The absolute pinnacle of League of Legends

Chapter 258 The Insidious Pantheon

Chapter 258 The Insidious Pantheon

On the road, the crocodile and the blind man walked forward a little while beating the weapon, wanting to walk in front of the weapon and cause more damage to the weapon. The weapon with the E skill turned on also retreated when swinging the crocodile , in an attempt to break away from the encirclement of the two villains.

The normal weapon crocodile knocked the crocodile unconscious after two hits. After another general attack, he didn’t dare to be greedy anymore, and slowly retreated. The blind man kept a certain distance from the weapon, so he was not stunned. He slapped the ground with his palm and then moved his right hand forward With a flick of the front, the weapon's footsteps stagnated, like being trapped in a swamp.

The blind man and the crocodile caught up and attacked again, the weapons entered the tower, and the two had no choice but to retreat.

The blind man didn't leave directly, but got into the grass above. This was to create pressure on the weapon. A weapon without vision could not know whether he was still inside. In this way, the line of soldiers was pressed in the central area, and the weapon wanted to If you want to go forward, you have to consider certain gains and losses.

Within a certain period of time, how long the crocodile can control the pawn line will make more money.

The blind man didn't stop after getting into the grass, he walked along the wall to avoid the sight of the enemy line, returned to the first tower on the road, and walked directly to the wild area.

The loss of this wave of weapons is only blood, and it has not yet been suppressed by the crocodile. The crocodile without ignition is not a big threat to the weapon. If the next wave of duels cannot be fought, go back directly to supply and then teleport back to the present That's good, it's not too bad who will suppress who in the next wave.

While the blind man was catching the top lane, Pan Sen also squatted down the lane. Unfortunately, there was not much profit, and he couldn't even force the flash of cards and EZ.

Pan Sen was helpless and didn't stop, he got into the grass in the river, which was another trick like a blind man, or a psychological tactic.

That's right, it is to create psychological pressure on the cards and EZ!
In high-end rounds, the fight is not entirely about operation, reaction and awareness, but also psychological tactics. Every detail that can win must be strived for.

For example, this skill, cards and EZ are difficult to play against male guns and Thresh online. Thresh has a lot of control, and male guns have a high burst. It’s okay if EZ is controlled, but cards without displacement are dangerous. No matter how badly you operate, once you are controlled, it will definitely hurt you.

The only advantage of cards and EZ is consumption!
Under such circumstances, one must always be careful of Pantheon's gank. Over time, the emotions of the cards and EZ will inevitably become impetuous. The beginning of a series of mistakes, and the source.

Generally speaking, if every gank in the jungle is unsuccessful, such a technique will always be used. If it can cause a certain amount of psychological pressure on the enemy hero, then this wave can be regarded as earned. Anyway, this technique is not difficult , just pass by, don't miss it.

However, unlike the blind man, Pan Sen didn't leave directly after getting into the grass in the river, but was still squatting, determined to squat the enemy down to death before he was reconciled.

"I'll go, this Pan Sen is so insidious, he's still squatting!"

"This choice is absolutely correct. As long as Mr. Lu can't afford it, then the e-sports department still has a chance. No matter how much Pan Sen loses, he can accept it."

"Is this really good? Pan Sen squats back to get the experience of Male Spear and Thresh. If the card and EZ come first, then Pan Sen is still squatting in the grass. It's easy to judge."

"This is a problem!"

"It's okay to have some experience. The combination of Male Spear and Thresh is relatively strong. A little experience is acceptable, but it still can't limit the development of EZ. EZ's Q skill is really good for replenishing the knife."

"Hey, the blind man is stealing Pan Sen's mana, is this the rhythm of giving up the bottom lane?"

"Do you think it's possible? This should be Mr. Lu's instruction. Since Pan Sen has caught a wave, it's not enough to consume male guns and Thresh, so it's not bad to let other lanes gain some advantages."

"Panson is still leaving..."

As expected by some viewers, the cards and EZs that have not been pushed out of the experience zone reach the second level first, which means that the cards and EZs naturally know what cards and EZs.

The two of them didn't care, the cards kept drawing blue cards and throwing minions back to blue, and as soon as there was a residual blood minion, EZ would throw a Q to make up for it. At this point, Thresh hadn't dared to use his body. The Q that blocks EZ does not allow EZ to make up the knife, after all, the supplies are too lacking.

This is also the lack of support in the current version. Thresh does not have any recovery ability. If Pan Sen leaves later, what they will face is the consumption of cards and EZ. A little less HP is a little bit.

If it is S5, at least there is an auxiliary starting item that can restore a good amount of blood.

Pan Sen squatted for a while, but had no choice but to leave helplessly.

Because he squatted for too long, even if his position was close to the enemy's blue buff, he didn't dare to go there and steal it. Pan Sen was quite weak when he met a blind man in the wild. It is estimated that it will be more difficult in the future, Pan Sen's gank ability without equipment is not strong.

While pondering in his heart, Pan Sen rushed to the middle road.

Pan Sen didn't even need to think about it, the blind man hadn't shown up for so long, he must have stolen his mana, and he caught another wave just now, so the next step is to hit.

As Pan Sen expected, the blind man appeared in the middle of the road as soon as he passed through Xiaolongkeng, and successfully forced Jie's flash out, which was a loss.

Before the blind man gank, he rushed down the road directly.

At this time, the blind man can be said to be running around all the way, even brushing red and blue BUFF, and grabbing the upper and middle lanes. Although the income is good, his blood volume is only about half, and the supplies are all used up. Walking in the direction of him, Pan Sen smiled, and hurriedly hid in the grass in the river.

"Emma, ​​this Pan Sen is so cheap, he's about to squat again!"

"The blind man is in danger now. Although Pan Sen has only two levels, the red buff on his body is still there, and his blood volume is more abundant. If there is no accident, the blind man will die."


"Hey, the blind man is in too much of a hurry. He managed to bring two waves of rhythm, and now he has to send it back by himself. It's not as good as God."

"... "

Under the mocking eyes of all the audience, the blind man swayed and walked towards the river. The blind man didn't seem to be aware of Pan Sen's existence at all, and went straight into the bushes in the river.

Pan Sen smiled sinisterly, and stabbed the blind man with a basic attack with a red BUFF, and then a spear hit the blind man's face. The legs seemed to be frostbitten, and the movement speed was much slower.

Pan Sen followed up, poking after poking, each poking took away a lot of blood from the blind man, seeing that the distance was enough, the blind man threw a Q to the blue BUFF.


Before the blind man could activate it, Pan Sen jumped up with a shield and hit the blind man's head. The blind man was stunned, and he poked again. The blind man woke up and immediately activated the second stage to rush towards the blue buff. Pan Sen didn't flash because of the lack of distance. Keep up, in his opinion, the blind man will be killed by the blue buff.

To Pan Sen's surprise, the blind man did not die.

(End of this chapter)

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