The absolute pinnacle of League of Legends

Chapter 219 The Different Ye Qingxue

Chapter 219 The Different Ye Qingxue

Outside the gate of Qiyu University, two beautiful figures stood in the cold wind laughing and chatting, their eyes looked at the ends of the streets on both sides, as if they were looking forward to something.

These two people are Li Xiaoxin and Liu Xiaohua.

After receiving a call from Qingxue just now, the two rushed here to wait without stopping, wanting to witness what the man and woman who had just established a relationship look like.

Far away, at the end of the street on the left, the two saw Ye Qingxue and Ding Feng. At this moment, the two of them were close together, her hands were holding his arms, it was so sweet, her hair was in the air Flying in the cold wind, but she didn't notice it, her smiling eyes were always looking at him.

At this moment, Ye Qingxue seemed to have some beautiful things in her temperament, which was obviously different from usual, with the attitude of a little girl surrounded by happiness.

She who is usually shy, walked with him on the crowded street, but she was still generous and decent, not shy at all, which surprised the two of them.

"Xiaoxin, should we go there now?"

"Are you afraid of disturbing them?"


"Then wait for them to come over!"

"It seems that nothing happened to them last night, otherwise Qingxue would definitely not be able to get out of bed now."

"Xiaohua, your thoughts are really... nasty, how can you think about Qingxue so much, when Qingxue comes over later, don't mention this kind of thing, don't even ask."

"Got it, my big sister!"

The two of them paused as they were about to go up, and after smiling at each other, they gave up the idea of ​​going up, stood in place and waited patiently, watching the two walk up step by step.

The increasingly noisy voices of people and cars around them stopped the conversation between the two of them. She felt the strange eyes shot from every corner of the street. She felt embarrassed instinctively, but she didn't let go of his hand. To the two roommates here, she let go of him and walked up quickly.

"Qingxue, you didn't really fall asleep last night, did you?" As soon as the three of them met, Liu Xiaohua pulled her in front of her and asked inconceivably.

Until now, Liu Xiaohua still couldn't figure out why Qingxue was able to go to bed early on the night when she just confirmed her relationship with her sweetheart.

Qingxue is not like a nervous girl, on the contrary she is very considerate, but even so, she still fell asleep, why is that?

For this reason, she went to Baidu to check the information, and got different opinions, but it probably meant the same thing, either because she was too tired, or because she was too intoxicated...

In short, it is a person who has been immersed in one extreme state for too long, and one day suddenly realizes it, gets incomparable satisfaction, then indulges in another extreme state and cannot extricate himself, and then falls asleep naturally. This state is said to be difficult to disturb.

There is a saying that is so good that I fainted with happiness!
This sentence only applies to women. Men, as the main bearers of social responsibilities, must take on the responsibility of dealing with funeral affairs. How can they sleep casually!

Perhaps, Qingxue fell asleep in such a state.

"Why lie to you, I would have come back last night if I hadn't fallen asleep." When she mentioned this, she smiled embarrassedly, but didn't think about anything else.

After she finished speaking, she was afraid that Xiaohua would continue to ask some embarrassing topics, so she asked back with a smile, "I heard from Xiaofeng that you called after nine o'clock last night. Didn't Captain Liu Ming ask you for a date?"

"An appointment. He left early because he had something to do. I don't know what happened." Liu Xiaohua smiled helplessly. Liu Ming left in a hurry last night, and he left before she had time to ask what happened, but Judging from his face, it was not a good thing.

"Oh, you haven't called him yet?"

"No, if it's all right, he should call me as soon as possible."

"... "

Ding Feng walked over slowly, and Li Xiaoxin looked at him with a gentle smile and said, "Xiaofeng, you really deserved to take down our family Qingxue so quickly."

"Uh, thanks to you." He smiled embarrassedly, it was the first time that the two were in a relationship, and he didn't know how to respond to such a 'congratulation'.

"Uh huh, even without my introduction, you, Mr. Lu, will be noticed by Qingxue sooner or later, and we will still be together." She shook her head amusedly, seeing him laughing again, knowing that he was stupid, she smiled at Qingxue: " Qingxue, you should have had breakfast, Xiaohua and I are going to go shopping, do you want to come together?"

"Okay!" Qingxue giggled, and turned to him and said, "Xiaofeng, I'll walk with Xiaoxin and Xiaohua first, and I'll call you later."

"Well, then be careful." He smiled gently, and after she nodded with a smile and greeted them, he walked slowly towards the side entrance of the school.

She watched him walk away until he disappeared.

"Don't look, everyone has gone away." Liu Xiaohua smiled angrily and said, "Why don't we just fall in love, there is no such idiot and fool as you."

She blushed and said angrily, "I want you to take care of it!"

Watching the two play, Li Xiaoxin smiled lightly and said, "Qingxue, Xiaofeng agreed to be our foreign aid?"

"Needless to say, as long as our family Qingxue speaks, let alone being a foreign aid, Xiaofeng will not hesitate to kneel and rub the floor." Liu Xiaohua joked first.

"Go, you're the only one who will make trouble." She gave Liu Xiaohua an angry look, nodded and smiled at Xiaoxin, "Xiaofeng, he agreed, this time the champion must be ours."

"Well, there is Xiaofeng coming out, and the champion is guaranteed. Then you should treat us to a big meal. I have planned the place for dinner in advance." Liu Xiaohua continued to interject, full of confidence in Ding Feng's strength, He had already made enough afterthoughts to win the championship.

"That's for sure. Tell me what you want at that time, and I'll pay for it." Qingxue said with a proud smile.

"Is it okay to buy anything?" Liu Xiaohua Xiyi asked. Recently, she fell in love with a cosmetic and a dress, but she was too tight to part with it. If Qingxue could help, she would not be polite. , just owe Qingxue a favor, and I will pay it back when I have a chance.

"Well, of course!" She agreed without even thinking about it. Xiaohua and Xiaoxin's family background is also average, and the things they buy are not too expensive. The champion's prize money should be able to afford it, and then she smirked and said: "Xiaohua, you and Liu Ming are tired of being together all day, and he didn't buy anything for you?"

"He said he would buy me something, but I didn't want it. Am I very noble?" Liu Xiaohua raised her chin slightly, looking very proud.

She blinked mischievously, and said innocently: "What is Qinggao? Can it be eaten?"

"Damn Qingxue, I'm going to pick you up."

"Ah... hee hee, don't make trouble."

"... "

"You two, stop making trouble, let's go." Li Xiaoxin smiled and held back the playful two, and walked to the opposite side first, Qingxue and Xiaohua followed Xiaoxin talking and laughing.

(End of this chapter)

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