The absolute pinnacle of League of Legends

Chapter 268 The big move, the thoughts of the enchantress

Chapter 268 The big move, the thoughts of the enchantress

Under the nervous gaze of the audience, Wei walked directly to the Three Wolves along the grass outside the first tower on Lanfang Middle Road, slowed down and began to recharge.

Before, Wei went around the wild area to chase the prince directly after the clockwork died, but because of the sudden appearance of the enchantress, she didn't jump the tower to kill the prince immediately, for fear of being slowed down by the enchantress and imprisoned under the tower, Instead, to be conservative, he squatted first and waited for the enchantress to leave.

Now that the enchantress has left, even if the prince returns to the city directly, it is only a few seconds away, and this is what she is waiting for, and she doesn't even need to turn on the phone.

With a loud shout of "Ah", Wei's body appeared in front of the prince at a high speed driven by the iron fist, but was narrowly dodged by the prince's sideways movement. Wei didn't believe that the prince had such a heaven-defying reaction ability, He probably expected that she would come back to him.

But why didn't the prince just run away?

Wei realized this in an instant, but didn't have time to think about it. There was no need to withdraw the offensive, so he decisively launched the big move and blasted at the prince.

The prince's reaction was not slow, the EQ [-]nd company charged towards the center of the first tower, and Wei's big move had landed on him as soon as the prince reached the position of the military flag.

Together with Wei, there is also Yao Ji who falls in the position of prince.

The prince was directly blasted to death, and the enchantress who jumped on Wei's face instantly threw out two QE skills, Wei was slowed down, and then imprisoned within the limit attack range of the defense tower, was attacked twice by the defense tower, and her blood volume was reduced Not much, but Vi also left the defense tower, escape is still possible.

Yao Ji followed Wei's side and slashed smoothly, always keeping a safe distance. With Yao Ji's current blood volume, once she was hit by Wei Chong's fist, she would most likely be killed back.

After chasing for a few steps, Wei's Q skill improved and began to recharge, Wei hesitated for a while, perhaps because she was afraid of Mr. Lu, Wei didn't gamble, but used this Q skill to escape, and rushed forward for a while It was not a short distance, and it happened that a wave of soldiers from our own side came over at this time.

Yao Ji kept up with two steps, pounced forward, and shot with a chain, unexpectedly chained Wei in the gap between a group of soldiers, and then shot with a Q.

The E skill triggers the Q skill damage, two damages plus a basic attack, killing Wei violently on the spot!

Two heads entered the account!

"Dick it, it's too big, it can lock Wei, how did you do it?"

"It's really cool. I heard that the only one who can use Yaoji's E skill to this extent is the king of the world's number one mid laner. I didn't expect Mr. Lu to do it too!"

"That's not necessarily the case. You're exaggerating. Many world-class mid laners know the E skill of Yao Ji, but it's just that they rarely encounter this kind of situation."

"Well, many great gods are deeply hidden, but Yao Ji wants to use this E skill to this extent, it is impossible to do it without a lot of practice and research."

"Hey, how can the King of Law compare with Mr. Lu, I have never seen a mid laner who can match up with Mr. Lu, and the King of Law is no exception in my opinion."

"Well, Mr. Lu's hero pool is too deep. It seems that the mid laner mage has also developed a lot. The brush mage, wine barrel, sword master, and Syndra's R+E have all been eliminated. Developed into a must-have hero, I doubt there is any hero that Mr. Lu can't."

"Haha, at least I haven't seen it before."

"What makes me most curious is, which position does Mr. Lu play full-time? It seems that Mr. Lu is good at any position, and the hero pool is very deep."

"I'm afraid only Mr. Lu knows this, it's too powerful."

"Oh, I originally thought that the E skill of Yao Ji is to lock whoever is close, but I didn't expect that it can penetrate the gaps in the soldiers' lines. This difficulty is no less than that of micro-manipulating the three-handed (mechanical pioneer) line of fire."

"... "

Yao Ji's last E skill made the audience amazed. This operation is indeed not something that ordinary masters can do, and it is so accurate that it is frightening.

Yao Ji took two heads, and didn't rush to go back to replenish her equipment, she just rushed down the road.

At this time, the false slug silk in the bottom lane was a bit miserable by Morgana and scorpion, but as a consumable hero, the false slug silk was not enough to make up for the knife, it just missed more. Fortunately, he wasn't pushed out of the experience zone, and it wasn't a loss if he combined with the enchantress' income.

Enchantress returned to the bottom lane and continued to start a new round of consumption.

In the next few minutes, the jungle ganks of both sides became more frequent, and both the middle and top lanes were taken care of. Even the blue Fang bottom lane, which was considered to have a low gank success rate, Wei also squatted twice, and the result was naturally not good. To put it bluntly, all ended in failure, and almost lost their lives.

Going down the road, another wave of confrontation broke out. Morgana died, and the woman escaped with blood. Wei quickly rushed over. After retreating.

The current Yao Ji's equipment is really good, not worse than the mid-lane mage at all, even if Wei has a big move, he dare not say that he will take away the fake silk in front of the Yao Ji.

However, Wei wanted to leave, but someone didn't want her to leave.

Wei appeared in an eye-catching position, and was relatively close to the Yao Ji. Seeing Wei was about to leave, the Yao Ji jumped on her, shot a Q and then threw out the chain, and Wei retreated slowly.

Yao Ji's sudden attack made Wei a little puzzled. Although Yao Ji's equipment is good, it is impossible to beat her when she is not in a good state, but Yao Ji still catches up.

Perhaps the prince is nearby!
Yes, the prince is coming from the lower half of the blue field at this time, but the distance is a bit far, so it may not be possible to catch up.

If he hadn't had more confidence in the enchantress, the prince probably wouldn't have come here.

Unsure of the position of the prince, Wei didn't dare to stay, and rushed towards the position of the blue BUFF with a decisive punch, but it was a bit late. As soon as Wei just broke away from the chains of the enchantress, her body suddenly stopped, and she was imprisoned in place. Ji followed up and threw another chain, which was the ultimate move.

Repeated tricks!

The ultimate move of the hero Yao Ji is a bit special. Whether a player can play Yao Ji or not depends to a large extent on the use of Yao Ji's ultimate move.

When to copy which skills, this is the most important issue that the enchantress needs to consider, and in many cases it even determines the outcome of life and death and team battles.

Undoubtedly, Mr. Lu's thinking is correct.

Yao Ji sent out two chains in a row, which both slowed down and imprisoned, making the impossible possible. The prince quickly rushed over and directly joined the battle circle with the EQ second company.

In the middle, Xerath and Clockwork are also on their way.

A wave of small-scale team battles broke out around the purple square blue BUFF. Xerath didn't intend to fight this wave, but just wanted to save Wei, but ended up getting himself into it. If you take a shield from Xerath, I'm afraid you won't be able to replace even one of them in this wave.

In the end, the blue side played a one-for-two exchange, and it was the prince who was replaced.

(End of this chapter)

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