The absolute pinnacle of League of Legends

Chapter 218 'LOL Week', give her a foreign aid

Chapter 218 'LOL Week', give her a foreign aid

After eating for a while, the hunger subsided, she took a sip of soup to clear her stomach, looked at him and said, "Xiaofeng, next week is our Qiyu University's 'LOL week', I want to invite you as a foreign aid, follow me Participate in our school's competition together, I wonder if it's convenient for you?"

"What's wrong with me, as long as you need me, I'll be there for you!" He shook his head funny and asked, "How much is your school's prize pool?"

"General universities seem to be 10 yuan, No. 1 is 2, No. 3 is [-], and No. [-] is [-]." She smiled sweetly: "Is your school different?"

"It's different, you're talking about your undergraduate college, okay, our junior college doesn't have that much funding, and the prize pool is only 6 yuan, No. 1 is 2, No. 3 is [-], and No. [-] is [-]. He shook his head and smiled, he was surprised by such a high prize pool in undergraduate colleges.

6 yuan is indeed a small amount for the LOL game in this life, but if compared with the previous life, it is absolutely unimaginably high.

From this point, it is not difficult to see that the terrifying development of e-sports in this world has far surpassed that of the previous life. Even a small competition school is willing to allocate more than 6 yuan, and even the top foreign universities are willing to spend [-] US dollars. , and even higher.

As for those top professional leagues, even he would be tongue-tied for those with high prize pools.

The 'LOL week' is not a fixed date, and different schools have different times, but basically there will be a 'LOL week' in each semester.

When it comes to 'LOL week', the whole school is closed.

The competition system and schedule of the "LOL Week" competition in major universities across the country are similar, probably like this:

On Monday, each class in the same major will compete to select the two teams with the strongest majors.

On Tuesday, there was a confrontation between various majors in the same department, and the two strongest teams in the department were also selected.

The above competitions are generally the same as the sea elections. The BO3 competition system is adopted, which is the so-called best of three games, and the loser will be eliminated directly.

And from Wednesday to Friday, it is the peak duel between the strongest teams of each department. The BO3 points competition system is adopted, and the top three with the highest accumulated points can get the corresponding bonus issued by the school.

And the reason why she wants him to participate so eagerly is not only because she wants to play games with him, but also because she wants to win ranking rewards. With this money, she can buy him whatever she wants. She doesn't need to spend his money all the time, which makes her feel more at ease.

She didn't feel anything about eating him, after all, she wanted to eat with him, so she couldn't let him eat in those low-grade small restaurants, cafeterias and other places, although it didn't matter where she ate, but she felt that such places The grade is not enough, and it is completely inconsistent with his identity.

That's fine with the food, sometimes she wants to buy him some decent clothes, small gifts, etc., but she can't come up with too much money.

She has sent all the 100 million he gave home. Although there is still a lot left, my mother loves her daughter and wants to give her more money to improve her life, but she refuses. She knows how much foreign debt the family owes. In general, the remaining money except for the operation fee is not enough to pay off the debt.

Therefore, whether you can have some of your own money depends on this time. Although this time it depends entirely on his ability, it is better than asking him for money.

She saw a high-quality jacket on the Internet, and simulated how he would look after wearing it in her mind. She thought it was very suitable and suitable for the current cold winter season. If she can get the prize money for the next "LOL Week" champion , she will buy this coat and give it to him.

And this jacket has a discounted price of more than 2000 yuan.

"Ugh, I thought every school was the same!"

"Qingxue, what rank are you in now?"

"I just got Platinum some time ago."

"So powerful? Can your rank rank in the top five in your class?"

"It's amazing. Compared with you, I'm a scumbag. I can't even rank in the top ten in our class. There is also a diamond five in our class. It's been more than two months and I haven't made the fourth grade."

"Can you play even if you don't rank in the top ten?"

"Under normal circumstances, of course not, but I'm different, and Xiaoxin is the monitor of our class. In the class, she insists on everything. I even asked her for a foreign aid spot. She knew it was you, so she agreed. You have to be careful." Don't let Xiaoxin and Xiaohua down."

"Will I lose if I play?"

"Of course not, I believe you."

"By the way, can the students in your class rest assured? They don't know that the foreign aid you hired is Mr. Lu, so they are not afraid that I will affect your department's ranking in the whole school?"

"Of course there are people who object, especially the female students. Xiaoxin didn't explain it to them, and she was under a lot of pressure. In addition, besides the first place in academic performance, our class is the weakest in other aspects of the major, including LOL , so it’s the same for whoever plays.”

"Is there a diamond five or the worst in the major? Then your school's LOL level is quite high!"

"Otherwise, in Nanling City, apart from Fuhua Economics and Trade, our Qiyu is the strongest, but now that Jiangling Technology has you, Jiangling Technology is the strongest."

"If you take the first place, how will the bonus be divided?"

"I don't know, but each player should have [-]. After all, it's not a professional league. If you win it, you'll have to give the club a lot of money. We don't need sponsorship or anything."

"... "

While the two were talking and laughing, the food on the table was almost wiped out. He smiled and rubbed his stomach. Eating with a hungry stomach tasted delicious, and he was almost full.

"I'm full. Shall I go back now?" In front of him, she had no scruples, and touched her stomach indecently. The gentle look seemed to have a child in her stomach, and he stared straight at him.

"Go back, or your two roommates will be worried to death. They thought I did something shameful to you last night. Who made you go to bed so early on Christmas Eve." He looked at her funny , with a wicked smile, he also felt deeply helpless about what happened last night.

Everything prepared for her last night was not carried out after she fell asleep.

Hearing his words, she blushed, spat at him angrily, and scolded with a smile: "Who told you to make the atmosphere like that, otherwise how could I fall asleep."

"Yes yes yes, my fault!" He smiled and nodded repeatedly.

The two chatted for a while, and then he got up and stretched, and went back to the room to bring out his and her things and put them in the same big bag.

Looking at the gift box with a big apple on the table, he thought for a while, since Christmas Eve has passed, there is no need to release this big apple, so he reached out to pick it up, glanced at it casually, and was about to put it in the big apple. In the bag, but was snatched by her who came over.

"Mine!" She laughed, opened the gift box, took out the big red apple, held it in her hand, and played with it fondly.

He shook his head amusedly, and didn't care about her. After some busy work, he made sure that everything had been put away, so he put his arms around her shoulders and walked out the door.

After paying the bill at the front desk, the two walked out of the manor side by side.

In the howling cold wind, the two figures gradually moved closer together.

(End of this chapter)

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