The absolute pinnacle of League of Legends

Chapter 193 Master Yi Appears

Chapter 193 Master Yi Appears

"No way, why did Mr. Lu beat a Juggernaut in seconds? If you are targeted, you can't fight. Even if you want to play a Juggernaut, you have to look at the opponent's lineup first!"

"Indeed, Juggernaut is a hero whose harvesting ability and pursuit ability are terrifying, but he is also afraid of control. If the opponent chooses a bunch of controls, Mr. Lu can't fight at all, and Mr. Lu is the absolute core of the team. Mr. Lu is targeted. , how should we play team battles? Are we going to lose!"

"Hey, it's not that Juggernaut can't play professionally, but it's really unwise to choose the first one, and now I can only hope that the opponent doesn't have so much control."

"Do you think it's possible!"

"I chose everything, let's not talk about those useless things. I believe that Mr. Lu must have other styles and routines in choosing the sword master. Don't you think Mr. Lu is trying to give up the ten-game winning streak to South Korea!"

"I don't know what other tricks the Juggernaut has, but I believe in Mr. Lu, maybe Mr. Lu can turn the Juggernaut into a terrifying hero!"

"... "

Most Chinese audiences are not very optimistic about Juggernaut's appearance, and as one audience said, Juggernaut's harvesting and chasing abilities are indeed terrifying, but he is also afraid of control. Once controlled, it is basically seconds, and Juggernaut is still A hero suitable for pure output.

However, since Mr. Lu has chosen it, it is obvious that no amount of words can change it. The Chinese audience turned to speculate on Juggernaut's strange routines and styles of play.

In their view, no matter what hero Mr. Lu chooses, there are reasons why Mr. Lu is unknown and unfathomable, and no matter what, at least Mr. Lu will not mess around with the crucial "ten victories in a row".

Mo Qingchen frowned at first when he saw Mr. Lu's sword master, but was soon replaced by interest. Although he didn't have much contact with Ding Feng, he watched him so many times. After the game, it seems that no matter what he chooses, he can achieve unexpected results.

Li Xiuzhi and Park Yingjue, who were also in Bangkok, Thailand, were also frowning at this time. They never believed that Mr. Lu would fight an uncertain battle, and they never dared to underestimate this terrible harvest hero who was active in the low-end game. For a long time, they still couldn't figure out why the 1L second Juggernaut was!

Isn't he afraid of being targeted?Isn't he afraid that the purple side will choose a bunch of controls to target him?Or is it that the hero Juggernaut has some unknown but scary skills?
The Juggernaut produces pure output, and even if the operation is against the sky, it is difficult to guarantee that it will not be seconds.

The half-meat combined with W is indeed able to resist, and it will not be dropped in seconds, but the output is not so scary. If the enemy's C position and control have more reaction time, it is very likely to be shown to death. The sword master is the most terrifying The problem is that he can't lock when he uses Q, and he can kill people directly under the damage of the explosion.

If half of the meat is produced, it is equivalent to taking the initiative to eliminate this terrifying deterrent!

With the knowledge and experience of the two of them, Juggernauts with normal outfits and routines were ruled out in an instant, and they quickly thought of the ap trick, but it seemed impossible. Although they didn't play Juggernauts very much, they also knew how Of all the skills, Juggernaut seems to have only one AP bonus skill.

That is, Q Alpha Raid, which has a high AP bonus, but it seems that a damage skill is not enough for the Juggernaut to achieve unlimited harvest, unless the teammates can suppress the enemy's blood volume to a very low level, that is, relying on teammates, in passers-by Relying on teammates is the biggest unstable factor.

After thinking for a while, neither of them had the reason for Mr. Lu to choose the Juggernaut in seconds, but it was the unknown that made them even more nervous, unprecedentedly nervous.

The South Korean side attached great importance to the 'ten-game winning streak' and never allowed any mistakes. After the two couldn't figure it out, they had to discuss it with their teammates.

After the selection of Mr. Lu, it is the turn of 1L and 2L of the purple side.

Li Ruihao frowned slightly. After seeing Mr. Lu choose Juggernaut in seconds, the pointer he had originally placed on Leopard Girl paused and did not press it for a long time.

Although Juggernaut rarely appears in high-end games and professional leagues, and he doesn't play much himself, he will not despise Juggernaut because of this. Even he thinks Juggernaut is a very terrible hero. Don't even think about making a comeback, but against the wind, Juggernaut can also lead the development.

Juggernaut is still a big late hero!

If you can't figure out Mr. Lu's routine, if you choose an uncontrolled Leopard girl rashly, once you are suppressed, it will really be dark.

In the case that the ultimate kill can refresh all skills infinitely, the Juggernaut will not be stingy to use the ultimate move to hit you. Such a crispy leopard girl can't last long. If you choose to fight back, the damage will be reduced by the Juggernaut's meditation , if the situation is not good, the Juggernaut can escape safely.

With the same equipment, Leopard Girl can't beat the Juggernaut at all, and she can't outrun the Juggernaut. After all, Leopard Girl is a consumable hero, and she is not very powerful in singles.

He also doesn't want to rely on his teammates to restrain Mr. Lu. Although the Juggernaut is afraid of control, he is also extremely flexible. These Asian kings may not be able to suppress him.

After thinking for a long time, he decisively abandoned Leopard Girl, and decisively chose the prince before the end of the selection time.

The prince has the flying control to restrain the Juggernaut, as well as the big move to change the terrain, which can limit the flexibility and harvesting ability of the Juggernaut to the greatest extent, which can be said to be the first choice to restrain the Juggernaut.

After choosing the prince, Li Ruihao immediately called up the browser to quickly check the detailed information of this version of Juggernaut. He hadn't paid attention to the hero Juggernaut for a long time, and he wasn't sure if his knowledge of Juggernaut was correct.

Only by knowing this and the other can we be invincible in a hundred battles!
After checking the information, Li Ruihao heaved a sigh of relief. The Juggernaut is still the same Juggernaut and has not been revised, which means that he is completely correct in choosing the prince. After thinking about it, he entered a paragraph in the team chat box: "Don't deliberately target the Juggernaut, play what you are good at!"

It is true that Mr. Lu is the absolute core of the blue team, but he must not ignore his teammates because of this. You must know that the kings ranked in the last round of the "Ten Wins in a Row" are all the top kings in Asia, even if he The strength of these people will never be underestimated.

Therefore, instead of everyone targeting Mr. Lu, it's better to play what he is good at. He really doesn't believe that the heroes his teammates are good at can't control any of them.

You don't need too much control against Juggernaut, two or three are enough!
After typing this sentence, he leaned on the soft seat, closed his eyes slightly, and carefully and repeatedly deduced the shocking killing situation against the Juggernaut in his mind.

Soon, the selection of the two sides will be completed!

Enter the game countdown!
Lineups for both sides:
For the blue side, top laner Shen, jungler Tanglang, mid laner Juggernaut, and the bottom lane combination is male spear and Thresh.

Purple side, the top laner, the wild prince, the mid laner card, the bottom lane *** and Qin Nu.

The global audience waited for a while, but found that neither side wanted to change heroes and positions, which means that Mr. Lu's Juggernaut turned out to be a mid laner.

(End of this chapter)

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