The absolute pinnacle of League of Legends

Chapter 226 Morgana leads the chapter, crisis!

Chapter 226 Morgana Brings Rhythm, Crisis!
Shuiquan, Jinx, after resupplying, saw a large wave of soldiers entering the tower on the next road, and wanted to go down the road, but was stopped by Ding Feng, "Follow me on the road."

"Okay!" She naturally obeyed him unconditionally, and smiled sweetly. Jinx faltered and followed Morgana up the road.

Although the conversation between the two was short, it surprised the three boys next to them. When did Qingxue become so obedient?And this tone seems a bit wrong.

The two passed by the upper half of the field, and Nightmare, who was doing nothing to clear the field, saw that their goal seemed to be a stone on the road, so after thinking about it, he followed.

The three of them walked through the triangular grass on the road, Morgana inserted a real eye in the grass on the wall, and the real eye quickly disappeared. There was no vision on this stone. The three knew that this was a good opportunity. Follow the wall to enter the enemy's upper field area and approach the road tower.

The stone has a teleportation in it, push the line a little bit, then take a few steps back under the tower to return to the city, the next time you return to the line, the line of soldiers should just enter the tower.

With Shen's vision, as soon as he saw the stone, he wanted to go back, and Meng Yan was about to move forward, and Ding Feng smiled and said, "Wait a minute, don't worry!"

"En!" Feng Qiang paused, not daring to act rashly.

Seeing that the stone was about to return to the water spring, Ding Feng had probably already selected equipment in the store at this time, and Ding Feng said "go", and then controlled Morgana to go out, followed by Nightmare and Jinx, and Shen also passed by at this time. The soldiers came up, and went up first to taunt the stone.

The defense tower locks Shen, and the attack falls!
The stone man who was thinking about what equipment to produce in the store suddenly found that the edge of the screen was flashing red, and he couldn't help being shocked. Knowing that he was being attacked, he immediately closed the store, held down the space bar and turned back to the stone in an instant. The stone has been taunted by Shen.

With the Shending Tower, Morgana, Nightmare, and Jinx stand under the tower without any scruples to output. Although Jinx has not yet made Endless, but the economy leads the audience, and the output is quite amazing. In this short mocking time, half The fleshy stone lost more than a third of its blood.

"I'll control it!" Ding Feng said casually, and as soon as Shen's taunting time ended, Morgana, who was close to the stone man, immediately made up a Q.

There is no way to hide the stone, and it is imprisoned in place.

Morgana, who is the main Q, was imprisoned for a long time. After a while, the stone was beaten to death.

And this head was taken by Jinx.

Seeing this, the prince who had already rushed to the grass below retreated along the same road. The stone man died too quickly, and he couldn't help him for a moment, otherwise he might be able to replace one.

The stone died, and the four people on the purple side broke away from the defensive tower first, pushed the pawn line under the tower, and pulled out the tower together.

This wave of successful ganks restored the purple side's considerable disadvantage. Ding Haoran, Zhou Peng, and Feng Qiang couldn't help but heave a sigh of relief, and quickly pushed the pawn line under the second tower on the top lane.

Without stopping too much, the four of them retreated and quickly headed towards the middle road.

Seeing that the enemy had already retreated, the four people on the blue side could probably guess their intentions, and rushed to the middle to defend.

As expected, the four from the purple side came to the middle.

At this time, *** is on the road to clear the troops, the blue side has only three people defending, and the purple side has four people, which is natural. Shen stands first and stands under the tower. Cards also continue to draw blue cards, and use the defense tower to return to blue.

***After clearing out a large wave of pawns on the top lane, they also rushed to the middle lane quickly. At this time, the health of the defense tower was already disabled. Although it was a pity that the first tower in the middle lane could not be pulled out, the four people on the purple side were not greedy and retreated a little one time.

Afterwards, Jinx went to the bottom lane to collect a wave of soldiers. Kaka and Shen went back to the tower and went back to the city. Nightmare went to the wild area to clear the wild. Morgana then went to the dragon to set up a vision, and then joined Jinx , stood together in the river grass, and then went back to the city.

The purple team's sudden group gank made the blue team feel a strong crisis, and they also grouped together, and the five came to the middle road one after another.

At this time, Morgana's loyal guard group has one more person, it is Nightmare. From the moment she walked out of the water spring, Nightmare has been following Morgana, and beside Jinx, it seems that she still wants to follow Morgana to grab orders Take the advantage, but find that the purple side has pushed in a group.

There is no way, Morgana rushes to the middle road, and Shen Ze, who has a big move, is leading the line on the top road. The camera has locked the middle road and is ready to support at any time.

The two sides confronted each other in the middle again!

While card and Jinx are clearing the troops, they are carefully watching the positions of the enemy stones and princes, trying not to let themselves fall into the opening range of these two heroes, otherwise once they are hit first, they will basically be completely defeated. If there is no way out, it will be even more difficult to fight.

Nightmare wandered aside, also staring at the prince and Shitou. If Shitou attacked first, Nightmare would immediately turn on the enemy hero's field of vision to minimize casualties.

The purple side is defending, while the blue side is looking for an opportunity to attack first. The stone man stands at the forefront of the team, shaking back and forth constantly, trying to reduce the vigilance of the enemy and create the possibility for the next attack. Line up the river above, trying to take advantage of the lack of vision to start a group later.

The two sides stalemate for a long time, when the stone was a little impatient, an opportunity appeared.

And this opportunity was actually created by a soldier.

When the card stepped forward to clear the minion, unfortunately, Morgana and Jinx were next to it, and what's more unfortunate, they happened to be included in the range of Stone's ultimate move.

"Back, back quickly!" Feng Qiang was the first to notice something was wrong, and hurriedly shouted.

As soon as Feng Qiang yelled, the hard body of the stone man rushed towards him at a high speed. The pupils of Qingxue and Zhou Peng shrank suddenly, but it was already too late.

Shen's ultimate move also appeared on Jinx at this moment.

The four people on the blue side also rushed up at the moment when the stone man opened up. ***E stepped forward, Braum jumped on top of ***, Yasuo used the pawn line to quickly shuttle forward, the prince At this moment, it also came out from behind, with the EQ Erlian in his hands, ready to connect at any time.

The blue team believes that the big move of the stone is sure to hit, and once the card and Jinx are killed in seconds, the other three will have nothing to worry about, and this wave will definitely win.

At this moment, victory has waved to them.

And just when the Golem was about to hit Morgana, Kaka, and Jinx into the air, there was a sudden 'bang', which stunned the players on both sides.

They were all too familiar with this strange sound, it wasn't the sound effect of the stone man attacking the middle man, but the sound effect of Morgana imprisoning the man.

The menacing stone man was actually frozen in front of Morgana.

(End of this chapter)

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