The absolute pinnacle of League of Legends

Chapter 259 Calm, Yin Pansen 1 wave

Chapter 259 Calm, Yin Pan Sen wave

When the blind man flew towards the blue buff, the double suction of the second W was still there, and before the blue buff's attack fell, he returned a negligible amount of blood with a slap on the ground.

And it was this amount of blood that saved the blind man's life.

Normally, this might be a good opportunity to steal mana, but unfortunately Pan Sen didn't dare to take the risk that his Jie in the middle lane was being suppressed by the fox.

Down the road, with the departure of Pan Sen, the pot man, the two sides returned to the normal lineup.

The card wanders on the edge of the grass in the river, throwing a Q from time to time to consume the male gun and Thresh, and EZ will throw Q through the gaps in the soldier line to consume it from time to time. The angle of the two throwing skills is extremely tricky. Thresh can dodge this, but not that.

feeling bad!
EZ is always standing behind the pawn line and can't reach it, which makes Thresh lose his mind, and the card moves like a loach. He can't walk around. Thresh failed to hook several times with Q shots. The W and Q of the card are almost hit with a hundred hits due to the type of opening skills.

Thresh and Nanqiang soon discovered that the cards consumed by throwing skills frequently could maintain sufficient mana. This may be due to the blue card back to blue and Dolan's ring, but it should have the mana back rune and talent , needless to mention talent, most of the return to blue runes choose blue growth.

Returning to the blue rune, blue has higher benefits, and the damage of the male gun does not cause much damage to the card, which shows that the card has not discarded the yellow nine-point armor.

Judging from the current situation, the rune talent of the card is correct, the male spear has less magic damage, and Thresh, whose skills are all magic damage, can't control him, and the card with more mana can follow As the level increases, the damage will be higher, and the consumption ability will become stronger and stronger.

After a few waves, the blood volume of Male Gun and Thresh was less than half. Fortunately, the consumption of cards pushed the pawn line over.

In general, the threat of Mr. Lu in the early stage has not yet played a role. The biggest credit for this is Pan Sen's second-level gank, which limits the play of cards.

The pawn line was pushed under the blue square one tower, and the cards and EZ stood behind the pawn line, and still did not miss the opportunity to consume them. The male gun needed Thresh to help replenish the long-range pawns in the back row. Thresh naturally couldn't be too far away from the pawn line. And the appearance of every bloody soldier also allowed Kaka and EZ to predict their positions.

This time, the hit rate of the skill is higher.

When the line of troops left the defense tower, Thresh and Nanqiang's blood volume was already low. The two hesitated for a while, and then returned to the city decisively.

Seeing that the two enemies disappeared, Kaka and EZ accelerated the pace of pushing the pawn line, pushed the pawn line under the enemy's tower, and then returned to the grass to return to the city together.

"Well, it's so peaceful!"

"Normally, no matter how good the support role is at the early stage, it won't make much difference in the early stage. Cards are typical support heroes, and their burst and consumption abilities are not particularly outstanding. It's much better when they level up."

"Well, the key is after the sixth level. Now is not the best time to take the rhythm. Take your time. Mr. Lu should catch a wave at the sixth level."

"Whether you can get up quickly depends on the first wave of the sixth level of the card."

"... "

Back at Shuiquan, Ding Feng looked at a lot of items in the game store, but they were almost covered in black. He was so poor that he couldn't buy any of them.

This unscientific!

"The money came too slowly!" He touched his nose with a wry smile, and without thinking too much, he quickly bought two fake eyes and one real eye, and went out.

"Why don't you eat the pawn line, and I'll help you." Qingxue glanced at him with a smile, this is not a joke on her part, if he turns into an ADC, then all she needs to do next is an ice fist, All the others are auxiliary equipment, and it's not like she hasn't played this routine before.

"No need!" He smiled lightly and shook his head. At present, the two sides are still in balance, not to that point yet.

As he said that, he looked at Feng Qiang, smiled lightly, and said, "Brother Qiang, the opposite red is about to be refreshed, later you figure out the time to catch Pan Sen, and I'll drive over to help you."

"Can we make it in time now?" Feng Qiang nodded with a smile, and asked with some uncertainty. The card is only level five now, and the red buff on the opposite side is about to be refreshed.

"Okay!" He smiled.

"Brother Peng, pay attention to Jie's movements, come here as soon as he disappears." Feng Qiang grinned, with Ding Feng's help, he was full of confidence.

"No problem!" Zhou Peng wanted to kill Jie for a long time, but this game was a bit slow, even if he was caught by the blind man, he couldn't suppress it.

Afterwards, Card went to the river to set up a vision to prevent Pan Sen from coming to gank, and then he returned to the line with confidence and continued to consume Thresh and Male Spear.

The fifth-level card's Q skill is already level-three, and the damage is not low. The threat to Thresh and Male Spear is not small, but the two brought a lot of supplies this time, so they can bear it.

At Xiaolong Pit, the blind man flew behind the blue buff and the red buff, walked a few steps forward and put a fake eye in the grass behind the red buff, and then hid in the grass behind the red buff.

Soon, the red buff was refreshed, and Pan Sen got into the grass of the red buff to have a look, and after confirming that there was no one there, he pulled the red buff into the grass and beat him.

Seeing this, the blind man got closer to Pan Sen with his vision blocked. Not only did he want to kill Pan Sen, but he also planned to grab the red buff.

Seeing that the red buff was about to be cleared, the blind man hit Pan Sen with a Q, and Pan Sen was startled. The next moment, the blind man activated the second kick and kicked him in the face, directly punishing the red buff.

Got it!
The red circle surrounded the blind man, and Pan Sen was furious. At this time, the blind man's explosive Q skill was used up, so he might not be defeated.

Pan Sen connected a spear with a basic attack, then jumped up, knocked the blind man unconscious with a shield, and connected with an E skill with a normal attack.

This set was so explosive that it knocked out about half of the blind man's HP. Pan Sen calculated and found that he could beat the blind man.

It's a pity that Pan Sen hadn't had time to be happy in the future. At this moment, a terrifying eye suddenly hung on his head. Pan Sen was shocked. When he looked down the road, he found that the card was standing in the grass of the river. At this time, it was too late for Thresh to go over and interrupt.

The next moment, a circle of cards appeared behind him out of thin air, and turned around quickly.

Pan Sen didn't stop, he took two steps down, and was about to hand over the flash to the place where the two ancient demons appeared, but he felt light all over his body, and he slammed into the thick wall uncontrollably. The card appeared out of thin air, and a yellow card followed and fell on him.

The card came passively with the E skill, and the QW set did a lot of damage, and Pan Sen was stunned. At this time, the blind man's Q skill improved and he threw it at Pan Sen.

When Pan Sen was taken away by the card, Jie rushed to the battlefield, and Male Gun and Thresh also surrounded him from the other side. The blind man and the card had nowhere to go and were in danger.


It was originally the third shift today, and I was busy dealing with the blocked chapter. I have revised it many times and it still didn’t pass, and I didn’t really do it. It just failed the review.

That's all for today, book friends, go to bed early, good night, good night!

(End of this chapter)

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