The absolute pinnacle of League of Legends

Chapter 250 The Approval of Each Other's Parents

Chapter 250 The Approval of Each Other's Parents

On the TV screen, tens of thousands of fans gathered together. The scene was not very noisy. The sound seemed to have been professionally processed, leaving a small space in the middle. With the movement of the shooting angle, the video quickly locked on the surrounding area. A man and a woman in the middle, and a security guard.

"Xiaofeng?" A son is better than a father. Even though the TV screen is not very clear, even if the boy's mental outlook is completely different from his son's, Ding's father still recognized at the first sight that this is his son, who is lying on the hard sofa. He sat up suddenly and leaned forward.

"It's really Xiaofeng?" Ding's mother also stared blankly at the TV, disbelief written all over her face.

My son turned out to be the very promising e-sports genius that my husband often talked about. It is said that he also won a national bonus of 5000 million a while ago.

Of course, this is not the point.

The point is, the son is promising.

And what the besieged boy said next also confirmed the guess of the couple that this boy was really their son, that worthless son.

The couple quickly got together in front of the TV with tears in their eyes.

Hope your child will become a dragon, the hearts of parents all over the world!

Seeing that the two elders were so excited, Xiaolan couldn't help but smiled sweetly, her heart was full of pride and pride, she wished she could tell the whole world right now:

My brother is Mr. Lu, and I am Mr. Lu's sister!
Under the close gaze of the couple, the son spoke, and only then did the couple know that the son is not only promising, but also has such a beautiful girlfriend.

Pretty is second to none, but this girl seems to be very kind to her son. After the son finished speaking, she took the microphone and explained in a very pleasant voice.

"This is our Xiaofeng's girlfriend, not bad!" Ding's father finally smiled with relief and satisfaction on his face.

"Where are you from?" Mother Ding also nodded slightly, but asked such a question.

"It doesn't matter where she is, as long as she can speak Mandarin, our son will go international in the future, it doesn't matter whether he marries a local, as long as he likes it." Ding's father is very open about this matter, after all, his son is not an ordinary person , there is no need to force him according to the standards of ordinary people.

"Hey, let's talk about it later!" Mother Ding sighed, she still chose to keep her own opinion, in her opinion, of course it is best to marry a local.

Seeing that her mother did not approve of Sister Qingxue and she still had such stubborn ideas, Xiaolan felt that she had to explain this matter to her mother, so that it would be bad if her mother’s words made her brother unhappy, so she Then he walked forward and put the phone screen in front of his mother.

Facing her mother's gaze, Xiaolan smiled and said, "Mom, Sister Qingxue is excellent, if you don't believe me, take a look at this."

"I'm illiterate, why are you showing me this!" My mother looked down at the screen of the mobile phone and scolded with an angry smile.

"Oh, then I'll read it to you!" Xiaolan smiled embarrassedly, and read it to her mother word for word on the screen of her mobile phone.

"No. [-] in the city every year, nearly full marks in science and technology? Not bad."

"I haven't had a boyfriend before, so I'm so kind!"

"Tuition is free, and there are so many scholarships every year, which can subsidize the family. This girl is really good!"

"He is filial and sensible. Xiaofeng of our family really found a treasure this time. It would be a pity that such an excellent girl does not marry into our family. I will wait and see."

"... "

Following Xiaolan's introduction, the elder's eyes became brighter and he nodded in amazement. He never thought that such a beautiful girl would be so good.

Originally, Mother Ding was dissatisfied with Qingxue in addition to the region, but also because Qingxue was too beautiful, she thought such a girl was not suitable to be a wife.

But now, Mother Ding is completely at ease.

But after all, this is the rhetoric of the Internet, and it may be somewhat false. Although it may not be much, but if Qingxue wants to marry Xiaofeng, she has to pass their test.

Of course, if you can't reach that point, then you don't need to consider the 'interview'.

"Mom, I'm going back to my room to do my homework." Xiaolan smiled with satisfaction, greeted her and went back to her room with her mobile phone.

At the same time, in a bungalow in Nanhua City.

Ye Qingxue's parents were also watching the e-sports station of CCTV. As the angle of the video on the TV turned, Father Ye and Mother Ye who were talking and laughing indifferently were stunned. People involved in a major news story.

To the surprise of the couple, the daughter actually held the hand of a boy in public and refused to let go, and she looked very dependent.

"Qingxue has a boyfriend?" Ye Ma asked, frowning slightly. As a traditional woman, she felt that her daughter's behavior was inappropriate, so she was a little depressed.

"I don't know, it should be, otherwise Qingxue wouldn't be so close to him, but what does this have to do with Mr. Lu? Could this boy be Mr. Lu?" Father Ye smiled gently. He can still accept things like this, modern people!

"I don't even let my family know when I have a boyfriend." Ye Ma couldn't help complaining, and turned to complain: "I don't want Qingxue to be with a boy who can only play games."

"It's too early to talk about marriage now. Let's talk about it later. Qingxue is so old, and it's time to find a boyfriend. As long as he likes it." Father Ye laughed and accompanied him for many years. He would naturally know what his wife was thinking. Guess probably, it's just a matter of young people nowadays who fall in love and want to get married.

It's too early to talk about marriage.

During the conversation between the couple, the daughter hugged the boy on TV again. At this moment, the boy spoke, which confirmed Father Ye's guess that this boy was indeed Mr. Lu.

"Qing Xue didn't stay with this boy because he saved you, did he?!" Ye Ma continued to complain, which was also something she was more worried about.

"Okay, don't think about it, Qingxue seems to be forced like this, and she can't wait to swear her sovereignty in public. Qingxue should really like this boy." Papa Ye gave a wry smile, wanting to let her Thinking about it this way, this boy is almost out of shape.

"It's just your kindness!" Ye Ma gave him an angry look, and she couldn't say anything else, anyway, he was also her husband's savior.

"I think this boy is good, neither arrogant nor impetuous, neither humble nor overbearing, he is indeed a character." Staring at the calm boy on TV, Father Ye smiled with satisfaction. Nowadays, the behavior and style of college students are generally flashy. Such an attitude is indeed rare.

"En!" Ye Ma nodded approvingly, and finally showed a smile on her face. Compared with the nearby college students, this boy is more mature and stable.

The quality and self-cultivation shown by a person can explain many things. As people who have experienced it, the couple can naturally see these things.

(End of this chapter)

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