Chapter 178
Li Ruihao is indeed very mysterious. Few people knew him before the start of the Rookie King Cup. After winning the Rookie King Cup, he was nowhere to be found. The media has no way of knowing his news, but judging from his recent actions, His mystery will soon be revealed.

Compared with the four kings of South Korea, Li Ruihao has a natural advantage, that is, he is younger, only this year, the age when he first entered university.

Compared with those rumors, his age is the most real data.

As the top student of the Seoul E-Sports Academy, Li Ruihao is free and rarely participates in campus activities, and the reason why he appears here at this time is self-evident.

That's right, he wants to stop Mr. Lu from China!
Perhaps it is not appropriate to say that blocking is not appropriate, because he also wants to win ten consecutive victories on this day, and to get ten consecutive victories before Mr. Lu. He wants to prove himself in front of the global audience, to prove that he is the brightest star in Korea It is by no means worse than Mr. Lu in China, and even stronger.

He is confident and even more arrogant!

The reason why he chose this day is because there will be more viewers on this day, and the reason why he appears here is because he wants to be reminded by the network engineer, and he will be in the queue as soon as possible. The reason why he waits for Mr. Lu is because he wants to be in Mr. Lu won the ten consecutive victories.

And he has reason to believe that the probability of him being ranked as Mr. Lu is higher than any player who wants to stop Mr. Lu, because he also won eight consecutive victories in the Asian region.

In the game's matching mechanism, the highest priority is to be matched with players who are closest or at the same level. For example, players who have won eight consecutive victories in a positioning match will be matched with players who have won eight consecutive victories in the same positioning. This is the first pick, the first pick If not, start matching the second pick.

The second pick of the eight-game winning streak is the king of the king group with between 180 and [-] victory points, and the victory points should not be too low, at least [-] victory points or more.

If the second pick is not established, then it will be extended to the third pick. The third pick will either have seven consecutive victories, or seven wins and one loss. If the third pick is not established within a certain period of time, then the third pick The fourth pick, that is, the king of the king group between [-] and [-] victory points.

And so on!

And the game matching takes three seconds at the fastest, as long as he is in the queue within these three seconds, the probability of getting Mr. Lu is not high, but inevitable.

Unless at the same time, there are more than nine kings with eight consecutive victories in the row.

But is it possible?
The answer is naturally no. There are not many players in the world who can win eight consecutive victories, let alone who would take such a big risk at this time!
Therefore, it is safe to be able to get Mr. Lu, all he has to do now is to get in as soon as possible after being reminded by the network engineer.

As for whether it is an opponent or a teammate after Mr. Lu, he didn't think too much about it. Whether it was a teammate or an opponent, he said that he could accept it.

If they are teammates in both games, then it is naturally the best. Ten consecutive victories are appropriate. The two countries won ten consecutive victories at the same time. This result may not be very satisfactory to Korean players, but it is better than letting China win ten consecutive victories.

Of course, if he could choose, he would choose:

In the ninth round, I was teammates with Mr. Lu, and won nine consecutive victories. Then, in the tenth game, I was against Mr. Lu, and there was a peak duel between newcomers from China and South Korea.

Just thinking about it made him so excited!
Recently, the teachers of the college have two biggest comments on Mr. Lu, one is "China's e-sports star of tomorrow", and the other is "Korea's future rival".

He fully admits the first evaluation, and has to admit that Mr. Lu is indeed called "the rising star of Chinese e-sports", but he is very dissatisfied with the evaluation of "South Korea's future rival", even if this rival refers to He is not too happy about his personal ability.

It was also because of this that he, who had never paid much attention to rookies from other countries, or even the main players of the top teams, couldn't help but make a move this time.

What makes him even more upset is that when he proposed to join the blocking team, the college teachers, analyst team, and senior management who had always praised him and trusted him hesitated, and even tried to dissuade him. As if he was no match for Mr. Lu.

This made him so angry that he almost smashed the computer!

In the end, he rejected the dissuasion of all the teachers and resolutely joined the blocking team. The college saw that he had made up his mind and knew that if he continued to persuade him, it would have a bad effect on him, so he let him go. And arranged him here.


In South Korea, there are many e-sports colleges that are also preparing for this blockade, and their performances are not worse than those of Seoul e-sports colleges, such as Busan e-sports colleges, Incheon e-sports colleges, Chuncheon e-sports colleges, and Ulsan e-sports colleges that were indifferent even yesterday. All major e-sports institutes in South Korea, such as Jingyuan, also participated.

Japan, Tokyo Esports Academy, Osaka Esports Academy...

Thailand, Bangkok E-sports Academy…

Singapore, Singapore Esports Academy…

India, New Delhi E-sports Academy…

Cambodia, Phnom Penh E-sports Academy…

In the whole of Asia, all the countries and major e-sports academies who are capable of organizing this blocking event also participated, and the degree of grandeur was even more astonishing than yesterday. Arrange such blocking activities in secret.

United States, Washington Esports Academy, New York Esports Academy, Los Angeles Esports Academy...

Canada, Ottawa Capital Esports Academy, Toronto Esports Academy, Vancouver Esports Academy...

Mexico, Mexico City Esports Academy, Leon Esports Academy...

UK, London Royal Esports Academy, Cambridge Esports Academy, Liverpool Esports Academy, Manchester Esports Academy…

France, Paris e-sports academy, Lyon e-sports academy, Marseille e-sports academy...

Italy, Rome e-sports academy, Milan e-sports academy, Venice e-sports academy...


Although there are many European and American countries participating in the attack, it is a pity that the momentum is too big and the rain is small. After all, it is more difficult for them to get accounts in Asia than Asian countries.

Under the gaze and expectation of the whole world, the time ticked to 59:1, and it was less than [-] minute before [-]:[-].

Ding Feng, who was sitting in a private room of the Unlimited Firepower Internet Cafe, slowly opened his eyes at this moment, and glanced at the time in the lower right corner of the screen. He took a deep breath, and the cold air entered his warm body. Then start manipulating the pointer and put it on the "single player" frame of the ranking.

Did not click on it immediately, he was waiting!
'Beijing time, twenty o'clock sharp! ', the moment the Internet cafe clock sounded, he decisively pressed the left mouse button to enter the ranking mode.


The moment he entered the queue, the major network engineers who were watching his game status intently shouted loudly.

In the next instant, tens of thousands of people lined up inside.

 Originally, I was going to ask for leave today, but I was afraid that asking for leave would take up the paid chapters and make everyone pay wrongly. I was afraid that the book friends who wrote the testimonials would not see it, so I came to a chapter after thinking about it. , I wrote two chapters while I was writing, I really convinced myself, hehe!
  I don't have the concept of saving manuscripts when I write novels. I send them to book friends as soon as I write them. So from the beginning of June to now, I haven't had a rest in the past two months. I originally planned to take a day off at the end of July. Finally No rest.

  Seeing that there are more and more book friends, I must pay enough attention to this book and spend most of my spare time on writing novels. Because of the limited time, some chapters are not handled perfectly. I want to spend more Time to sort it out.

  There are only these two chapters today, and I would like to say sorry to the book friends, and I will add them in a few days!

  Book friends, rest early, good night, good night!Book friends, rest early, good night, good night!
(End of this chapter)

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