The absolute pinnacle of League of Legends

Chapter 208 You look good in anything

Chapter 208 You look good in anything
The reason for Ding Feng's choice is very simple. Yaohua TV's popularity in China is already extremely high, and the number of members is faintly saturated, and there are similar TV stations abroad. Naturally, he will not apply for membership of Yaohua TV because of this, after all, It's not every day that Mister races.

Therefore, new members from abroad can be ignored.

It is almost impossible for him alone to double the membership of Yaohua TV. Since it is impossible, it is obviously more profitable to choose one.

And even if there was such a possibility, the official Yaohua TV station would not announce it to him, which was the main reason why he made the choice without hesitation.

However, he still underestimated the importance that Yaohua TV station attached to him. The contact person actually told him that he could announce the total number of members of the TV station to him at any time within three days.

And three days was exactly the time limit he chose.

The number of members of Yaohua TV is considered a big commercial secret, but now he wants to disclose it to him to maximize his profits. Although he doesn't quite understand why Yaohua TV did this, he didn't reject Yaohua TV's good intentions, so he Decided to observe before making a decision.

Chatted with the contact person of Yaohua TV for a while, and then he didn't stay any longer, checked out, got off the plane, opened the door of the box, and walked downstairs slowly.

"Fuck, my Juggernaut has been robbed again, why are they faster than me!"

"Damn it, I was robbed too, and I have to wait for another 10 minutes. Damn, why don't you let me play the rhythm of Juggernaut tonight!"

"It can only be said that you have too many heroes. If you want to choose a Juggernaut, you have to scroll down. How can you win a few heroes? Look at me, click on the match and directly click on a certain position to get the Juggernaut."

"Your sister, where is your sword master!"

"Uh, shit, this was also robbed, this person must be one of the few heroes."

"Hey, if I knew it earlier, I wouldn't buy so many heroes, and I wouldn't use them if I bought them. If it's over, how can I compete with others for the sword master in the future? Please change the version of the fist."

"Haha, I got the Juggernaut, come envy me!"

"... "

Along the way, Ding Feng found that there were many more people in the Internet cafe than usual, and there was a lot of noise, not to mention that there were no empty seats, and there were still many people waiting on the sidelines, and what they all said and shouted were related to the "jugger master". Juggernaut, a low-end hero, seems to have become a trend.

He smiled lightly, not surprised.

Standing outside the door of the Internet cafe, the cold evening wind blows against his body, making him shiver all over, and he quickly got used to it.

The slightly dark street was full of people and cars, and it was very lively. The moonlight above the head had a cold taste, which made people carelessly appreciate it.

He took out his mobile phone from his trouser pocket, and dialed her according to the long list of numbers in his memory.


"...Xiaofeng is really talented. How did his head grow? Even an AP Juggernaut with only one output skill was developed by him."

"Yeah, the damage of AP Juggernaut is indeed a bit exaggerated, and killing can reset all skills. I can't wait to go back and play a Juggernaut."

"Qingxue, why don't you speak?"

"Uh, I'm listening to you guys, keep going, if he knows you're praising him, he'll be very happy!"

"How would he know that we praised him? No..."

"Go, go, don't guess, I'm too lazy to tell him how you praised him, but he knows it without me telling him, there are many people who praise him."

"Hey, Xiaoxin, Qingxue of our family is getting married, are you ready for the red envelope?"

"Don't ask me, where is your red envelope!"

"The red envelope is so simple. If Qingxue gets married, please tell me in advance. I can eat less, and it will definitely be no problem to make up 1000 yuan."

"Don't make trouble, don't think that I don't know that you have gotten very close to Liu Ming recently, and you are tired of being together all day, and you are ashamed to say that Xiaofeng and I are the same."

"Go, I'm dating Liu Ming, so you and Xiaofeng are too?"

"you guess!"

"... "

Outside the e-sports square of Qiyu University, under the blurred lights, there were hurried figures. Three beautiful figures in the crowd walked slowly with the wind, joking and laughing constantly.

After a period of adaptation, Ye Qingxue at this time is no longer as shy when it comes to love as she was at the beginning. Although she can't be calm and calm, she can face it calmly.

She even wished that Liu Xiaohua would talk about her and him every day.

While chatting with them, she paid attention to the movement of the mobile phone in her trouser pocket, wishing that there was some movement on the mobile phone countless times, even if it was a text message.

Calculating the time, he has probably left the Internet cafe by now.

She was thinking about it in her heart, and the phone rang at this moment as she wished.

Liu Xiaohua and Li Xiaoxin looked at each other and smiled, and after confirming that it was Xiaofeng calling, they made fun of her, and then they stepped into the gate of the dormitory building side by side.

After a brief conversation, she happily walked towards the school gate.

At the gate of Qiyu University, with his hands in his trouser pockets, he looked in the direction where she might appear, and when he saw her appear, he smiled and walked up quickly.

As soon as the two met, he sized her up casually and said with a slight smile, "Why aren't you wearing a skirt today?"

It was a little unexpected that he would ask this in the first sentence, and she also took a look at her clothes, and said with a smile: "Uh, doesn't it look good in this way?"

"You look good, you look good in anything you wear." He sneered.

"Spoof!" She scolded him angrily, pouted, but her heart was extremely sweet.

"Let's find a place to eat first, I'm starving." He smiled, and led her towards the outside of the school gate, "Where do you want to eat? You can choose the place."

"I don't care, you can go to Xiangyi people's house if you don't want to!" She smiled casually, it doesn't matter what she eats, but he has been working hard recently, he should eat more nutritious food, And the food of Xiangyi family can be regarded as the first choice.

Of course, the reason why she proposed to go to Xiangyi people's house was not only for his consideration, but also because she liked the atmosphere there, which was quiet, romantic and warm.

And it's close to the school!
The cold evening wind suddenly became stronger, and it seemed to be getting stronger and stronger. It was cold on her body, and she instinctively tightened her coat.

"Then go to Xiangyi people's house." He smiled and nodded without thinking too much. It is really a great pleasure to eat some hot pot in this cold weather, and he also likes the atmosphere there. Even if she doesn't say it, there is a choice He would still choose Xiangyi's family when it was difficult, and the reason was similar to hers.

Sensing the change in the wind, he moved closer to her.

The howling evening wind raged in the air, and there were significantly fewer people and vehicles on the street than last night, and the two figures walked side by side, gradually getting together.

The following content does not account for the number of texts and is free of charge:

I asked for leave yesterday, but it seems that I didn’t write it in the form of the latest chapter, and I can’t treat it as a paid chapter to cheat everyone’s subscription. I’m here to say sorry for the uninformed book friends!

I would like to recommend a million-word urban novel "Extreme God Ring". Due to various reasons, the grades were not satisfactory, so I did not write any more. I planned to finish "The Ultimate God Ring" after finishing this book. After all, it would be a pity if such a good book was not finished.

"The Ultimate God Ring" tells the story of a high school student who accidentally obtained a ring from outer space, called the Nalan Ring, which has powerful manufacturing functions. Through the decomposition and synthesis of elements, all the outer space in the ring can be manufactured For technological products, the low-key and cautious protagonist looks for product agents across the country in order to keep the secret of the ring, while he hides behind the scenes and controls everything.

I believe that those who like this book will definitely like "The Ultimate God Ring", book lovers who are in a book shortage may wish to read it!

S4 is almost over here, and the exciting S5 will follow. There are still some small details to be dealt with in the next few days, for example, accepting Ye Qingxue.

Hey, everyone understands!
(End of this chapter)

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