The absolute pinnacle of League of Legends

Chapter 215 Her Another Roommate, Hu Jialing

Chapter 215 Her Another Roommate, Hu Jialing

Li Xiaoxin took the mobile phone and smiled gently at the mobile phone: "Xiaofeng, I didn't see it. You are quite upbeat. You got our Qingxue so quickly. I won't say anything else. I’m also here to sincerely wish you both, and it’s best to be together forever.”

"Hehe, thank you for the study committee member's blessing. Speaking of which, it is thanks to you that I can meet Qingxue. If you need my help in the future, just tell me. If you can do it, you will never refuse." He joked sincerely , for Li Xiaoxin, he is full of gratitude.

In fact, if he hadn't met Qingxue, Li Xiaoxin would definitely have become his first object of pursuit. There were many reasons, the most important being her character.

In the past, he and Li Xiaoxin were not familiar with each other, or it would be an exaggeration to say that they had no intersection at all, but he still knew her quite well. He knew that she was a beautiful, generous and informal girl, and she was also very responsible. Can make people feel safe.

She doesn't discriminate against anyone and treats everyone well.

As a study committee member, whether it is a student who is not good at study or a boy who is troublesome, as long as you ask her a question, she will patiently and seriously answer it.

In life, when classmates and friends have difficulties, she will help if she can. Even if she can't help, as long as there is a need, she will find a way and ask teachers and schools for help, such as launching support in the class, Apply to schools for fundraising and the like.

It is precisely because of her beauty and kindness that she has won the praise and admiration of almost all male and female students throughout high school, and there are countless admirers.

Among them, of course he is also included!
In many respects, Li Xiaoxin and Ye Qingxue are similar, perhaps this is the main reason why she and Qingxue cherish each other, after all, they are the same kind of people.

It's a pity that he met Ye Qingxue, and he couldn't hold anyone else in his heart.

"Oh, do you mean that if I don't introduce Qingxue to you, you won't help me!" Li Xiaoxin smiled casually.

"Why, you misunderstood. I mean, I have the ability now, and I can provide you with more help, as long as you need it, no matter when." He smiled slightly, feeling extremely relaxed, There is no tension at all, which is her charm.

"Uh heh, that's what you said, I'll come to you if I need it." Li Xiaoxin nodded with a smile, and then asked, "Xiaofeng, when are you coming back?"

"Tomorrow, go back tomorrow."

"Well, Qingxue will be taken care of by you."

"I will. By the way, Xiaoxin, there are only three people in your dormitory. I remember that your Qiyu University should have a four-person dormitory, right?"

"Yeah, there were originally four people in our dormitory. Another girl left school after a month to play games. You should know who she is."

"Uh, I know that too? Is she famous?"

"Yeah, you know the No. [-] women's team in China. She is one of the main players of this team. How about it? After talking so much, do you know who it is?"

"Hu Jialing?"

"That's right, it's Hu Jialing. Jialing has a very good relationship with the three of us. In the past, when Jialing was here, she often ate with Qingxue. She has the best relationship with Qingxue. If she knows that Qingxue has Boyfriend, maybe he will also send you sincere blessings overnight."

"Well, have you notified her?"

"Xiaohua notified, Jialing should call you soon."

"Uh, it seems that there is a call."

"Ugh, Jia Ling's movements are really fast, then you can pick it up, I'll hang up first, bye!"


Li Xiaoxin hung up the phone, he took down the phone and looked, it was an unfamiliar number, it should be Hu Jialing, yes, he took a deep breath, and connected the phone.

"Hey, are you Qingxue's boyfriend?" A clear and pleasant female voice came from the phone, with joy and joy in her voice, she was quite polite to him, Qingxue's boyfriend who had never met before.

"Hello, I am!" He chuckled, it seemed that Xiaohua did not tell her his information, and then asked, "You are Hu Jialing, right?"

"Yes, Qingxue and I are very good sisters. I heard that you and Qingxue have just confirmed your relationship. Then Qingxue should be by your side now. Why did she turn off the phone?"

"I'm so sorry, Qingxue has already fallen asleep." After saying this, he began to worry that Hu Jialing was thinking wildly again, so he quickly thought about how to answer her later.

"Already asleep? It's not ten o'clock yet. Today is Christmas Eve. Qingxue just fell asleep like this?" Hu Jialing's words were full of surprise, although she didn't have time to think too much, But this wonderful Christmas Eve is a beautiful moment for couples to have a deep affection. How can Qingxue fall asleep, no matter how you think about it, it's not right!

Afraid that she would think too much and ask him the question of 'is it with her', he quickly changed the subject and said, "Since you are Qingxue's good sister, then I will call you Jia Ling!"

"Of course, by the way, what's your name?"

"Ding Feng!"

"Ding Feng? The peak of the mountain?"


"Well, I've made a note. Next time I go back to school to find Qingxue to catch up on the old days, you will come out then, and we will have a meal together. I'm curious now. The boy Qingxue likes must have something special. By the way, which school are you from, Qiyu or Jiangling Technology?"

"Jiangling Technology!"

"I heard that Mr. Lu is a student of your Jiangling Science and Technology, he seems to be a freshman, should be right?"

It was such a question again, and he didn't know how to answer it, so he responded, "Yes, I am also a freshman."

"Have you seen Mr. Lu?"

"I've seen it!"

"Is there a photo of Mr. Lu? The photos on the Internet are too far away and not clear enough to see clearly."

"You seem to be very curious about Mr. Lu?"

"That's for sure, who wouldn't be curious about a character like Mr. Lu?"

"Well, I have a photo of Mr. Lu, do you want to send it to you?"



"Then don't worry, it's not too late to send after the phone call. Since Qingxue has chosen you, you have to treat her well. She is a girl who is particularly easy to get hurt, especially emotionally."

"Don't worry, I will!"

"That's good. Since Qingxue has already fallen asleep, I'll call her again tomorrow. Okay, I'm going to play a training game now. We will talk again when I have a chance. Don't forget to send me the photo of Mr. Lu , this is the capital for me to show off to my sisters, you know, you should go to bed early too!"


After finishing speaking, Hu Jialing hung up the phone first, and he smiled slightly. He felt extremely gratified for her to have such three good sisters who cared so much for her.

After closing the window until there was only a gap left, he went to the bed and carefully covered her with the quilt, then returned to the sofa to lie down, took off his coat to cover his body, and sent his own photo to Hu Jialing's mobile phone.

The temperature in the room was a bit low and cold, and he was huddled together, shivering uncontrollably.

After thinking about it, he turned off his mobile phone and put it aside.

Although the radiation of mobile phones is not large, it will affect the quality of sleep to some extent. Sometimes such a small impact will make people have a bad day.

With his eyes slightly closed, he gradually fell asleep while shivering.

Silent all night!
(End of this chapter)

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