The absolute pinnacle of League of Legends

Chapter 214 Liu Xiaohua's Blessing

Chapter 214 Liu Xiaohua's Blessing
He bent down slightly, stretched out his hand and carefully brushed her slightly messy hair behind her ears, stared at her pretty and peaceful face affectionately at close range, kissed her forehead, then stood up, took the bed and folded it The neat quilt shook vigorously a few times and covered her body.

He took one last look at her, picked up her coat and walked to the window, opened the closed window, a gust of cold wind hit his face, and he shivered all over.

The cold wind blows into the room, the air in the room is purified, and it no longer looks so dull.

After blowing the wind by the window for a while, he stretched himself and pulled the window down, leaving only a gap for the outside air to get in.

He casually hung her coat on the hanging rail beside him, and then he began to rummage through the box to find the quilt.

To his surprise, the whole room was searched, not to mention the quilt, there was not even a quilt, so he had no choice but to give up, and had no intention of asking the manor attendant to bring the quilt over.

"What time is it?" He touched his trouser pocket, but he didn't find the phone, so he opened the door and went to the hall, picked up the phone on the table and looked, it was already past nine o'clock.

The night is not very deep yet!

Cover the cake and put it in the refrigerator, then take her and her things and go back to the room.

At this time, she had turned over on the bed, holding the quilt tightly with her hands, her sleeping position was not elegant, he glanced casually, and after making sure that her body was not exposed, he gave up the idea of ​​pulling the quilt for her, and casually Putting things on the table, he came to lie down on the sofa.

He had been busy just now, and Qingxue's confession was too crazy. Now that he calmed down, he clearly realized something that made him excited:
Qingxue is already her own woman!

Thinking of this, he smiled foolishly, feeling excited like never before, if it wasn't for the fear of disturbing her rest, he would immediately jump up from the sofa in excitement, shouting 'nice' hysterically, maybe He will also do some actions that even he himself is unbelievable.

From this day on, he could finally be with her justifiably.

His excited heart could not calm down for a long time, and he didn't want to calm down, so he grinned wildly on the sofa.

After some time, he finally calmed down.

After thinking about it, he stood up on the sofa, went to the side, picked up his mobile phone, and sent a text message to Li Xiaoxin:
Xiaoxin, Qingxue has already fallen asleep, and I won't be going back tonight!
After the text message was sent, he thought about it for a while, and in case a phone call in the middle of the night disturbed her rest, he turned off her mobile phone.

As soon as she turned off her mobile phone, a pleasant ringtone rang, which was so piercing in this silent room, it really startled him, so he quickly stretched out his hand to suppress the sound hole, and walked quickly to the window, The window is widened, and the whole head is stretched out of the window, trembling by the wind.

After connecting the phone, a strange yet familiar female voice came from the phone: "Xiaofeng, why did Qingxue spend the night with you outside, you are already together, right?"

He was startled, this was not Li Xiaoxin's voice, it seemed to be Liu Xiaohua's, but the call was indeed made from Li Xiaoxin's number.

"Uh, well, I confessed my love to her, and she agreed to be with me." He smiled smugly, and there was nothing to hide about it.

As her roommates, they would know sooner or later.

What's more, he wished that everyone in the world would know that Qingxue was her girlfriend!

"Oh, congratulations!" Liu Xiaohua giggled, the result was the same as her and Xiaoxin's guess, the two really came together on Qingxue's birthday.

After Liu Xiaohua said her congratulations, she turned to smile badly and said, "Xiaofeng, you wouldn't be with Qingxue, would you? Otherwise, it's only nine o'clock, how could Qingxue fall asleep?"

It's no wonder she thinks so, this is a great Christmas Eve, and when the relationship is just confirmed, the two should be together sweetly and spend a romantic and beautiful happy time, but Qingxue went to bed early Yes, this is indeed mind-boggling.

Anyone would think like Liu Xiaohua!
At this moment, Liu Xiaohua completed such a script with the theme of "Qingxue went to bed early":
The reason why Qingxue went to bed so early must be that she was so moved by Xiaofeng's affectionate confession, and then the two of them didn't stop the car for a while, and the shameful crazy thing happened, because the two were too crazy, and then Qingxue Xue was so exhausted that she went to bed so early.

It must be so!

Liu Xiaohua thought excitedly.

Sitting next to her, Li Xiaoxin was taken aback by her unrestrained questioning, and couldn't help but secretly scolded this guy in his heart, who dared to say anything without restraint.

However, she thought so too.

With strong curiosity, Li Xiaoxin moved closer, wanting to know what the answer was, or how Xiao Feng would answer such a question.

"No, you are overthinking Xiaohua, nothing happened to me and Qingxue, we are innocent." He laughed and said, he turned his head to look at her on the bed with some guilt.

She didn't move, she was sleeping soundly!
"Innocence?" Liu Xiaohua curled her lips. She didn't believe her words, and then asked persistently: "It's not that Xiaoxin and I don't believe you. Your words are not convincing at all. Qingxue likes you so much. How could it be possible to fall asleep when the time comes, then tell me why Qingxue fell asleep so early."

How did you pull yourself up!Li Xiaoxin smiled helplessly.

"Well, let me just put it this way, after I confirmed the relationship with Qingxue, she fell asleep in my arms, so you should understand?" He just gave a rough idea, and it's not convenient for him to detail the details Said, it's better to wait for Qingxue to wake up before letting her deal with it.

"Qingxue is too messy, she is not afraid of your messing around." Liu Xiaohua sighed helplessly, Qingxue obviously gave herself to Xiaofeng completely.

Although the two have established a relationship, Qingxue is not an ordinary girl after all. No matter what the reason is, Qingxue will definitely not accept that she handed herself over to her boyfriend on the first day. Of course, it's not that she doesn't trust Xiaofeng, but Qingxue is indeed too perfect.

Also as a woman, even she would be overwhelmed by Qingxue's charm, let alone a man.

"Am I the kind of person who messes around!" He smiled helplessly.

"Who knows, since Qingxue chooses to be with you, I also sincerely wish you both, but you have to promise me that Qingxue will never be wronged in any way, this is no problem!" Liu Xiaohua said solemnly, in her eyes Come on, if Qingxue suffers a little grievance, it is the whole world's fault.

"I will!" He replied very seriously, as a man, let alone others can't let his woman be wronged, neither can he.

"Uh, I believe you!" Liu Xiaohua smiled slightly, chatted with him a few more words, and then handed the phone back to Xiaoxin who couldn't wait beside her.

(End of this chapter)

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