The absolute pinnacle of League of Legends

Chapter 251 Love and Humanity

Chapter 251 Love and Humanity

On the TV, Qingxue spoke.

"Hehe, it seems that I'm right. Qingxue will stand up and explain that she really likes Mr. Lu, no, it should be Xiaofeng." Father Ye smiled more reassuringly. At this moment, her daughter actually doesn't need to say anything. But she took the initiative to say that it was Xiaofeng she was chasing, and the meaning was self-evident.

"As long as you don't delay your studies." Ye Ma nodded slightly, then turned to smile kindly: "No matter what, Xiaofeng is not only your savior, but also Qingxue's boyfriend. If there is a chance, let my daughter take him home for dinner." , my daughter has always been very stubborn, once she made up her mind, she would not be able to pull back ten bulls."

"This shows that my daughter has her own opinion!" Father Ye said cheerfully, "Xiaofeng has the final say on this matter, the days are still long, and there will always be opportunities in the future."

At this time, the crowd booed and asked the hero and heroine to kiss on the spot. Mama Ye sighed helplessly: "Young people nowadays, hey!"

Knowing that his wife was caused by traditional ideas, Dad Ye didn't speak up this time. Although he also didn't accept such behavior very much, he was still cheerful.

However, the plot didn't follow the audience's expectations, and Mr. Lu pushed it back directly, and replaced it with a hug that was not uncommonly inappropriate.

This made the couple heave a sigh of relief, and they were even more relieved about Mr. Lu. The maturity and stability of this boy was a bit beyond the couple's expectations.

In fact, public kissing like this has not never happened before, but for the sake of romance and passion, the hero and heroine did not refuse, hugging and kissing in front of a group of people, the couple are resistant to this kind of thing, feel that such Love is too romantic.

This has happened in China, and it is naturally more popular in more open countries.

From Mama Ye's point of view, even if it is popular all over the world, she doesn't want her daughter to be a part of it.

Because of this, he took a higher look at Xiaofeng, this boy is indeed unique, no wonder even his husband is full of praise for his ability.

Then the daughter and Xiaofeng hugged each other tightly, and what made the couple smile even more was that the daughter's performance was more active than Xiaofeng's.

So far, they have been able to confirm that their daughter really likes Xiaofeng very much, not as Ye Ma imagined, because it is the father's savior who got together.

The hug between the daughter and Xiaofeng didn't last long, and Xiaofeng let go of it on his own initiative. After saying a word, Xiaofeng led Qingxue forward.

During the whole process, the daughter's hand was always holding Xiaofeng's, and the expression on her face was never attached, which made Ye's father laugh and shake his head. The daughter has always been independent, and has never been so dependent on him since she was a child.


USA, Harvard Business School.

In a luxurious dormitory, a yellow-skinned young man sat upright in front of the computer desk, motionless as if an old monk had entered into a trance. His eyes were fixed on the branded computer screen in front of him. The most popular League of Legends related video in the world.

That's right, it's the video of Mr. Lu.

This video has reached the top of the League of Legends Global General Forum, ranking first in the two lists. Players around the world are paying attention to this matter, and he is no exception.

Regarding the strength of Mr. Lu, even if he is as proud and conceited as he is, he has to admit that Mr. Lu is worthy of titles such as "China's e-sports star of tomorrow" and "Korea's future rival". Eager to try, he wants to fight Mr. Lu.

He believes that this opportunity will come in the future.

He just sat quietly like this, and just for a while, his eyes were fixed, and he moved closer to the computer screen. His originally indifferent face was full of solemnity, and he frowned: "This is, Qingxue? Why did she appear in the video?" Here, who is this boy? Is it Mr. Lu?"

With just one glance, he can be 100% sure that the girl being watched in the video is exactly Qingxue, the one he dreams of.

He stared at Qingxue in the video, trying hard to see her every movement and every expression clearly, wanting to know her mood at the moment.

As the video played, his frown got deeper and deeper.

In the three years of high school, he had been in contact with Qingxue quite a lot, and the relationship between them had also made great progress under his "stalking", but Qingxue had never acted so intimately towards him , Even looking back now, he had no physical contact with her from the beginning to the end.

Perhaps, even a smile is rare.

But now, this boy has not only received her active intimacy, but also her heartfelt attachment. Every look she looks at Mr. Lu is so affectionate, every movement is so intimate, and it is also very natural. It seems that she has been familiar with Mr. Lu for a long time.

Her expression won't lie to him, she seems to have fallen in love with Mr. Lu deeply!
This made him feel uncomfortable like never before. Although he didn't mind that she had a boyfriend, as long as she ended up with him, he was still very upset when he saw this scene. He was very greedy. She is very greedy and he wants everything from her.

Whether it is her person or her heart, whether it is her past or her future, he hopes that every moment of her happiness is given by him.

In fact, in this world, many people say that they don't care about their lover's past, or how many men their lover has experienced, but is this really the case?
It is undeniable that such a tolerant man exists, but what if he gets his lover's life?Lovers' people and hearts, past and future...

I believe that no matter how tolerant a man is, he will definitely want it.

Because since I love this woman deeply, no one wants to see that she used to be with other men, no one wants to see that her happiness was given by other men, and no one wants to see that her lover once put other men together. of men identify as lifelong partners…

The present is the future of the past, and the past is the past of the present!
Every stage of life, no matter how you live, is alive with flesh and blood. At that time, the feeling was so clear. What you can give now, her former lover has given more or less. Her ignorance at the time The sense of happiness is the same as what you bring to her now.

Or maybe it's different!
The you now are just the continuation of her former lover, but she is more mature and understands how hard-won love is. She loves you with complex emotions towards the man she once loved. This is undeniable , or maybe she has long forgotten the past.

There is a saying that goes well: the person who can make you forget the past is your future!
Unfortunately, life is irreversible!

And since it's impossible, since she can't change her past, what's the use of caring?Caring will only affect the relationship between each other, and there is nothing else. This is not cost-effective for a tolerant man, so he subconsciously holds an attitude of not caring.

This is the compromise of human nature!

No matter how strong a man's heart is, he is still human after all, not a saint. They will also be influenced by their own feelings, which is the greatest weakness of human nature.

Of course, such a question does not need to be discussed in depth. Now that we have come together and found the right person, let the past go with the wind!
PS: That's all for today, and the update will be resumed in a few days. Book friends, go to bed early, good night, good night!
(End of this chapter)

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