The absolute pinnacle of League of Legends

Chapter 262 Always Being Targeted, Turning Over

Chapter 262 Always Being Targeted, Turning Over

After the first wave of large-scale team battles, the two sides began to team up. Various encounters, support battles, and dragon battles were held in the wild and online. The friction was quite intense, but to the audience's regret, the speed of the cards was too fast. Slow, basically every wave is killed first.

There is no way, there are too many people who want to kill cards!

There are weapons, weapons that can't kill, and Pan Sen. Even if there are foxes and EZ around, there is no flash card, even if the operation and reaction are against the sky, it will feel powerless, and the blind man and the crocodile will be involved again. The enemy's most powerful bot lane combination cannot protect him.

However, these waves of cards did not get too many kills and economy, but they also dealt considerable damage, which actually supported the fox and EZ.

After a few waves, the purple team gained a considerable advantage, but unfortunately, the blue team's lineup became stronger in the later stage, and the purple team's advantage can make up for the blue team's strength. The team battle between the two sides is still five. Five times, any mistake by either side will ruin the team battle.

The blue team is okay, even if they can't beat weapons, they can still lead the line. Jie's ability to clear the line is not weak, and the defense problem under the defense tower is not a big problem.

These waves are indeed driven by cards, but Thresh on the opposite side has arranged the field of vision too well, and the blue team has already formed a group, so the possibility of catching orders is not high, and even if they are caught, they will eventually fight The purple side can't make much money, which may be due to the strength gap between the two sides.

Except for the cards, the strength of the other four players on the purple side is far behind that of the blue side, so it's not bad to be able to play like this.

At 28 minutes into the game, the card has already made the most critical part of the game, Zhongya. With Zhongya, the life-saving ability of the card will increase exponentially. As for not even being able to resist at all.

As for Pantheon, there is still a problem.

In the middle, after replenishing a wave of key equipment, the blue team resolutely pushed in a group and quickly pressed the pawn line up, while Thresh set up vision in the wild area.

The line of soldiers pressed down under the second tower in the middle of the purple side, but found that only cards, EZ, and foxes were defending. The blue side couldn't help but become cautious. They were not afraid of the crocodile leaving behind, but they were afraid of the blind man's big move from the rear. In the wild area There was no sign of the blind man, and the crocodile squatted behind the red buff.

The blue side separated slightly, and at this moment, the fox suddenly jumped into trouble, activated his big move and rushed forward, taunting the unresponsive weapon.

EZ's big move is shot at the same time...

The card is selected in seconds, and the yellow card is lightly thrown towards the weapon before the taunting time is about to end...

From behind, a blind man appeared, approaching at the speed of light, and kicked Thresh forward with one foot, and then rushed into the crowd with a Q, and slapped the ground with his palm...

The crocodile raised its head to the sky and shouted angrily, turned on the form of a tyrant, rushed forward and followed the blind man to join the battlefield...

Team battle broke out!
The sudden burst of the purple side seems to be as fierce as a tiger, but the blue side is not doing nothing. Weapons and Zed directly choose to jump the tower. Mori then opened up and appeared under the Highland Tower, joining the battle circle.

The two sides melee into a ball!
Although the purple side played well this time, and they were still under their own tower, the blue side's lineup was indeed very strong, and they fought back and forth.

If they were to play against a team of the same level, the blue team might not lose in this wave, and might even gain some advantages. It's a pity that the purple team has Mr. Lu, a god-like player, so this wave is not what the blue team imagined. The one in the middle is so easy to fight, but it is extremely difficult.

Unable to cut the card to death, and still in the case of jumping the tower, it is conceivable that the blue side is grateful for this wave, but the arrow is on the string, and it has to be launched.

The weapon was set on fire first. Even though he added some blood, armor and magic resistance for the team battle, he still couldn't hold it, so he had to retreat in embarrassment to protect the male gun.

Pan Sen opened up and jumped to the bottom of the highland tower, and was stunned by the yellow card of the card while being stunned by the card. Jie's big move was made at this time.

It is the card that is locked!
Zed's set of explosive bursts came out instantly, full of damage. The card that just woke up from the dizziness directly opened the golden body, avoiding the subsequent damage of Zed and the second explosion. The two had no choice but to turn the target to EZ. EZ fled to the high ground in embarrassment, turned around and output Pan Sen.

The card wakes up, with a yellow card to catch up with Pan Sen who is stuck by the EZ red BUFF, the yellow card is released, and the explosive EZ will take Pan Sen away.

On the battlefield ahead, Thresh was kicked away by the blind man first, and the unprotected male gun was chased and beaten by the blind man and the crocodile, and his blood volume dropped. When he was kicked by the blind man's Q and activated the second stage, he decisively surrendered the treatment And Flash, but did not leave just like that, but went to launch a fierce counterattack.

The bloody blind man touched his eyes and stepped forward, wanting to kill the male gun, but not only failed to kill the male gun, but buried himself, just one punch away.

The male gun made a few shots to suck back a lot of blood, E stepped forward to show off the crocodile, but at this moment, the male gun's pupils shrank, and the card opened up.

The next moment, a stack of cards quickly unfolded in front of him, and the cards appeared out of thin air. The male gun tried his best to escape, but was still killed by the yellow card.

Immediately afterwards, the card was filled with red medicine and continued to follow up. The weapon with residual blood jumped in and jumped away.

The weapon died, and the fox was chasing Thresh, who had only a trace of blood left. He just followed, and never made a move. It seemed that he wanted to leave the head to the card.

Card is not polite, follow up and take Thresh away.


"Well, I feel that the blue team is a little anxious. They didn't even have a good view and pushed the pawn line under the second tower. You must know that even if there is no defense tower, they will be [-]-[-] with Mr. Lu's team. How dare they have courage!"

"Indeed, as a late-stage lineup, they will become stronger the longer they are delayed. It should be Mr. Lu's team that is in a hurry. Why are they so anxious!"

"I don't understand!"

"It's a little rushed, but it's a bit unexpected to play like this. The brightest thing is that Mr. Lu and Pan Sen fainted together. If it is slower, it will be dangerous."

"Well, Jie's big move is also fast, but Mr. Lu still has a flash, so he shouldn't be able to kill him."

"If you can kill Mr. Lu, you won't lose much in this wave. Let Mr. Lu get three heads, and then the blue team will be in danger."

"It's dangerous, it's impossible to fight at all. Mr. Lu's current equipment is almost catching up with the fox. That is to say, Mr. Lu is no longer playing support, but mid laner."

"Hey, I never thought that Mr. Lu would lose. I think Mr. Lu didn't play very seriously. If he was serious, the blue side would have lost."

"That's right, Mr. Lu's abuse of the diamond team is not like playing."

"... "

(End of this chapter)

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