The absolute pinnacle of League of Legends

Chapter 207 2014, Year of the Juggernaut

Chapter 207 2014, Year of the Juggernaut

In just one hour after Mr. Lu won the 'ten consecutive victories', Juggernaut reached the top of the global rankings such as appearance rate and ban rate with an unstoppable trend, and with extremely terrifying speed and data Refreshed various world records and became the holder of various records of the League of Legends.

Until many years later, League of Legends was replaced by another new game model, and the data of Juggernaut was still unsurpassed, or even far inferior.

The Juggernaut craze lasted for more than two months, until entering the S5 season, the fist company reworked the Juggernaut.

Before reworking the Juggernaut, the official announced the reworked Juggernaut's image, skills and attributes to major servers around the world in advance. Threatening fist for not playing League of Legends.

The degree of madness of the players is beyond Fist's expectations!

Riot Games has never thought that it would face such a huge pressure to redo and revise a hero, but for the purpose of balancing competitive games, with the support of governments around the world, Riot Games resolutely withstood the pressure from players around the world, Juggernaut has been reworked.

In order to appease the dissatisfaction of audiences around the world, Riot made an exception and made an unprecedented decision, and this decision has also won the support of the audience.

Although the audience is still dissatisfied, they also know that the existence of AP Juggernaut has broken the balance of the entire game. No matter what the reason is, Juggernaut will be redone and revised, and no one can stop it.

Since it couldn't be changed, out of their love for the Juggernaut and their nostalgia for a generation of pinnacle kings, the audience accepted the fist's decision second best.

This decision is to establish 2014 as the "Year of the Promise Sword Master"!
Also known as 'The Year of the Juggernaut'!
Therefore, Juggernaut became the first hero linked to the year in the history of League of Legends, and the only one, and there will be no more in the future.

And the day when the Juggernaut really rose, that is, the day when Mr. Lu won the world's first "ten consecutive victories", it is also known as the "Wuji Juggernaut Day".

The Juggernaut has reached the pinnacle of League of Legends history, and as the protagonist who pushed the Juggernaut to the pinnacle, Mr. Lu will naturally be included in the annals of history.

In the era when the League of Legends dominated the world, whenever players mentioned the hero Wuji Juggernaut, they would always think of the video that has always been at the top of the list of clicks and comments on the League of Legends general forum, that is, Wuji Juggernaut The scene where Crazy Chongquan took Pentakill.

Naturally, the ID of Mr. Lu will also come to mind.

At first, when Ding Feng heard the phrase 'Year of the Promise Sword Master', he thought of a similar and impressive phrase in his mind.

It's 'The Year of Stephen Chow'!
That is, 1992 in the previous life!
In 1992, Stephen Chow accounted for seven of Hong Kong's top ten blockbuster films of the year, and the top five were all taken by Stephen Chow. Stephen Chow also completely occupied the entire Hong Kong market for the third consecutive year. Official" won the Best Actor Award at the Asia Pacific Film Festival.

No one can break this record so far, and it is impossible for anyone to do it.

Therefore, 1992 was called "The Year of Zhou Xingchi" by the film industry!
Stephen Chow is also known as the 'King of Comedy'.

Zhou Xingchi's seven works this year, each of which has a box office figure of more than 2000 million, and "The Judge", which broke the box office record, is as high as more than 5000 million.

Also in 1992, starring Tony Leung and directed by Du Qifeng, the film "Kick to Treasure" had a box office of only 18 yuan, almost breaking the record for the lowest box office in Hong Kong film history.

Although this has nothing to do with Stephen Chow, it can reflect the box office level of "The Year of Stephen Chow".

Why do you want to compare Tony Leung?Because Tony Leung is the actor who has won the most actor awards in China, and he is the number one actor in China.



Staring at the two big characters on the computer screen, Ding Feng smiled slightly, clicked to continue the game, then leaned on the soft sofa and closed his eyes slightly.

In fact, speaking of AP Juggernaut, he can save it for later critical moments, such as the S-series global finals, Olympic finals, etc. With AP Juggernaut, he can at least lead the team to win one more game. Man can block his ap juggernaut.

However, he also considered that during this period of time, due to his repeated innovations and developments, the world is entering a stage of development fever. Many team members and analyst teams are secretly developing new heroes and styles of play, and have achieved A surprising result.

Even if it can't be compared with what he developed!

And because of this, he felt a sense of crisis, knowing that if he didn't need to produce an AP Juggernaut, other teams would soon be able to discover it, and then this 'patent' would become someone else's, and it was really possible that the hero A great mark in the history of the league.

This is not what he wants to see!
In addition, since it was the world's first 'ten-game winning streak', he felt that he had to play more brutally, so that the global audience watching this positioning match could witness the birth of a terrifying hero, and by the way, also hurt the confidence of the Korean rookie king. It would be best to let him down.

Although with Li Ruihao's character, it is unlikely that he will be devastated, but as long as there is a little influence, it is enough.

This is psychological warfare!

At this time, he was not interested in caring about the impact of this round on Li Ruihao, so he squinted comfortably for a while, and then a notification sound brought him back from his thoughts.

This news came from Yaohua TV station.

Before starting the Asian positioning competition, Ding Feng discussed the price issue with Yaohua TV, and finally Yaohua TV offered him three prices:
First, if the results are mediocre, that is, less than nine consecutive victories, Yaohua TV will give him 100 million yuan for the recording fee.

Regarding the first point, Yaohua TV did not think too much about it, because they believed that with the strength of Mr. Lu, the result would at least not be less than nine consecutive victories.

Even a ten-game winning streak isn't out of the question.

Second, if it is a nine-game winning streak, the recording fee will increase to 500 million.

This nine-game winning streak does not mean that it is enough to win nine out of ten games, but to win nine games in a row, and you cannot lose in the middle game. If you want to win nine games in a row, that is, if you lose the first game, you must win all the next nine games. , winning the first nine games, then losing the last game also meets the conditions.

The third is naturally ten consecutive victories.

And if he wins ten consecutive victories, Yaohua TV will give him two choices:

Option 5, [-]% of the total income of Yaohua TV members, valid for one year.

Option 10, [-]% of Yaohua TV's new membership income, valid for one year as well.

He can choose one of the two options unconditionally, and he has already made a decision on how to choose, which is 5% of the total membership income of Yaohua TV.

He didn't even hesitate much!

(End of this chapter)

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