The absolute pinnacle of League of Legends

Chapter 202 Take 2 more heads, murder book!

Chapter 202 Take two more heads, murder book!

At this time, it has been a while since Juggernaut and Mantis took away Qin Nu and ***, the two should have gone back to the city, but the prince still dare not be careless.

And the scene where the prince rushed to the second half of the wild area made all the audience hold their breath, because the Juggernaut did not go back at this time, but was squatting in the grass of the blue BUFF, and there was no vision of the purple side in the grass, but the grass There is a fake eye inserted by the mantis before.

One light and one dark, the one who suffers must be the prince, and the prince who was the first to produce a large egg knife is not very fleshy, and his equipment is much worse than that of the Juggernaut, so it is impossible to beat him.

The hearts of the Korean audience were suspended at this moment, and some unbearable audience even raised their voices to remind the prince not to go there, even though they knew that the prince would not be able to hear it.

Under the watchful eyes of all the audience, the prince was walking towards the Juggernaut.

Juggernaut originally just wanted to take advantage of the gap in vision to squat down Lu Qinnv and *** to further expand his advantage. Qinnv without a big move can't stop him at all, and even if the prince comes to support him, it's useless , it only takes three seconds at most for him to kill these two in seconds.

But he didn't expect that before Qin Nu and *** appeared, the prince came first instead, and at this time the card had a few seconds to revive, so it could be killed.

The prince had just arrived behind the blue buff, and inserted an eye into the blue buff grass at the extreme distance, and the moment the prince inserted the eye, a green figure rushed out from the front with a group of noble swords on the hilt. The purple light is the special effect of the passive curse blade of Bane of the Lich.

The prince's pupils shrank suddenly, and the moment he saw the Juggernaut, he decisively walked towards the second tower in the middle, and did not immediately use EQ Erlian to escape, because he had already fallen into the range of the Juggernaut's Q skill, and the prince did not use EQ Erlian , the Juggernaut will naturally not open Q immediately.

Quickly approaching the prince, he slashed quickly and lightly, the purple light entered the prince's body from the blade, and a quarter of the prince's blood volume disappeared instantly.

The high-speed displacement gave full play to the attack speed. The short-legged prince was still unable to escape the pursuit of the Juggernaut, and was slashed by the Juggernaut one after another. After nearly two seconds, the curse blade was cooled down, and the Juggernaut activated the E skill activation spell Blade, another curse blade attack, the prince lost half of his blood.

At this time, the prince has entered the range of the second tower in the middle road. The Juggernaut is still chasing after him and is locked by the defensive tower. At the same time, the revived card opens the Eye of God.

A deck of playing cards appeared next to the prince out of thin air, and quickly played a circle.

Once the location of the card was confirmed, the Juggernaut not only didn't panic, but smiled a little more. After landing from the jump, the Juggernaut could completely take out the prince with a Q and a spellblade general attack, but the card's The arrival made the Juggernaut's movements pause, and Q didn't make a move immediately.

Until the card with a yellow card actually appeared, the Juggernaut no longer hesitated, and locked the prince with a Q, and the card close to the prince was naturally scratched, and the full blood was almost half red in an instant, followed by the sword The saint appeared, and easily took away the prince with a basic attack of the curse blade.

It takes an instant for the Juggernaut to kill with a big move, and this moment is enough for the card to drop the yellow card on the Juggernaut. This is the card's intention.

However, the time it takes for the card to throw a yellow card is actually longer than the time it takes for the Juggernaut to reset the skill. The Juggernaut can completely hit the card at the moment the card throws the yellow card and temporarily avoid the attack of the defense tower. Although it is impossible to avoid the dizziness of the yellow card, at least it can take less damage.

But Juggernaut didn't do that, and was stunned by the card.

When the Juggernaut killed the prince, his blood volume was less than half. Even though the damage of the defensive tower increased with the number of attacks, the level of the Juggernaut was a bit high. Too low, the damage is not enough to kill the Juggernaut directly.

As the Juggernaut expected, the damage from cards and defense towers during the stun time could not kill him, leaving a layer of blood skin, and he was about to be killed by the attack of the defense tower. The awakened Juggernaut directly stood Meditate in place, and rise powerfully and quickly under the attack of the defense tower.

Such terrifying blood recovery and anti-strike ability once again aroused the exclamation of the audience. The audience knew that Juggernaut's W has a bonus of up to 200% ability power, but knowing it is one thing. It's another matter, and this is the case when the law power is not high in the early stage.

If the spell power reaches 300, wouldn't it be full of blood every minute?Coupled with the [-] double resistance of the full level W, as long as they are not controlled, ten people cannot be killed.

At the end of the meditation, the Juggernaut was not full of blood. Ding Feng instinctively wanted to tease this card, but when he thought of so many audiences watching, he gave up.

A Q followed by a curseblade general attack, the card that finally recovered some blood after drinking the red medicine was killed on the spot, and the Juggernaut returned to the city after collecting a wave of lines.

"Well, AP Juggernaut is too lazy!"

"It's so shocking. I was worried that the Juggernaut's damage wasn't enough, but now I think I'm overthinking it. The four skills of the Juggernaut can activate the passive of the Lich. The curse damage every 1 seconds, anyone I can't hold it anymore, as the spell power increases, the damage of the curse will also increase."

"Hey, this is a sure win. Give Mr. Lu such a big advantage, and no one can come back. Basically, you can take one with you when you go out again."

"That's right, Qin Nu, Card Card and *** can hang up now. They don't even dare to stay under the tower, and they play with wool. What's the difference between going out and giving away a head? No one can escape if caught by the Juggernaut. I feel that Mr. Lu's skills can really be tried for a five-for-one now."

"Yes, but it's better to be steady!"

"... "

The Juggernaut returned to the water spring, the red hat jumped into the equipment column first, and he still had more than 1000 yuan on him. Ding Feng thought about it for a while. He originally wanted to make the next one out of Central Asia, but now the situation is so smooth that the enemy can't kill him at all. To not kill him, after thinking about it, I decided to make a murder book first.

Yaohua TV is focusing on the Juggernaut of Shuiquan at this time. The white book that appeared after the hat made the audience feel a little overwhelmed, thinking that they were dazzled, and those who hoped that Mr. After the loss of consciousness, he burst into applause.

"Okay, okay, that's right, Nima has such a big advantage and still doesn't publish a murder book, let players from other countries think about us, don't be cowardly, just do it!"

"This is the rhythm to kill the whole audience!"

"Well, there are liches, hats and magic shoes in less than 10 minutes, the damage is enough, no matter how high the damage is, it is redundant, it is better to use the hat and do a big fight, Mr. Lu, I support you, fuck him to death. "

"Hey, the three crispy skins of ***, Qin Nu and Kaka are completely the springboard for the Juggernaut to harvest. When you are in a group, as long as you catch one, it will be the rhythm of the harvest. If I don't want them to go out now, play a group Terrified, I play games just for fun."

"... "

(End of this chapter)

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