Chapter 255
Listening to the discussion of the students, Li Xiaoxin smiled and said: "Don't just chat, I just received the news that Mr. Lu's next game will be broadcast live in the e-sports plaza, you should hurry up to reserve seats. There are so many people now, if you go later, there will be no seats.”

"Oh, why didn't the monitor say it earlier!"

"I'll go, Fuli!"

"Stop talking nonsense, let's go."

"Xiaoxin, I'll help you get a seat first, come here quickly."

The boys and girls were startled, and after saying hello, they quickly ran to the exhibition hall of the e-sports plaza without looking back, and the students around them also followed.

Li Xiaoxin smiled. It wasn't that she was hiding something. It was indeed the news that she had just received. I don't know what the school thought, so they only notified her now.

Without thinking too much, she walked slowly into the computer room.

"Brother Qiang, Brother Peng, how were you doing last night, did you find a girl?" Ding Haoran leaned closer to Zhou Peng, winked and winked in a low voice.

"Hey, can we come back empty-handed?" Zhou Peng smiled wickedly, seeing that Qingxue and Ding Feng were busy chatting and laughing and didn't notice this, so he whispered in his ear: "Brother Qiang and I both Here it is, it’s very high quality, I almost couldn’t resist taking someone to open it last night, but I managed to hold back.”

"I can't eat hot tofu in a hurry. It's better to take this kind of thing slowly." Ding Haoran laughed amusedly, these two people are really lucky.

"I understand this. It's said that Fuhua Economics and Trade's girls are very popular with girls. If you bring them out, they are all high-quality goods, and they are almost as good as the colonel." Zhou Peng smiled wretchedly, thinking of those girls last night, His heart was warm, but unfortunately he could only choose one of them.

Feng Qiang came closer and could barely hear the content of the chat between the two. He couldn't help but smiled, but he didn't answer the conversation. He didn't know what was going on in his mind.

At this time Li Xiaoxin came over, glanced at Ding Haoran and Zhou Peng who were whispering, pouted angrily, walked behind Ding Feng, and said with a smile: "Xiaofeng, Qingxue, your opponent is from the e-sports department." Sophomore and third classes, that is, the school team support and ADC team."

"I won the lottery, and I met them in the first game."

"This one is a bit challenging, but it's a pity that we don't play against us. I still want to see the strength of the school team!"

"What are you afraid of? There will be opportunities in the future. This match will be very interesting. Our right core will match their core. I don't know what sparks will be created."

Ding Haoran and the three boys smiled, but they were not worried at all. On the contrary, this kind of series contest made them a little excited, and they finally matched up with the school team.

"In addition, your game will be broadcast live in the broadcast hall. All the teachers and students in the school will be watching it. Maybe the national audience will also pay attention to this game. You three should perform well. This is a rare opportunity. If you miss it, you will lose it." .” Li Xiaoxin smiled and instructed.

After speaking, she greeted and walked out.

The three of them were stunned, and Zhou Peng sighed in shock: "Oh, happiness came so suddenly, I became a big star before I knew it."

"Cut, who knows you!" Ding Haoran slammed unceremoniously, and smiled very happily.

The school and all the audience may be here for Mr. Lu, but it is also a happy thing to show his face. He is ready to show his skills. This time he must show his best state and play the best Good level, show your own strength to all audiences.

"You two have to be steady, the opponent's upper and middle lanes are all diamonds, and it will be ugly if you get blown up." Feng Qiang was also very excited, and made up his mind that he must go to the bottom lane to improve his presence later on. Since the school is broadcasting for Mr. Lu this time, most of the time the angle of view will be locked on the bottom lane.

While the three were chatting, the supervisor came over and said something, Feng Qiang entered the designated room, and then pulled the four teammates into the room one by one.

After a short wait, the selection begins!

On the other side, the members of the third class of the sophomore e-sports class were discussing cheerfully, each of them looked very comfortable, and seemed not worried at all.

Player A stared at the screen and said with a smile: "It's unfortunate that I met Mr. Lu in the first round. Fortunately, this is a points match, otherwise I would have been eliminated."

"Although we won't be eliminated, there is no limit to the lottery rules this time. If we meet Liu Ming and his class in the next round, I'm afraid we will have to enter the loser's group. Although we can go back to the loser's group with our strength, But it's too embarrassing." Team member Yi was faintly worried.

"What's the matter? When these two teams lose, others won't say anything. If there is no accident, the champion and runner-up must be theirs." ADC Octopus laughed, he is the most optimistic one in the team, always The hippie smile makes people feel very cordial.

He also has a nickname in the school team, called 'Pistachio', not because he is humorous, but because he never frowns.

"It will be a matter of time before we meet Mr. Lu. The squad leader said just now that Mr. Lu's game will be broadcast live in the studio. Let's play better and don't let people see the joke." Assistant Fu Mao smiled slightly, his smile seemed to be squeezed The one who came out was generally a serious boy.

He is the captain of Team Three!

"Captain, although Mr. Lu's team is strong, it is only Mr. Lu's strength. I will always take care of the next road. As long as Mr. Lu can't get up, we may still have a chance." Team member C said eagerly, he has already admired Mr. Lu It's been a long time, and this time it's finally right.

"Nonsense, it's necessary!" Fu Mao said angrily.

"Hey, tell me, if we win against Mr. Lu's team, will we be sprayed to death by his fans? That's a question." Player A laughed.

"Do you think it's possible?"

"This is a problem, I'm afraid we don't have the strength."

"Well, it's difficult for us to deal with the general king of the national uniform. Mr. Lu's strength has completely surpassed the level of a king. He can abuse us to the point of wanting to play with two hands. Mr. Lu hasn't played much recently, but we don't want to. Forget that he abused the king of Asia like a dog."

"Hey, I'm annoyed when you say this. You have to wait until the next year to enter the professional circle with Mr. Lu's level. I can't wait."

"I also feel very sorry. The lifespan of e-sports is not long, and one year is wasted. One year is enough for Mr. Lu to create many myths."

"Okay, don't sigh, even I am sad."

"Captain, did Captain Liu Ming go up to drill?"

"Drilling 100 is not so easy, but it's almost too soon. The captain has already rushed to [-] win points last weekend. He said that he needs to adjust his state before he dares to play in the promotion match."

"Yuchen from Jiangling is also preparing for the promotion competition."

"Yuan Yi also has more than 80 win points. The captain is actually waiting for Yuan Yi to reach 100 win points, and then go up to drill together. Recently, Yuan Yi has made great progress, and it won't take long."

"Well, it's no wonder people say that drill one is a big watershed. Except for Huanyuan who has advanced to the top of the seven universities in Nanling City, the other six captains are still hovering at drill two."

"That's why it's so difficult to win the first drill. The king of the national server is many times more difficult than the first drill. It is said that Huan Yuan has entered the first drill and has not even scored [-] victory points."

"So cruel?"

"This is no nonsense!"

"... "

PS: (The above content is full of 2000 words, the following content is free of charge, and no similar explanation will be made in the future!)
Today, a book friend came to discuss the meaning of the ID 'Mr. Lu'. He said that when he recommended this book to his friends, his friends laughed wretchedly. Thank you again for the support and love of this book friend, thank you!

Let me explain here, the word "狗" represents LOL, "Mr." is a broad vocabulary, both abroad and domestically use this honorific title, and the meaning of "Mr. Lu" is the most representative in the LOL world Character, I hope everyone will not misunderstand its meaning.

This book friend also recommended me the title of "gentleman", which I think is inappropriate. The word "gentleman" originated in the West. In the West, but Westerners have not widely used this term, let alone us Chinese.

Well, that's all for today, book friends, go to bed early, good night, good night!
(End of this chapter)

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