The absolute pinnacle of League of Legends

Chapter 220 Foreign Aid, King of the National Service?

Chapter 220 Foreign Aid, King of the National Service?
Today's Qiyu University is very lively inside and outside, people are everywhere, basically all the students in the school have appeared outside, even the top students will no longer stay in the dormitory at this moment.

On the opposite side, students from Jiangling Technology also rushed towards Qiyu University, and every student had a positive expression of excitement and expectation on their faces.

Ding Feng was among the crowd.

From a distance, he saw Ye Qingxue standing in front of Qiyu University, and also noticed that there were many boys around her secretly watching her, but they didn't dare to come over to strike up a conversation.

Today, she was extremely excited, as soon as she saw him, she quickly walked up to him.

The boys who were paying attention to her were heartbroken when they saw this, their faces were full of bitterness, with bad emotions such as envy, jealousy and hatred. The boys picked up their mobile phones and began to secretly take pictures of the two of them, intending to send the photos of her and her boyfriend party to On the Internet, who is this boy who makes those technical party human flesh.

The two met, and after a few simple jokes, they walked towards the campus side by side, passed through the turbulent crowd, and soon appeared in the e-sports plaza.

Under her leadership, the two passed through several corners, and from a distance, they saw Xiaoxin, Xiaohua and other female students standing outside a certain large room in front.

Seeing Qingxue walking towards this side with a boy, the boys and girls beside Xiaoxin stopped talking and looked over one after another, their eyes locked on the boy walking side by side with Qingxue.

From the eyes of the boys, one can clearly feel some hostility.

Female classmate A was the first to speak, and said with a grin: "Xiaoxin, this boy is a foreign aid invited by Qingxue. Although he is not very handsome, he does have a good temperament. Tired of being together, I don’t know if this is true or not?”

It was said that the boys were even more hostile.

"He's a little handsome, but he's far from Captain Liu Ming. How could Qingxue be with such a boy?" Female classmate B shook her head in confusion.

"Well, it's really nothing special." The female classmate C was also shaking her head.

"What does this have to do with us? I'm more concerned about his strength." The female classmate Ding didn't have any expression on her face. Naturally, she didn't pay enough attention to it. She started to complain, "Xiaoxin, what kind of strength is this boy? If not, we will lose face."

"No problem." Listening to the discussion of the female students, Li Xiaoxin smiled lightly, and did not explain too much, but thought in his heart: I don't know what these female students will look like after they know that this boy is Mr. Lu Expression, stunned?regret?ashamed...

Liu Xiaohua on the side just smiled secretly, but didn't say a word.

When the two came close, he could clearly feel the boy's hostility and the girl's scrutiny. There was a hint of disdain in it, but he didn't care. It's not surprising, even if the situation is different.

"Qingxue, Xiaofeng, good morning!" Li Xiaoxin greeted the two with a smile, and the two responded with a smile, which made the boys around them even more jealous.

That's all for Qingxue, they knew that the chances were slim, but even Xiao Xin, the beautiful squad leader, was so kind to this boy, as if the boys had been treated unfairly, it was strange that they looked at him with friendly eyes, but there were a few Except for boys, they just looked at him curiously.

"Go ahead, the competition is about to start!" Xiaoxin didn't say much, and then led a group of students to the large computer room.

The computer room has a large space, with about [-] high-configuration large-screen computers and several large compartments, but the aisles are still spacious.

A group of people came to a large cubicle, Li Xiaoxin clapped his hands together, and attracted the eyes of the boys and girls who were chatting and laughing in the cubicle, and the eyes of the boys and girls naturally fell on the strange girl next to Qingxue. The boys have different expressions, and hostility is indispensable.

Seeing that the students had noticed him, Xiaoxin pointed to him and introduced: "This is the foreign aid Qingxue invited, his name is Ding Feng, and he will represent our class. Let's get to know him first."

"Hi everyone, my name is Ding Feng." He smiled politely and nodded generously.

Qingxue was 100% satisfied with his performance, and then took him to the corner to sit down. She sat in the innermost corner, and the boys in her class were on his right.

"The first match we are going to face is Class 10 of E-Commerce. There are still about [-] minutes before the match. You can discuss it first." Li Xiaoxin looked at the electronic watch hanging on the wall, then waved his hand, "Okay, let's go out and leave it to them."

After speaking, she took Xiaohua to the outside, and all the boys and girls left the cubicle one after another.

In the compartment, fell into a brief silence!

"Hi Ding Feng, I have the same surname as you, Ding Haoran, and I am ranked Platinum II." The boy next to him leaned over and extended his hand to him kindly.

He smiled and stretched out his hand to shake Ding Haoran, and said casually: "Hi Haoran, the king of our country."

The reason why he took the initiative to report his rank was just so that no matter what position he took in the future, they would not say anything, so that he could play more easily.

"King?" Ding Haoran was startled, and the two boys sitting on the other side also turned their faces and looked over, their faces were full of surprise. Only then did they know why Li Xiaoxin, the class leader of the beauty class, let him join in so reassuringly, no wonder Qingxue will specially invite him to the class team.

What does the King of National Service represent?Invincible!

Yes, it is invincible!

Among the seven colleges and universities in Nanling City, there is not a single king player, and Huan Yuan, the captain of the strongest Fuhua Economic and Trade School Team, is only one.

If this Ding Feng is really the king, then based on the overall level of the class, not to mention entering the strongest major, even representing the department is not impossible.

However, the possibility of entering the top three is still very small. As far as we know, the most competitive team in the school has at least three diamonds, and they often practice together. With their temporary team, even if there is a king It is also difficult to easily squeeze into the top three.

"Ding Feng, which school are you from?" Feng Qiang couldn't help asking, the hostility in his eyes had disappeared, and he really regarded him as a teammate.

Ding Haoran and another boy were also looking at him curiously.

"The school opposite!" He smiled casually, picked up the Atama drink from the table and twisted it away, took a sip into his mouth, and then put it down.

Opposite, of course, refers to Jiangling Technology!

"Jiangling Technology seems to have only Mr. Lu as the king!" Feng Qiang thought for a while, and then said uncertainly, "Are you Mr. Lu?"

At this moment, the staff came over and said to everyone present: "The third class has already built a room. The name of the room is the third class of e-commerce, and the password is one to six. You can go in now."

(End of this chapter)

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