The absolute pinnacle of League of Legends

Chapter 223 Assisting Morgana

Chapter 223 Assisting Morgana

Speaking of runaway loli Jinx, Ding Feng still can't figure out why she is so popular with girls. In terms of arm length, she can't compare to the policewoman under normal circumstances. The policewoman also has life-saving movement skills. Not as good as VN, in terms of cuteness, not as good as Xiaopao...

The only interesting thing is probably Jinx's passive harvesting ability!
Ding Feng has reason to believe that the reason why girls like to play Jinx is that her ability is secondary, and the main reason lies in the hero Jinx itself.

Is it because of flat chest?
He thought evilly, and he could only think of this point. Don't girls like to look for green leaves to set off their red flowers, and this possibility is not ruled out.

Maybe it is!

This was just a thought he had when he was bored, and he had no intention of getting to the bottom of it.

The third and fourth floors of the first class were selected, and the fourth and fifth floors of the third class decided on a classic bot lane combination after a short hesitation, which was *** Gablon.

The cooperation between the two is indeed a bit incomprehensible!
"Class [-] seems to be serious about this one. Don't they know that we have hired a national uniform king?" Ding Haoran smiled helplessly when he saw the lineup on the opposite side.

The prince, Yasuo, and Stone are a great deterrent to their short-legged lineup, and their team fighting ability and coordination are even more terrifying. Road combination, a bad early stage may really be blown up directly.

"You think too much, we don't know, how could the people in the third class know." Zhou Peng shook his head in denial, and then guessed: "Mostly they know that we have hired a foreign aid. With the cautious style of the third class leader, we don't know With the strength of foreign aid, we will not take it lightly."

"Well, the third class is expected to represent the major. If we accidentally lose to us who are the weakest majors, we will lose face." Feng Qiang was expressionless, and said: "Let's be more careful in the early stage. The first level is when we exert our strength, try not to delay it until the later stage, otherwise we will not be able to fight."

As he spoke, he subconsciously glanced at Ding Feng, seeing that Ding Feng nodded slightly, not intending to speak, so he also nodded, and stopped talking.

When it was Ding Feng's turn to choose someone, he directly played Morgana!

He is full of confidence in this battle, but he will not take it lightly. Naturally, he chose Morgana to better protect Jinx, who has short legs and no displacement. The E skill magic shield can better protect Jinx, and the ultimate move can also be used Create a good output environment for her.

The hero Morgana was defined as a mid-lane mage in the early days of S4. In the middle of S4, the support of the Korean No. 4 team developed Morgana to the support position. The most popular banned hero in the S[-] global finals.

Once Morgana is assisted by the Korean No. [-] team, the bottom lane will definitely collapse, even the runner-up Korean No. [-] team's core bottom lane is no exception.

If it weren't for the fact that there are too many strong heroes in the current version, occupying almost all the banned places, Morgana will definitely become one of them.

Whether facing Bron, female tank, or assisting the first brother Thresh, the first sister Fengnv and other powerful supports, the side with Morgana will not be discouraged.

The two sides have drawn the election!
Enter the game to start the countdown!
The first game has begun.

The five from the purple side quickly rushed out of the water spring. Jinx followed Morgana with a big gun, and walked down the bottom road to the wild area. In case the enemy's sudden appearance was caught off guard.

In fact, with the lineup of the purple side, the first-level regiment is definitely the superior side against the blue side. Ding Feng really wants to fight, but as an outsider, he doesn't want to take the lead. Anyway, this is an immoral behavior. The decision still depends on the choice of captain Feng Qiang.

Since Feng Qiang didn't speak, he had no choice but to stay in the wild area honestly.

He can probably guess Feng Qiang's thoughts, but he just doesn't want to bet and affect the rhythm of the game. With a slight advantage, he would be willing to gamble on it.

Wealth and wealth are in danger!

The blue team knew that it would be a disadvantage if they took the initiative to invade the enemy's wild area, so they didn't come here, and they couldn't fight the first-level regiment.

Peaceful start!

Morgana followed Jinx to the bottom lane, and *** and Bron also appeared at the same time, and the two sides began to enter the laning period.

Before the third level, the support of the two sides consumes each other, it can only be regarded as a small fight, the friction is not big, but at the third level, after the three skills are complete, Morgana slowly presses over, but dare not press too hard, Just relying on the position to gradually control the two enemies in the ideal position.

Just for a while, Morgana seized the opportunity, and with a Q, she accurately predicted the position of ***, and locked her in place. At the same time, she spit at Obama's feet, and Jinx stepped forward two times. Seeing this, Braum jumped onto *** and raised the ice shield.

Braum's ice shield is very similar to Yasuo's wind wall, that is, it can resist ballistic skills, and ADC's basic attack lock is naturally included.

Therefore, this wave did not consume *** much blood.

But then, *** and Bron were surprised to find that Morgana's Q was a bit outrageous, but any Q thrown by Morgana, no matter how Obama hid, was always imprisoned in the most marginal range. This may be due to the lack of vision, but the most important thing is accuracy.

After several times like this, *** couldn't bear it any longer, the two bottles of red medicine she had gone out had already been consumed, if she was imprisoned twice again, *** would definitely die.

Braum's auxiliary damage and control is really good, but correspondingly, it lacks consumption and endurance, and can't provide any help to ***' HP.

Of course, Bron didn't do nothing during the period, and he was also consuming Morgana, but his consumption was either eaten by Morgana's magic immunity shield, or recovered by Morgana's passive, which didn't hurt very much. And Jinx always stood behind Morgana, and didn't give him a chance to consume.

*** and Bron are starting to encounter difficulties. If the current situation continues, ***'s blood volume will be lowered, and he will no longer have the strength to compete with the opponent. At that time, Morgana, who is already ready to move, will definitely press up. All they can do is wait for the lines to come up.

But, what if the pawn line is controlled!
However, this time is indeed a good time to gank. The two are ready to call the jungler to come to support, but find that the jungler of both sides is fighting in the middle lane at this time, and will not come here for a while.

The two couldn't help but look bitter, staring at the healthy HP and mana of Morgana and Jinx, they were in trouble again for a while.

How should this be!

(End of this chapter)

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