The absolute pinnacle of League of Legends

Chapter 221 Qingxue's Admirers

Chapter 221 Qingxue's Admirers
"Okay!" Several people responded, seeing that Ding Feng was busy, Feng Qiang frowned, so he had no choice but to give up the idea of ​​asking, and quickly logged in to the game.

"I prepared an account for you, use mine!" Seeing that he seemed to be using his Mr. Lu account, she snatched his keyboard with a smile, quickly typed the account password, and then pressed Enter to log in, and then she Turn around and sit down, and log in to your account.

Her actions attracted the attention of the three boys next to her. They have been in her class for several months, and this is the first time she has been so intimate with a boy.

When Feng Qiang and the boy next to him saw this, they couldn't help but paused, and frowned. They felt very uncomfortable, but they couldn't say anything.

But Ding Haoran was thinking about a question: Why didn't Qingxue let Ding Feng log into her account?

Ding Feng can't really be Mr. Lu, can he?
No wonder he thinks this way, players with the strength of the king of the national server are not said to be available, even if this Ding Feng gets the true biography of Mr. Lu, it is impossible to become the king in a short time, except that the winning point of winning is too low In addition, it is difficult to win consecutive victories without absolute strength at the same rank.

Without a winning streak, don't even think about becoming the king in a short time.

Thinking of this, he couldn't help but look at Ding Feng a few more times, trying to overlap the photo of Mr. Lu that went viral on the Internet with Ding Feng in his mind.

Faintly, he caught a similarity.

Ding Feng casually glanced at the nickname of this account, it should be a girl's account, the rank is only gold three, neither high nor low, he didn't care, and started to allocate rune talents.

There is no doubt that this account is full of heroes and runes.

Since League of Legends was listed as an Olympic event, League of Legends has been completely different from the past. For example, in the game store, the heroes, runes, and some props in the game store are extremely cheap. Basically, you can play for a month or two. Heroes and runes can be purchased in full.

In addition, the price of the skin is not expensive. In the previous life, the price of the skin was tens or hundreds of yuan, but the price in this life is only 5 to 20 yuan. All the hero skins in the game are bought, all right.

Of course, the prices of commemorative limited skins such as "Year of the Dragon" and "Year of the Sheep" are relatively higher, and the unified price is 49 yuan, which is also much lower than the previous life.

Quickly deploy rune talents, find a room and join them.

Both sides are ready!

Enter the selection interface!
Ding Feng's e-commerce class [-] is on the purple side, and the e-commerce class [-] is on the blue side. The blue side is the first to pull and choose, and the first to get rid of is the trick witch.

"Ding Feng, what position do you want to play?" Ding Haoran looked at him and asked.

"Well, I made an agreement with Qingxue before that I will support her." Ding Feng smiled slightly. He didn't want to support her in S4, but if it was for her, it would be a different matter.

Feng Qiang and another boy, Zhou Peng, frowned again, but didn't interrupt. Some masters are really good at assisting positions. As for whether Ding Feng is a full-time assistant, they are not sure, and they don't plan to ask, but as the king of the national uniform , playing other positions should not be much worse.

If you are worried, it should be Qingxue's level. Low-rank players can't keep up with high-rank players. This is also a big problem.

Asking a national server king to support a platinum player will indeed damage the overall strength of the team.

On the other side of the cubicle that is separated from the compartment where the first class of e-commerce is, the members of the third class of e-commerce are laughing and talking. The atmosphere is very relaxed. It seems that they are quite sure about facing the first class of e-commerce.

That's right, in the usual friendly match with Class [-] of E-Commerce, their Class [-] of E-Commerce never lost.

And similar to Class [-] of E-Commerce, there is also a girl in Class [-] of E-Commerce. Although this girl is not as beautiful as Qingxue, she can be regarded as a beauty.

"Captain, I heard from Class [-] that Qingxue also participated in this competition. Have you heard the news?" Team A said with hope.

For Ye Qingxue, not to mention him, almost all the boys in the school have admiration for Qingxue. Unfortunately, the goddess lives in seclusion, and she hardly meets her at other times except for the occasional meeting in class. This is because of their relationship with the goddess. A blessing only for a professional.

Now I heard that Ye Qingxue is also participating in this match, and she is still on the opposite side, which made student A start a little plan, planning to show her hand in front of the goddess.

"It seems to be!" The captain was not very sure, "Qingxue usually doesn't even participate in class friendly matches, why did she suddenly participate in the confrontation match this time?"

"Never mind!" Hearing that Qingxue was on the opposite side, team member B also got excited and asked, "By the way, which position does Qingxue usually like to play?"

"Top order!" Player A laughed, but the female player on the side ruthlessly exposed the lie: "Qingxue's main position is ADC, just ask anyone in the first class and you will know."

"Uh, don't be like this, give me a chance!" Player A sneered, with a look of helplessness on his face.

"As far as your level is concerned, don't be ashamed. Even Captain Liu Ming, Qingxue, didn't like it, so it's up to you." Team member C bluntly added a knife.

"Also, Qingxue also found a foreign aid this time. If my guess is correct, this foreign aid should be the boy who has been very close to Qingxue recently. It is said that the boy from Jiangling Technology is opposite." The female team member continued, and she couldn't help frowning slightly when she mentioned this.

She learned from some girls in Jiangling Technology that this boy seemed to be Mr. Lu, but she was not sure, so she didn't tell them.

"I'm going, the goddess has a heart, why didn't I know!" Team member A was stunned, he had never heard of this incident, it should have happened not long ago.

"Don't talk nonsense, maybe Qingxue and that boy are just good friends." Team member B was still lucky and didn't see it with his own eyes. He never believed that a girl like Qingxue would get together with a boy. I didn't even like it, and it was even more impossible for ordinary boys.

Unless they are the second-generation rich and second-generation officials from other places, boys from Jiangling Technology are absolutely impossible.

"You're wrong. It's not me hitting you. Qingxue and that boy seem to have confirmed their relationship now. You will know about it sooner or later." The female team members shook their heads in amusement. She heard about going back to the dormitory from the girls in Class [-].

Why do I say 'like', because even the girl who told her about this is not completely sure, it's just 'very likely' that's all, after all, the girl only found out when she went to Qingxue's dormitory early in the morning. Rule out the possibility of Qingxue going out early.

As for Qingxue's roommate, there is nothing to say about Qingxue's good relationship, so naturally they will not disclose it to the outside world.

But she didn't intend to tell these boys about it, and she didn't want to mention it to anyone. After all, it was personal privacy, and it was inconvenient for her to reveal it.

For Ye Qingxue, she has a feeling of admiration. Although she has no chance to become good friends with her, she will take the initiative to say hello to Qingxue when she meets her occasionally.

PS: It’s the end of the month. If the salary settled next month can live on, I can have the confidence to tell my parents not to do other online work and concentrate on writing for everyone. I’m not sure about the results, but I have a suggestion , book friends are invited to read my million-word work "The Ultimate God Ring". I don't force everyone to subscribe.

If you can be a full-time writer, you can guarantee three updates, and you will have more manuscripts. When it comes to festivals and the birthdays of loyal book friends, you will have five updates depending on the situation.
Book friends, rest early, good night, good night!

(End of this chapter)

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