Chapter 254 Lottery Results
On Monday and Tuesday, the competition was in full swing. Students from other colleges and universities in Nanling City heard the news, and Qiyu University was overcrowded inside and outside of Qiyu University. It was as lively as a vegetable market.

After two days of competition, the two strongest teams in each department stand out, and then they will represent the department to fight against other departments.

Qiyu University has hundreds of classes from freshman to senior year. Due to the limited competition time, the rules of the competition cannot be as fair and just as the professional league.

Therefore, the reason why a small number of teams can qualify is actually luck. Those teams that are stronger than them have been compared by stronger teams, and they have been able to qualify. However, there are not many classes in this part. Some qualifying classes depend on their strength.

Qiyu University has a total of ten departments, and each department selects two strongest teams, that is, twenty teams. They will face the challenge of the top teams from other departments in the school on Wednesday, and the competition will be even more intense.

Wednesday is the start of the BO3 points match.

Early in the morning, Ding Feng got up early, braved the increasingly severe weather, and took a quick wash on the balcony, then put on a thick hooded coat, took some necessary items, and put his hands in his hands. With his trouser pockets on, he walked towards the dormitory downstairs with gentle steps.

When he came downstairs, a gust of cold breeze hit his face. He put his hat on his head, glanced left and right, and continued to walk forward.

It was still a little early at this time, and many people were still sleeping in the dormitory, but because it was the "LOL Week" of Qiyu University, there were more enthusiastic people, so there were many more people on the campus road at this time than usual, The goal of the students is the same as his, which is Qiyu University.

The gate of Qiyu University where Qingxue usually meets is actually not the main entrance of Qiyu University, but a side entrance, but many students regard this as the main entrance, because there are many people coming and going, and the bus also stops here, and Face to face with Jiangling Technology here, it is even more lively.

Compared with the main entrance, the side entrance is more familiar.

The main entrance of Qiyu University is actually on the other side of the secluded alley, facing the avenue of traffic, and directly opposite is the famous Xiangyi family. Although there are not many vehicles passing by, it is really not suitable to park here, as it will cause traffic jams. So it seems very deserted.

Since being identified, Ding Feng and Qingxue did not plan to meet at the side door, because he was not at ease, so he asked her to wait for him downstairs in her dormitory. He entered Qiyu University through the side entrance, but chose the deserted main entrance.

He and Qingxue would pass by this secluded path every time they went to Xiangyi, but they were no strangers to it, and the main entrance of Qiyu University was 300 meters ahead.

Compared with the side door, the main door is nothing but a bird, let alone a person, the only advantage is that it is more grand than the side door.

This is the difference between the mistress and the main room, and now the mistress has become a regular!
In the cold wind, he stepped leisurely into the secluded main entrance of Qi Yu, and headed towards her dormitory, not forgetting to enjoy the scenery along the way.

Now this season has entered the cold winter, and the people who come and go are wrapped up tightly, so no one notices him, and he is happy to be idle.

From a distance, he saw a group of boys and girls standing downstairs in her dormitory talking and laughing. She stood at the front of the crowd, looking in his direction.

When he saw her, she saw him too, ignoring the strange gazes of passers-by and classmates, she trotted happily to meet him.

As soon as the two met and looked at each other with a smile, she unceremoniously stretched out a hand to hold his arm, talked and smiled with him and walked towards the classmates.


Outside a certain computer room, Qingxue, Ding Feng and other five team members bid farewell to the crowd, and stepped into the computer room slowly, followed by Li Xiaoxin, who was the squad leader.

Li Xiaoxin led the five of them to a certain cubicle to sit down, and after saying hello, he left the computer room and went to the computer room next door to draw lots with other squad leaders.

"Squad leader, how are you doing? Which class did you get drawn into?" Outside the door, a group of boys and girls following her came out and surrounded her one after another.

"E-sports department, sophomore and third grade teams." Li Xiaoxin smiled and raised the wooden sign in his hand.

"The e-sports department should be the best in our school. Hehe, this one is worth watching."

"Who is so good in class two and three?"

"There must be a lot of great people. Our school's e-sports department is the strongest in the school after all. I know the two teams in the e-sports department. One is the freshman team led by Captain Liu Ming, and the other should be the freshman team. The second and third classes, the ADC and support of the school team are said to be in this class."

"Well, the two of them cooperate very well. They often line up in duos together. Sometimes their role in the school team is greater than that of captain Liu Ming. They are strong contenders for the championship and runner-up."

"What are you talking about? With Mr. Lu in our class, the championship is already ours. There are no strong contenders for the championship and runner-up, and there is even little hope of being the runner-up. Don't forget, our school team's top, The middle and wild masters are all in the same class."

"Hey, it's interesting this way, but I don't know if they can last for 10 minutes. Mr. Lu is on the way out, and Qingxue is not weak."

"Yeah, it's hard not to be overwhelmed by Mr. Lu. If Mr. Lu played adc, then you don't need to fight at all. Last time, Mr. Lu's Draven and VN played very well in Asia. The top champions in the district are no opponents, and the school team is still far behind."

"That is, especially Mr. Lu's Delevingne, just took a head, and the opposite EZ was abused and flew out, and he couldn't even get close to the line of soldiers."

"Hey, I still like to watch Mr. Lu play other positions. Support is support after all. No matter how fast it develops, it is far inferior to other positions. It is still not violent enough."

"By the way, I don't know if you have noticed that Mr. Lu has never played a support role since he became famous. This time, with Qingxue, he only plays support. Mr. Lu is going to be a full-time job for Qingxue. Is it the rhythm of the auxiliary? This is too loud, so romantic."

"It should be. I read a post before. It is said that Mr. Lu never plays support, but the other four positions are switched."

"Well, a great master like Mr. Lu is a full-time support, just thinking about it makes him happy. The bottom lane team is nicknamed a husband and wife team. It's very romantic."

"What kind of support do you think Mr. Lu will play for the first time?"

"Who knows, Mr. Lu's hero pool is too deep, and even mages are used as a support, any hero is possible, it's hard to guess!"

"If it's not a formal support, it's a mage!"


"... "

(End of this chapter)

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