Chapter 181
After learning about the lineups of the two sides, the Chinese audience no longer had any expectations for this game, but out of respect for Mr. Lu, they quickly put away their bad emotions. No matter what, the next two rounds They still decided to read it carefully.

Correspondingly, foreign audiences were greatly relieved.

Of course, there are also a few people who don't think that this is a game without any suspense, and even think that Mr. Lu's side's chances of winning are absolutely no worse than the enemy's.

The [-]-[-] split is the opinion of the few people on this round, and this is the most conservative ratio. If Mo Qingchen were to guess, it would be [-]-[-] split.

Blue square six, purple square four!
Disabled ended!

The blue team took the lead and chose first, and the Korean king on the first floor directly chose a top order in seconds.

Arms master, Jax!

In the current version, there are three most powerful top laners, and Weapon Master is one of them. To say who is the most against the sky, it is naturally the madman Mundo of Zaun.

Mundo’s strength goes without saying, W combined with Sun Flame has super high AOE damage, Q skill has short CD, high damage, and high deceleration. With the addition of attack power, the damage of general attack will not be much lower than that of ad.

The most defiant thing about Mondo is his ability to resist attacks. With the equipment in place, even if he is surrounded and beaten by five enemies.

According to the latest statistics, in most games with Mundo, the damage absorbed by Mundo must be the most in the entire team, even far exceeding the sum of the four teammates, and the funniest thing is that Mundo's output is the same Awesome, there are many games where Mundo's output is higher than the sum of the four teammates.

This is what Mondo is against the sky!

What an OP hero!
It is no exaggeration to say that on the side with Mundo in the ranking, the winning rate will increase by at least [-]%, and the later the delay, the higher the winning rate.

As for weapons and Raven, it can only be said to be [-]-[-]. Which one is stronger depends entirely on the player's strength, but most players think that Raven is stronger than weapons.

In this version, Raven's E skill has not been weakened, and the shield of E skill lasts for 2 seconds. In addition to the short CD of the skill, even if Raven's equipment is pure output, her hardness is not ordinary tanks What can be compared is not even worse than the most OP Mondo.

Raven's E skill enjoys an ad bonus. The higher the attack power, the thicker the shield propped up by E skill is, and the more damage it absorbs. She can steal a lot of life, and if the enemy's output is insufficient, Raven can kill without injury.

I don't know how many heroes with full blood were counter-killed while chasing and killing Canxue Ruiwen, and they were completely beaten without temper.

Before the speed of light QA was developed, the reason why Raven remained popular was because of her powerful E skill. After the speed of light QA was developed, Raven's horror suddenly rose several steps. Become a strong top laner comparable to Mundo.

Often after a wave of team battles, the damage output and absorbed by Raven will not be lower than that of other players in the team, not even lower than the most OP Mundo.

Compared with Ruiwen and Mundo, the weapons that are also one of the top three tyrants are much more ordinary. Whether it is explosive or anti-strike ability, weapons are not as good as these two under normal circumstances, but He also has his own natural advantages, that is, his ability is more comprehensive.

Although the pure output Raven is terrifying, he is also afraid of control and being killed by concentrated fire. No matter how fleshy Mundo is, no matter how strong the pursuit ability is, there is no good way for heroes who can penetrate walls, and weapons do not have these two major problems , after the meat outfit is released in the later stage, you may be able to start a group first.

The top three have their own advantages and disadvantages!
With such a terrifying trio, if any one of them gets up, the outcome is basically determined. Of course, this is under the condition that the teammates do not make too many mistakes.

In this year's S4 Global Finals, the SXM team's top single weapon killed one person under the pursuit of four enemies, and escaped to the extreme, which left a deep impression on the audience around the world. Now another Korean king sacrificed his weapon, Presumably the performance should not be too bad.

However, the Chinese audience was not happy at all. To them, it was the same as whether the weapon was available or not. Anyway, it was a hang-up, and whoever chose to hang-up was not a hang-up!

After the purple side 1 and 2L were selected, it was the turn of the blue side's 2L King of Taifu and 3L Mr. Lu. The global audience stared eagerly at the big screen. They were very curious. Under such circumstances, this world-renowned What choice will Mr. Lu, an e-sports genius, make?

Is it tenacious resistance?Or give up decisively?

The king of 2L Thai server directly chose the prince, and the summoner skills he brought are also regular flash and punishment. It can be seen that even if the king of Thai server wants to hang up, he will not leave a bad impression on the global audience at this point. impression, and therefore did not mess around.

But at this moment, no one will pay attention to him, and as soon as the prince is selected, Mr. Lu also locks on a hero, and then confirms it.

Glory to the executioner, Draven!

"It's not very good for Mr. Lu to choose Draven in this round. Isn't this telling everyone that his Draven is very good? What if he is pulled in the next round!"

"It may also be misleading. Since Mr. Lu already knows the information of both parties, there is no reason to reveal his hole cards when he must lose!"

"This should be!"

"Well, Mr. Lu won't be planning to hang up the phone. This is not good. Even if you want to lose, you have to play aggressively. We must not lose when we lose. What's more, not only domestic audiences but also countless foreign players are paying attention to him. Qian Don't hang up, just play two-on-five casually."

"... "

Staring at the big screen, the audience whispered.

As one of the few ADCs in LOL that can fly off the ground, Mr. Lu's choice of Draven would definitely make them very excited, but now they don't express much opinion on Draven, more I was guessing Mr. Lu's intention in choosing this hero.

Is it the hole card?Or is it misleading?

The audience had different opinions, but they couldn't figure it out at all. At this time, the selection of 3 and 4L on the purple side was completed, and it was the turn of the 4 and 5L on the blue side.

4L is the king of Japan, and 5L is the king of national clothing.

On the two black holes, 4L first locked on a hero, and when they saw this hero, the audience in front of Yaohua TV was stunned, and the Chinese audience couldn't help cursing aloud. This is simply blatant mockery. , it is unbearable.

This hero is exactly Timo!

(End of this chapter)

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