auditorium behind, greeted some leaders, found a seat and sat down, looking at the big screen in front of him.


South Korea, Seoul E-sports Academy.

Behind a forest stands a tall and magnificent building, which is not only rich in oriental cultural atmosphere, but also contains western style and color, and the eastern and western architectural cultures have been perfectly combined in this building. Fusion and expression.

And this building is the sacred place in the hearts of the students of the Seoul E-sports Academy. It is known as the "Holy Court of E-sports" and the "Golden Hall" of the e-sports world.

At this time, in the spacious e-sports academy, about two hundred students were sitting in front of the computer with their eyes slightly closed, as if they were waiting for a certain moment to begin.

Around the hall, many middle-aged and elderly people were talking with low laughter, and these people were either senior leaders of the e-sports academy or current senior officials in Seoul.

In the corner on the left side of the hall, a young student was being surrounded by high-level e-sports academy executives, asking for their health. If this scene happened to other students, they would be overwhelmed with excitement, but this student was flattered and indifferent. It's easy to chat with the senior management of the academy.

The identity of this student seems to be different from other students in the hall, and he is more valued by the senior leaders.

If there are players who often follow the Korean e-sports circle here, they will definitely recognize who this student is at the first time, because he is so famous.

He is the undisputed rookie king of Korea this year, Li Ruihao!

In this year's Rookie Cup held in South Korea, Li Ruihao is definitely the brightest star. Whether it is 1V1 or 5V5, the side with him has no defeat and completely beats the opponent. He is also the only one who won Newcomers rated out of 10 points.

Even Park Youngjue back then couldn't get such a high score!

Of course, this does not mean that Li Ruihao is better than Park Youngjue, but has more potential than Park Youngjue. The reason why Park Youngjue did not get full marks is because there are too many top kings in the same class as him. South Korea, which is currently the top ten in the world The four kings are also in the same class as Pu Yingjue.

Perhaps, Li Ruihao's potential will be slightly stronger!
There is a lot of news about Li Ruihao on the global network. It is said that his strength is comparable to the top ten Korean kings in the world. Some people say that his personal ability is not much weaker than Park Youngjue and Li Xiuzhi. Some say he is a nominee for the Korean national team...

Of course, these are all rumors on the Internet. There is no evidence to prove that there is too much water. So far, Li Ruihao has not joined any team, and there is no relevant news. He is rarely exposed to the public, and even knows his game ID. There are very few people.

Li Ruihao, he is very mysterious!

(End of this chapter)

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