The absolute pinnacle of League of Legends

Chapter 225 Unplug the bottom lane and switch to the middle lane

Chapter 225 Unplug the bottom lane and switch to the middle lane

At this moment, the prince came out from the direction of the triangular grass, and quickly chased them. Jinx killed the gun with acceleration, and quickly moved away from the prince. The short-legged Morgana was quickly caught up. The prince's EQ Erlian rushed forward suddenly, but was narrowly dodged by Morgana.

Failing to keep Morgana, the prince had no choice but to retreat, but Morgana did not intend to let him go, turned around to catch up, and sent a Q to imprison the prince who was in a corner.

Jinx kept up with the output, the stacked light machine guns fired extremely fast, and the prince with only half of his health was quickly maimed. Fortunately, Bron arrived and pushed up the freshly turned ice shield to resist Jinx's attack Attack, the prince was able to escape, otherwise the prince will be killed.

The captain of the third squad, the prince's controller, looked at the only one bar of blood left, couldn't help sweating, and sighed: "Qingxue's level is probably more than Platinum Five!"

He had noticed all the duels in the bottom lane before, Jinx's output could not be lost during the whole process, and the movement and chopping were still smooth, not at all like the level of platinum when he just reached the level of platinum, especially when killing *** The calculation of the damage, and the precision of the oscillating electromagnetic wave.

With the blood volume of *** at that time, it seems that one cannonball can kill him. *** will leave Jinx's W range.

Qingxue's reaction ability is indeed strong enough.

"It's true that he just entered Platinum Five!" Team member A wondered, he didn't see this wave, but he can probably guess what amazing operation Qingxue should have made, otherwise the captain wouldn't be so surprised.

"Well, Qingxue's ranking win rate is very high. I heard from the girls in Class [-] that Qingxue almost beats her opponents in the gold ranks. The reason why she is only in the platinum ranks now is that she is usually busy studying and doesn't have much time to play games. Go." The female team member sighed, without any frustration on her face.

Qingxue did a really good job.

Hearing this, the male team members were very surprised, it seems that they still underestimated this delicate girl.

After this wave, Morgana, who won the advantage, was even more unforgiving, as if she would not give up until she pushed *** and Bron out of the experience area, and this Morgana played extraordinary Take a walk, no matter how hard *** and Bron try to drive away, they can't drive away, very helpless.

Soon, both Morgana and Jinx reached six, and ** and Bron didn't dare to approach the pawn line, and Jinx controlled the pawn line tightly.

But at this moment, the battle between the other two lanes became fierce.

In the middle, Kaka rushed up the road, ready to cooperate with Nightmare to catch a wave of stone men on the road, but was caught by Yasuo, and Kaka was killed after a chase.

At the same time, with a loud shout, the entire Summoner Canyon fell into silence and darkness. Nightmare, who had activated his ultimate move, rushed towards the stone man at a high speed, but he didn't expect that the prince was also on the road, and was squatted back.

After a fierce battle, two top lane corpses were left on the ground.

Although it was a one-for-one exchange, the purple side still suffered a little loss. Stone's head was taken by Nightmare, while Shen's head was in Stone's hands. Fortunately, Stone was not a violent hero like Raven, Weapon, or Crocodile, otherwise This head advantage is enough to suppress Shen.

On the surface, this wave seems to be acceptable, but it caused a big blow to the morale of the purple side. The first wave of support and cooperation at the sixth level of the middle field was the best time to gain the advantage, but it turned out to be defeated The blue side counterattacked a wave, resulting in such a situation.

"This wave is..." Zhou Peng sneered, and was about to apologize, but was interrupted by a sudden kill sound from the bottom lane, followed by a double kill.

And it was Qingxue's Jinx who won the double kill!


"of course!"

The two on the bottom road chatted and laughed, and although this wave was entirely due to him, she unceremoniously took all the credit for it, very sweet.

Afterwards, the two worked together to push the line of soldiers under the tower and began to pull out the tower.

A tower on the blue side's lower road was quickly broken. At this time, a wave of pawn lines arrived. The two quickly pushed the pawn line over, and then returned to the grass to return to the city.

Going out again, the two rushed directly to the middle road.

The blue team's lineup is too strong in the middle and late stages. Their lineup really can't play against the blue team in the late game. In the case of the disadvantages of the middle and upper lanes, the best way is to speed up the game rhythm, so the two in the bottom lane decisively gave up. Taking the opportunity to snowball in the bottom lane, he came to the middle lane.

The two have only one purpose, to quickly unplug the first tower in the middle lane, and then switch to the top lane, liberating Shen from the laning phase, and further expanding the economic advantage of the defensive tower.

The lineup in the early stage, the more economy you get in the early stage, the better the situation.

Seeing Morgana and Jinx appearing in the middle lane, he followed *** to set up a vision in the wild area of ​​Bron in the bottom lane, creating a stable development environment for ***, and then rushed to the middle road.

The damage of the defense towers in the early stage is too high, and no one can handle it, so the defense work does not need to invest too much manpower. As long as there is no team battle, there is not much difference between whether to attack or not, it is better to take this opportunity Make up for the development, in order to play enough output in the following team battles.

As a mid-to-late game lineup, it is acceptable even if it is at a disadvantage in the early stage, not to mention that the purple side is not the kind of strong lineup that can jump over the tower and start a group.

In the middle, Jinx, Kaka, and Morgana quickly pushed the line of soldiers under the tower, Yasuo had to retreat, and Jinx switched to the shell mode and began to bomb the defense tower.

Soon, Braum rushed over, and Yasuo returned to the tower in peace, while the prince wandered in the wild areas on both sides of the middle road, as if looking for an opportunity to start a group.

Shitou is facing Shen in the top lane, and there are Morgana's vision on both sides of the middle lane, so the nightmare does not appear, and he can safely farm in his own jungle.

Wandering in the wild for a while, but still couldn't find a good time to start a group. Seeing that the tower in the middle was about to be knocked out, the prince had no choice but to come out to defend.

The blue side doesn't intend to release this tower!

With the appearance of the prince, *** also disappeared in the bottom lane after clearing a few waves of soldiers. Seeing this, the four on the purple side retreated a little, but none of them left.

In the middle, the two sides are deadlocked!
Jinx, who released the Storm Sword, has too high attack power. She eats a lot of cards and doesn't care about the cards. Judging from the current situation, Jinx is undoubtedly the core output of the team. The next team battle can Whether to win or not depends largely on Jinx's performance.

The prince who has the ability to start a group is about to make a move, but unfortunately, the purple side didn't give him this chance. In the end, this wave didn't work out and ended peacefully.

Ding Feng couldn't help but feel a little pity, and also very helpless. If the enemy was not too close to the defense tower, he couldn't help but flash into the group.

However, since the blue side does not take the initiative to attack, then this work can only be done by him.

(End of this chapter)

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