The absolute pinnacle of League of Legends

Chapter 203 Ruthless pursuit, 5 kills!

Chapter 203 Ruthless pursuit, five kills!

The Juggernaut went out slowly and entered the upper half of the jungle to fight blue buffs. At this time, the jungler Mantis and the bottom lane combination of policewoman and Thresh were fighting Xiaolong. On the Internet, it seemed that the phone had been hung up, and the entire Summoner's Canyon seemed extremely calm.

Juggernaut frowned. He didn't think that Zi Fang would hang up like this, so he took the time to look at Zi Fang's blue BUFF, and found that the previous fake eye was gone. Some, I hope to go to support them sooner.

The moment the Juggernaut took away the blue BUFF, a red spinning thread suddenly appeared in the Xiaolong Pit, which was the teleportation of the Wandering Mage.

Seeing this, the Juggernaut hurried down!
At the same time, the four figures aggressively charged towards the purple square blue buff, startling the three who were burying their heads in beating the little dragon, unable to react for a moment.

As soon as the four from the purple side arrived, Qin Nu decisively used a large-scale and long-distance big move to keep the policewoman and Thresh, and then the policewoman was stunned by the yellow card of the card. Spike.

Knowing that this wave could not be fought, the mantis was going to fly away over the wall after punishing the dragon, but it was a step too late. Fly, after a general attack, he jumped up suddenly, and his big move was severely blocked.

The development of both of them is not bad, and the damage caused by wandering is also extremely high. The blood volume of the mantis dropped straight down, and it reached the bottom in an instant. Immediately after Wandering, a Q shot hit the ground and died tragically on the spot.

The policewoman was also killed the moment after Mantis died. Shen covered Thresh, who had only a trace of blood, and retreated to the middle. After the yellow card cools down, as long as you keep Thresh, you can cooperate with your teammates to complete the kill.

Seeing this, the prince quickly signaled his teammates to retreat, and the red-eyed teammates finally came to their senses, unwillingly gave up the pursuit, and returned along the same route.

Unfortunately, it was too late to retreat at this time!
A burst of agile and dense whistling sounds came from the front, like a magic sound hitting the hearts of everyone in the purple square. The three squishies who retreated were a little unstable, and the prince and the wanderer didn't care anymore. The three retreated in despair, running as fast as they could.

Before the three crispy skins could disperse, they were overtaken by the Juggernaut. The Juggernaut's Q locked the card, and even the *** and Qin Nu in front were also scratched. The terrifying damage instantly reduced the blood volume of the three of them. Most of the time, a general attack with a curse blade took away the cards and reset all skills.

Keep chasing!

The next moment, there was another light Q, Qin Nu and *** exploded and died on the spot, the skills were reset again, and they continued to catch up with the wandering and the prince.

The Juggernaut killed too cleanly and swiftly, and it took about three seconds before and after. Although the prince and the wanderer retreated as soon as they saw the Juggernaut, they didn't run very far, and they escaped side by side. , once caught up by the Juggernaut, the two cannot escape.

"Chase, don't let them get away!"

"Five kills! Five kills! Five kills..."

"Hurry up, hurry up, Nima, run faster, five kills, five kills!"

"Nimma, I'll kill five times and kill five times!"

"... "

At this moment, all the audience except South Korea were shouting hysterically and crazily, their voices were hoarse and they had no intention of stopping. Some audiences were even crazy to the point of gibberish.

At this moment, Ye Qingxue has almost hoarse her voice, she has lost all her ladylike demeanor, and now she just wants to cheer for her sweetheart.

No one noticed Ye Qingxue's anomaly, because the students around her were all staring at the Juggernaut, crazily shouting five kills, five kills.

But the Juggernaut did not disappoint the audience who were looking forward to the pentakill, and quickly caught up with the prince and the wanderer. Alpha Strike appeared in front of the wanderer, and the cursed general attack instantly exploded nearly half of the wanderer's HP, and the wanderer turned around and played a set of QWE After that, he ran down to the second tower without looking back.

The imprisonment disappeared, and the Juggernaut immediately chased after him, but was picked up by the prince's EQ second company, and after a passive heavy blow, he also ran down the second tower.

This scene made the Chinese audience couldn't help scolding their mothers!

The control of the two has been handed over, even the Tower Jumping Juggernaut is completely worthwhile, continue to use the big move to catch up with the wanderer, and use a curse general attack to attack the wanderer, seeing that the blood volume of the sword master is low, the wanderer will no longer run , stood and bombarded the Juggernaut, and the half-blooded prince was also helping.

The Lich was passively refreshed, and the Juggernaut with only a trace of blood began to meditate on the spot. Under the attack of two people and one tower, the blood volume of the Juggernaut was rising at a terrifying speed.

Seeing the curse blade activated by the Juggernaut's meditation, the wandering secret passage is not good, so he immediately ran for the road. Seeing this, the Juggernaut canceled the meditation immediately, caught up with the wanderer, and added a few basic attacks after the spell blade general attack. All the skills of the saint were refreshed again, and he continued to chase the prince.

Even if he lost, the prince didn't want the Juggernaut to get the pentakill, so when the Juggernaut chased and killed the wanderer, he ran in the opposite direction without looking back. After the Juggernaut killed the wanderer, the prince ran away, but The Juggernaut did not give up, and rushed towards the prince decisively and swiftly.

The two started a game of hide and seek in the wild!
Thresh had inserted a false eye in the grass of the river long ago, allowing the Juggernaut to determine the general whereabouts of the prince, but after a short while, the Juggernaut inserted a false eye into the grass under the river, and what he saw was The stalwart figure of Prince EQ Erlian fiercely piercing through the wall.

At the moment of eye insertion, everyone will fall into a momentary blind spot, even the top gods. The prince also took advantage of this, because he believed that the sword master could not be in the moment of eye insertion. Able to react and disconnect Q decisively to keep up.

Li Ruihao has reason to believe that if he can't do it, even if Mr. Lu's reaction is faster than his own, he will definitely not be able to keep up, because he is also a human being.

However, this time Li Ruihao was about to miscalculate. The moment the Juggernaut inserted his eyes, Q had already made a move. Almost in no particular order, he followed him to appear beside the grass next to the Purple Tower. With the acceleration of his ultimate move, the prince knew how to run If he couldn't drop it, he stood up and started masturbating with the Juggernaut.

The damage done by the Juggernaut was not enough to kill the prince in seconds. The prince took a lot of time, but from the beginning to the end, the prince didn't even activate a single skill, or even move a single step.

Obviously, the prince has given up on running away!

As the Juggernaut slashed down with a curse blade general attack, the prince crashed to the ground, and immediately an impassioned girl resounded throughout the Summoner Canyon.

Five kills!

 Five kills, I have the world!
  Juggernaut takes pentakill, everyone is satisfied!
  If you have any good opinions, please find me in the group and tell me, I am a very open-minded person, willing to listen to everyone's opinions, take the essence and discard the dross!

  The third watch is over, book friends, go to bed early, good night, good night!
(End of this chapter)

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