The absolute pinnacle of League of Legends

Chapter 182 There is a turning point?

Chapter 182 There is a turning point?

Teemo, also known as Timo, has always been the most well-known hero in League of Legends, but I am afraid that no one who plays LOL does not know Teemo.

Timo refers to Teemo's terrifying number of deaths, which is of a mocking nature, and this also explains Teemo's appearance rate and popularity from another aspect.

Teemo has his own global taunting skills, and he has endless means of insidiousness, such as passive invisibility, and a big move to grow mushrooms, which is annoying and annoying.

To what extent do you hate it?There is a classic saying that can explain this point, that is:
Teamfights can be lost, but Teemo must die!
Of course, if you often walk by the river, there is no way you don’t get your shoes wet. In many cases, Timo can’t do anything wrong, but instead gets smug. Either he is swallowed by the little fish’s big move when he is invisible, or he is noticed by others. At the place, gather a group of teammates to besiege and tease, and there is...

In short, where there is Teemo, there is always laughter.

Teemo is annoying, but cute, Teemo's short fluffy body and swaying steps are cute, definitely one of the cutest creatures in LOL.

As for whether players love or hate Teemo, it depends on personal preferences and different situations.

If it is in a general professional league, even if Teemo fails to play in the end, as long as a player locks on Teemo, it will definitely attract cheers and support from countless audiences. Although Teemo is not a hero with a very good reputation, he is not This cannot conceal the players' love for him.

But the Japanese king locked on Teemo knowing that there was Mr. Lu in the team, which made the unhappy Chinese audience bear it. Some short-tempered and impulsive boys almost smashed the mouse at this time.

But soon, Timo's avatar disappeared, replaced by Fengnv, and then selected.

The mood of the Chinese audience calmed down, but they had a very bad impression of this Japanese player. The Chinese Asian king who was watching this game had already written down this ID. If he had a chance to meet this person in the future, he would Definitely take good care of him.

Subsequently, the king of the national server of 5L selected the card.

The selection is over, and the countdown to the game begins!
Games start!
The game screen turned to the water spring. Kaka and Draven bought the equipment slowly, and then rushed to the middle and lower roads respectively, and came to stand at the bottom of the tower.

As the audience expected, the three on the blue side directly chose to hang up.

And this scene made the Chinese audience feel very sad for no reason. Their hearts were panicked, but they were helpless. Everyone's face was full of displeasure. , didn't even say anything more.

At this time, Ye Qingxue, who was also staring at the big screen, had a pretty face tense, she was in a daze and didn't say a word.

In the e-sports plaza of Qiyu University, the students present did not speak much, just staring at the big screen, occasionally whispering in a low voice.

After a while like this, a slight change suddenly appeared on the screen. The audience who were in a daze were startled and looked at the small map.

"Look, the weapon seems to be moving!"

"Really, I bought the weapon and went out, the commentator quickly changed the perspective, quickly turned..."

"You can't read it wrong, it really moved!"

"Why did the weapon move? What happened?"

"... "

On the small map, representing the water spring area of ​​the blue side, an arc suddenly moved slowly upwards. The moving avatar was not completely exposed, but some senior players quickly identified it from the small part of the color that was exposed. This is the avatar of the weapon master.

The purple head is the weapon master!
The director of Yaohua TV soon noticed this, and quickly locked the screen on the upward moving avatar. Sure enough, he was really a master of weapons.

This sudden change revived the originally extremely depressing atmosphere, and the Chinese audience who were in a daze seemed to come alive at this moment.

The two commentators who were in a waning mood were also brought back to their thoughts by the change of perspective. When they looked at the screen, they found that the weapon master was rushing up the road. Dolan sword and two bottles of red are very formal top laner outfits.

Is this weapon going to be used seriously?

How is this going?

The two looked at each other, and they both saw doubts in each other's eyes. The male commentator pondered for a while, and reached out to take the file from the small body.

"Do you think there is something wrong with the file?" Although Xiao Qiao didn't read the file carefully, the TV station's investigation data has always been accurate, so she didn't have too much doubt.

"No!" She shook her head with a smile without raising her right ear, Xiaoqiao couldn't help being driven by curiosity, she moved over to her with a smile on her right ear, and pushed the file between the two of them, pointing to the information on the file that represented the master of weapons, Said: "Look carefully at the profile of this Korean player."

After speaking, there was a little smile on the face of the right ear.

"Let me see!" Xiaoqiao was so curious that she pulled the file in front of her and began to read it carefully.

This scene also aroused the curiosity of all the viewers in front of the TV station. Before, the female commentator only introduced the origins of the players on both sides, and did not give a detailed introduction.

Is there still a turnaround?

The Chinese audience stared hopefully at the two commentators, eager to know what was going on, why did the Korean player suddenly become serious? !And even if the weapon doesn't hang up, it's three-on-five. Why can the right ear still laugh after reading the information?

Could it be that even the right ear of the professional commentator thinks that Mr. Lu can play three against five?Although the winning rate will be much higher, the overall chance of winning is still not great.

"Paralysis, this male commentator is so annoying. He knows that we are in such a hurry, but he still plays tricks. If he let me know where his house is, he must smash the windows of his house."

"Three against five, the chances of winning are not great!"

"Well, but at least one person can be guaranteed to go all the way. If Mr. Lu's Delevingne can stand up, I'm afraid two or three people will not be able to stop him. There are also weapons for the top lane. If they are well developed, one hit two is no problem, and there are cards in the middle. Card support at any time, maybe it is really possible to win!"

"Thinking too much, I'm not a fool, how could I get Draven to fight with weapons? Mr. Lu's bot lane is a one-on-two that is hard to fight, but once he is targeted by the jungler, he can't fight at all. No matter how you look at it, the odds of winning this game are not good. Not much, but based on my knowledge of the right ear, there may be other favorable factors."

"I guess, the Korean king on the purple side should hang up?"

"Well, it seems that only this explanation can make sense, but who in Korea has such a strong appeal that other kings are willing to hang up?"

"There seems to be one!"

"... "

The female commentator Xiaoqiao quickly raised her head, and the audience stopped talking, staring eagerly at the commentary platform, Xiaoqiao smiled and said: "First of all, I would like to apologize to the audience friends here, because my negligence has made everyone worry , In fact, this game is not as bad as we thought."

Hearing this, the emotions of the Chinese audience couldn't help but lift.

Ye Qingxue, who was a little depressed, also had bright eyes, and her hands were tightly twisted together.

(End of this chapter)

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