The absolute pinnacle of League of Legends

Chapter 222 The competition of the selection ring chapter

Chapter 222 The competition in the selection stage
"So fast? Is it true?" Player A looked in disbelief.

"What is the strength of this foreign aid?" The captain frowned slightly. He was dubious about what the female team members said, but when he thought of Qingxue being held in the arms of a man and doing such beastly things, he felt very sad. The foreign aid has a little more hatred and curiosity.

"I don't know." The female team member shook her head directly, without mentioning that the foreign aid might be Mr. Lu's guess, and then added: "But since Qingxue invited the foreign aid, it shouldn't be much worse. We can't take it lightly. Come out with our strongest lineup, don't stumble."

"Well, the people in the first class are so relieved to let this foreign aid and Qingxue join. I think the strength of this foreign aid should be able to make up for Qingxue's lack of strength. Maybe it is also a diamond." Team member C thought for a while and said: "It's better to use this one to match the lineup."

"What kind of lineup to use will be discussed after the ban is over, the position remains the same." The captain nodded, knocked out the weapon master, and then the purple side knocked out Mundo.

Disabled ended!

The captain immediately placed Yasuo in seconds, and said, "Xiaohua, give me a stone in the top lane, and I will take the prince in the jungle. Whether I can win this one depends on Yasuo's performance."

"Hey, don't worry about my Yasuo, this one will definitely let Qingxue know how good I am." Team member B smiled confidently. Although he is still in the first rank of Platinum, he is already infinitely close to diamond. He believes that as long as you give him In a little time, the diamond must be properly placed.

Online, as long as he is not facing a full-time mid laner at the diamond level, even Platinum Yi will have a hard time suppressing him in the lane.

However, what about foreign aid?
With this in mind, team member B casually asked: "By the way, what position do you think this foreign player will play?"

"I think it's the top laner!" Player A first expressed his opinion, which was not a random guess, but supported by sufficient evidence.

First of all, Zhou Peng and Feng Qiang, the two main players in the first class, usually like double platooning, and their cooperation is relatively tacit. No change, and the position of Kiyoyuki, who is the main ADC, also remains the same.

The only things that have changed are the support and top laners!

At present, the financial resources for support in this version are extremely scarce. No matter how well you play, you still have to rely on your teammates. If you let such a strong foreign player support Qingxue who has just entered Platinum, it will cause a lot of damage to the overall strength of the team. It is difficult to play a huge advantage in the bottom lane.

Therefore, the support may be excluded, and the result is self-evident, that is, the top laner.

It can only be an order!

However, if the foreign aid is so strong that it has no side, then it’s a different matter. Although the support does not get much money, the role of team battles and online is still not to be underestimated. The support of the first domestic team OQN often uses Ruiquan In the field, whether it is online or team battles, his performance is very eye-catching.

"It should be the top order!"

"I also think it's the top order."


The two team members and the captain also agreed. In their opinion, it is not safe for a strong foreign player to play support without cooperation.

"I think it's more likely to be a support." The female team member smiled and shook her head, and explained with a chuckle: "You men are not like this, how can you let other boys support your girlfriend just after you have established a relationship? If you lose, it won’t be too late to play the next two games.”

"Well, that's right!" Although the four male team members still don't really believe that Qingxue and this foreign aid are together, but a girl like Qingxue, which boy is not possessive, even if the relationship has not been established, he will never allow other boys Get involved, even if it's just a joke.

At least, they thought so.

But thinking of this, I have to say that girls are really careful, and their thinking is not lacking in rationality, but they are completely rational.

As the top students of the country's first-class universities, what they are best at is the ability to think. They have grasped this difference in thinking and learned something faintly.

Not bad!
On the other hand, the e-commerce team is also discussing the lineup issue.

The strength of the third class is much stronger than that of them. In addition, the main members and substitutes of the third class team are fixed, and they often play together. Naturally, the coordination is stronger than their temporary team. The joining of the King of Servers cannot be taken lightly.

Now, the third class has won three heroes, Yasuo, the prince, and Shitou. Don't think too much, this class three will definitely use Yasuo as the core.

And they also selected two heroes at this time, Card and Nightmare.

In the selection stage, the tactics of the two teams are actually tested. If the ideal lineup can be won in this stage and affect the opponent's choice, then this round has not yet begun, and the advantage has already been established. Maybe it can directly become the key to victory.

Pay attention to the following:

First of all, as we all know, the first point is to grab the strong hero of the version, or the hero that must be selected in the game. This is a use of the game balance.

For example, Yasuo, who is taken by the third squad, may not be a must-choice hero in the current version, but the E skill that has not been weakened is full of damage and can be considered strong.

If there are more teammates to cooperate, it will definitely cause a fatal blow to the enemy.

The appearance of the prince and the stone also confirmed this point.

In addition, choosing first has advantages and disadvantages.

After the enemy knows the hero and position you choose, they may take some restrictive measures and means, such as choosing a hero who can restrain Yasuo, directly blowing up online or restricting the growth, or they may come to a special restraint to Yasuo Yasuo is the core lineup.

Class [-] also takes advantage of this point. Cards may be at a disadvantage before level [-] when facing Yasuo, but after reaching level [-], it is [-]-[-]. This is not the most important thing, the main thing is that they can cooperate with Nightmare , can support the two flanks with slightly weaker strength at any time.

In terms of support ability, the card is naturally stronger than Suo.

This is the rhythm of the Nakano linkage!

Secondly, the reason why I choose two heroes that are not very popular, or heroes that are completely impossible to choose, is because I don’t want to expose the two side lane hero choices to the opponent in advance, and always let the opponent appear first, and then The idea of ​​making choices appropriately.

Class [-]'s idea is very simple, and it is bound to gain some advantages in the selection process.

Therefore, seeing that the enemy single-selected Golem, coupled with the idea of ​​​​carrying out the lineup coordination to the end, the third floor decisively played the hero Twilight Eye Shen, which further strengthened the power of the support flow. It's like synthesizing small equipment in the game into a large one.

Carefully selected, Qingxue on the fourth floor then took Jinx down.

(End of this chapter)

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