The absolute pinnacle of League of Legends

Chapter 194 The Unexpected AP Juggernaut

Chapter 194 The Unexpected AP Juggernaut
"No way, isn't the mid-lane Juggernaut the chopper team? It's even more difficult to fight. The purple side only needs to produce pure armor. It feels even more difficult to fight."

"Well, how do you play this? The purple side has a lot of control. The Juggernaut will be killed in a pure output team battle, and it's hard to harvest half of the meat. This lineup is very difficult to fight even if Mr. Lu is not deliberately targeted. The kitchen knife The team makes the armor income of the purple side increase infinitely, and the damage of other teammates will also be weak, so it is difficult to help the Juggernaut to achieve harvest."

"I originally thought that the mid laner of the Japanese Mantis was actually Mr. Lu. Although the mid laner of the Mantis is still the chopper team, it is much better than the mid laner of Juggernaut."

"Well, the double-harvest system is indeed difficult to be effective against high-armor enemies. I don't know what Mr. Lu thinks. This round is a deadly round."

"Mr. Lu probably doesn't want the double-harvest system, and I don't know what the Japanese player thinks. He chose a mantis. This is to compare the harvesting rhythm with Mr. Lu? I don't think so. It feels like he is here to make trouble. He is so good at it." Spider, why don't you choose the spider and choose the praying mantis, which is rarely played."

"This Japanese king is such a bastard!"

"It's useless to scold him. I think it's the best result if he doesn't hang up. I don't know what kind of weird idea Mr. Lu has. No matter how I think about it, I can't think of how much the Juggernaut has a chance of winning in such a situation. Hey, don’t think about it anymore, it’s useless to think about it any more, you’ll know it after reading it.”

"Well, why are you guys so disapproving of Juggernaut? I think Juggernaut is very fierce. In team battles, there are five kills and comebacks. I think Mr. Lu will win."

"Visual guess that you are bronze and silver!"

"... "

If it is said that Mr. Lu’s first selection of Juggernaut can still make the Chinese audience have illusions, but after knowing that the Juggernaut is the mid laner and the blue team is the chopper team, this illusion began to be on the verge of being shattered. The Chinese audience can't see the odds of winning this round at all.

After all, the opponent is not an ordinary king, but South Korea's well-deserved rookie king, South Korea's "undefeated king". Want to win from him.

If Mr. Lu hadn't created too many miracles and had many ideas that others couldn't figure out, the global audience at this time would definitely label this round as a "must lose".

Yes, the odds are really slim!
But is it really so?
A small number of viewers at home and abroad did not express their opinions, but they still believed in Mr. Lu and believed that he would create miracles that others did not expect.

For example, Mo Qingchen, Liu Qian, etc. Even the two top Korean kings who know Li Ruihao's strength are not in a hurry to make a conclusion. They want to see how Mr. Lu will deal with this inevitable situation. They are really curious about it. What is the master's plan to take the Juggernaut!
Ye Qingxue frowned when she heard the discussions around her that she was not optimistic, and even if she was optimistic, Ye Qingxue frowned. Based on her experience in the game, she really couldn't figure out where the odds of winning this game were, and she couldn't guess why Xiaofeng would choose Juggernaut, but this does not affect her trust in him.

Yes, she believed him!
No matter what others say or think, she is willing to believe him!
She knew that this trust was a little too blind, but she just believed in him. He believed that he could win a game that others thought would be lost.

With the discussion and curiosity of the global audience, the game finally started.

The game screen turned to Shuiquan, and the two sides quickly bought the equipment and went out together. The Japanese King Mantis on the blue side did not hang up, which made the Chinese audience heave a sigh of relief. There was less than a glimmer of hope of victory.

This one is a sight to behold!
With this in mind, audiences around the world became serious, and Mr. Lu's Juggernaut's go-out outfit immediately caught the attention of all audiences. It turned out to be Dolan Ring and two bottles of red.

Is this the rhythm of AP Yi? !
Some viewers couldn't believe it and kept their eyes open repeatedly, and found that it was really Dolan Ring and two bottles of red. Could it be that Juggernaut can also play AP?

"No way, Juggernaut has AP equipment? I remember that Juggernaut seems to only have AP damage and AP bonus for Q skills. It is incomparable with orthodox mages. What can you do with just a Q?"

"The Juggernaut's Alpha Strike damage is really high, and the AP bonus is also high, but you are right, it is difficult to achieve unlimited harvest with just a Q skill, and you have to rely on your teammates to deal damage. After seeing Mr. After many games, this is the first time that Mr. Lu has relied on his teammates."

"Hehe, it's too early to draw conclusions. If you can tell whether a hero is strong or not just by looking at the skills of a hero, what about the wine barrels before? Don't many people think that the wine barrels are not good? How can you see the wine barrels now? As hell, I think it is feasible for Master Yi to release an AP."

"That's right, theory belongs to theory, and practice is the most important thing. Since Mr. Lu dared to show Master Yi, there should be something scary that we don't know about."

"Yeah, it's better to play ap than ad, at least the purple side can't pile up armor without thinking."

"Master Yi's ap is pretty weird, and it should be possible. I don't know which of Master Yi's skills have AP bonuses. Let's check it out first."

"... "

Although audiences around the world are not optimistic about master ap Yi, they also know that the gap between theory and practice is sometimes as far away as dream and reality, so they are not in a hurry to draw conclusions, and as some audiences said, this round of Yi The master's AP is indeed better than AD.

Even if they don't know the feasibility of Master Yi!
For some viewers, the knowledge of Master Yi is still in the past. Seeing that the army line has not yet started, they took the opportunity to check Master Yi's skills on the Internet:
[Passive: Double Strike] Every time the Juggernaut uses 6 normal attacks, the 2th will cause [-] strikes.




[E: Promise Kendo]


Active: Yi doubles the attack power of the passive effect for a duration of 10 seconds.Passive effects are invalid when the skill is on cooldown.


Killing an enemy hero while in Highland Blood will refresh all of Yi's abilities (assists will also reduce base cooldown by 50%*).

"The skills of the Juggernaut don't seem to have changed!"

"Yeah, but I still can't see where the AP Juggernaut is so powerful. The damage of the only damage skill Q is not very high. Generally, the main point skills of mages have such damage and bonuses!"

"Well, if you can tell that the AP Juggernaut is not developed by you, we should not think so much at our level, just watch Mr. Lu playing."

"AP Juggernaut should produce Lich. Lich's passive has a 75% AP bonus, which can make up for the lack of Juggernaut's burst. I don't know if this is the case!"

"... "

(End of this chapter)

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