Chapter 263 Yaohua Attacks

A wave of two for five!

The crocodile and the blind man died on the purple side. The blind man was naturally killed by the male gun, and the crocodile was killed by the weapon in the fight with the residual blood weapon. He didn't expect the weapon to have the E skill. Otherwise, it must be a weapon that will die, of course, there is also a reason for the crocodile.

The results of this wave were somewhat beyond the expectations of the blue side. The card that should be cut to death was not cut to death, but was turned on by the card, taking three heads.

The cards are up!
It is not difficult to imagine that after this wave, the blue side will be more difficult to fight.

After that, two more team battles broke out between the two sides in the middle. The blue square retreated steadily, and was taken by the dragon. Immediately afterwards, the high ground in the middle disappeared.

At this time, Ding Haoran and Zhou Peng also joined the team to protect the cards, ignoring the enemy's strongest bottom lane combination, which is the tactic of four guarantees and one.

Cards didn't tell them that they need protection, this is what they consciously do.

Unexpectedly, the effect is really good!

If they knew this was the case, they wouldn't bother to involve the enemy's back row, but they can't be blamed, Ding Feng never said anything about it.

The last wave took place on the high ground. The purple side played a three-for-five exchange. Only the cards and EZ survived. Such a long resurrection time is naturally a wave.

At 35 minutes into the game, the round ended with the victory of the purple side.

Although the two sides played very anxiously, no one would think that Mr. Lu would lose. This result is a matter of course for everyone.

It is not easy for the blue to last for so long.

At the end of the game, Feng Qiang, Zhou Peng and Ding Haoran clapped and cheered, and then Ding Haoran slapped Ding Feng again. Qingxue was also very happy and reached out to slap him. The sign also came over, Qingxue did not refuse, and slapped him.

As soon as he met her palms, the phone on the table rang.

He took the phone and saw that it was Yaohua TV calling. Seeing her looking at him curiously, he smiled slightly, "It's Yaohua TV!"

"Could it be that our game is going to be broadcast live?" She nodded with a smile. He didn't hide his relationship with Yaohua TV from her, she knew something about it.

"It should be!" He smiled, pressed the connect button and put it to his ear.

Hearing the word 'Yaohua TV', the three boys next to each other looked at each other and smiled, very excited, they naturally knew what it meant.

It means that the next game will be broadcast live across the country, and even with a little promotion, it won't be long before it will attract the attention of players from all over the world.

Although the excitement was overwhelming, the three of them held back.

The phone call was over quickly, and Ding Feng didn't say anything unnecessary during the whole process, but only agreed with the sound of 'um', so that they didn't know the content of the phone call.

As soon as he put down the phone, she leaned over and asked jokingly, "What did Yaohua TV say?"

The three boys pricked up their ears and listened with anticipation.

"You guessed it right!" He nodded with a smile, this made the three boys very happy, chattering aside, Qingxue also smiled happily.

The supervisor came over and asked Feng Qiang to create the room.


Inside Qiyu University E-sports Plaza.

While waiting for the next game, some viewers always like to log in to the national server League of Legends general forum to browse posts and videos, but they don't want to encounter unexpected surprises.

"Oh, let me go, Yaohua TV is going to broadcast Mr. Lu's match live, is it real or not?" In a corner, a boy's exclamation attracted the attention of boys and girls around:
"You read that right, where is it?"

"In the National Service General Forum, you can go in and give it a try."

"Mr. Lu is said to have signed a contract with Yaohua TV. I think it's normal to broadcast live, but I didn't expect them to move so fast."

"It doesn't make sense, Yaohua TV seems to have other live broadcasts of positioning games today. Could it be that they were pushed away?"

"It should be. The ratings of Mr. Lu's game are too high. No company can withstand such a temptation. If Mr. Lu agrees, it must be broadcast live."

"Hey, spread the word quickly, maybe the school will broadcast Yaohua TV, so that we can hear the professional commentary from Xiao Qiao and Right Ear."

"Yeah, the game without commentary is too boring."

"... "

The news gradually spread in every corner, and the backstage soon heard about the news. After some discussion, they decisively switched to the broadcast format of Yaohua TV.


Nanhua City, inside a bungalow.

Ye's father is sitting in front of the TV, which is broadcasting the positioning match of Yaohua TV, while Ye's mother is busy in the kitchen in the backyard.

Soon, a positioning match was over.

"The reaction speed of young people nowadays is really fast, not bad!" Papa Ye commented cheerfully, then grabbed a bunch of longans from the plate on the table, and gnawed on them one by one.

The TV screen switched from the game to the commentary station. What surprised Dad Ye was that the commentary for this round was replaced at some point. At this time, the two chief commentators of Yaohua TV, Xiao Qiao and Right Ear, appeared on the TV. , These two are also Papa Ye's favorite commentators.

"Why did you suddenly change the commentary?" Papa Ye was surprised, he had been watching Yaohua TV all this time, but it was the first time that he changed the commentary temporarily.

He vaguely guessed something, but before he could think about it, Xiaoqiao's next words answered his doubts:
"Hello, audience friends in front of the TV, we meet again, I'm Xiaoqiao."

"Hi everyone, I am Right Ear."

"Because of some reasons, the positioning match of the spirit deed has been postponed. We will announce the specific time later on the official website, but please rest assured that we have prepared a big competition for everyone, and we will replace the spirit deed positioning match next. Yes, it is Mr. Lu's school competition."

"It's worth mentioning that this time Mr. Lu is playing the support position. I believe everyone must be very curious. What kind of talent makes Mr. Lu willing to take the support position? I also believe that everyone has almost guessed it."

"That's right, Mr. Lu's assistant is his girlfriend, Qingxue Huaye, the pure schoolgirl of Qiyu University."

"Don't look at Qingxue's beautiful appearance, but she is as fierce as a tiger when she plays the game. It is said that she once won nearly [-] heads in the two diamond teams. I didn't see that round, and we missed it today too. It will be announced on the official website later.”

"... "

"Qingxue also plays this game?" Father Ye was stunned for a moment, although it was strange, he didn't blame anything, instead he smiled a little more.

He was curious, is it true that his daughter is as powerful as the female commentator said? He has watched so many positioning matches, but he has never seen anyone who can get so many kills in one game. These positioning match masters are strong, but they should not be weak.


Most of the [-] book friends in the group have gone to school, and no one gives me any advice. I can’t help but write it in detail every game. I originally wanted to mention it in general. If anyone thinks this pace is slow, please join the group to communicate with me, I need everyone's support, I need everyone to tell me that I am not fighting alone...

Thank you!

If the recovery update is not started tomorrow, it will be the day after tomorrow.

That's all for today, book friends, go to bed early, good night, good night!
(End of this chapter)

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