The absolute pinnacle of League of Legends

Chapter 269 The damage is explosive, a set that determines the outcome

Chapter 269 The damage is explosive, a set that determines the outcome

What disturbed Zi Fang the most was that both of these heads were taken by the enchantress. The enchantress has always been regarded as a mage with strong explosive power in the early and mid-term and weak in the later stage. It's snowballing, and this enchantress is still playing with Mr. Lu.

Compared with Mr. Lu, they are not at the same level in all aspects. Such a fat Mr. Lu poses a big threat to them.

And the following situation also confirmed their thoughts. After Mr. Lu went home for a wave of supplies, no matter online or dragon team battles, the purple side was suppressed everywhere. Ji fell in seconds, followed by another round of chasing and harvesting.

The snowball is rolling!

The game lasted for nearly 10 minutes, and the number of heads in Yaoji's hands has reached as high as ten. The sources of these heads include team battles, online, and wild area capture. The purple side is basically in a situation of complete collapse. The outer towers of the three lines were almost demolished, leaving only the second tower in the middle.

Enchantress went back to the city again for a round of replenishment. The magic shoes, the Great Holy Grail and the hat have been made, and the gorgeousness of the equipment has already led the audience.

The blue team held a group to press down, and the purple team retreated steadily. They had to let go of the second tower in the middle and return to the high ground tower to defend.

The purple side has the line-clearing hero Xerath, and his development is not bad. The pawn line has basically been cleared before it reaches the tower, and it has not been able to advance.

Earlier, Morgana inserted a hole in the high ground through the partition wall, and almost all the positions of the people in the blue side were illuminated, so I didn't worry too much.

The two sides are at a stalemate!

At this moment, an accident happened.

The enchantress inserted an eye outside the attack range of the Highland Tower, and Morgana on the side was set to attack automatically, so the appearance of this eye made Morgana automatically turn around and attack. What the two parties and the audience did not expect was that this is the A general attack directly ruined Morgana's life.

Or the failure of this game!
The enchantress interjected to take a picture of the situation on the high ground. When she saw Morgana attacking the guards, she decisively rushed over through the wall. Two Qs of different colors were shot out one after the other. Morgana instinctively rushed towards the Throwing a Q at the position of the enchantress, but was dodged by the enchantress activated W.

The enchantress returned to her original position, and Morgana died.


"Isn't it, so you're dead?"

"Uh, why did he die? This damage is too explosive, right? Two skills killed Morgana? This is unscientific!"

"What eyes do you have? It's not two skills, but three."

"Yeah, Yao Ji threw an E at the end, probably because she was too close to Morgana, and the speed of the instant kill was so fast that the chain disappeared as soon as she shot it, so you didn't see it."

"It seems so, I thought it was a hallucination just now!"

"I remember that the most powerful skill of the enchantress is W, right? Mr. Lu didn't use the W skill to deal damage at all. Why did three small skills kill Morgana who was full of blood? Although Morgana said No dual resistance and blood support, but at least the level is not too far behind."

"It's a bit unscientific!"

"Too fake!"

"I don't think so. Let me give you some popular science. In fact, the enchantress is said to have three skills, but five skills. Q is the first skill. The Q copied by the ultimate move triggers the first Q. The second part of the damage, this is the second skill, the Q copied by the big move is the third skill, and then the second part of the damage of the Q copied by the E skill triggers the big move, it is the fourth skill, and the last skill is E skill."

"With the equipment of the enchantress leading the audience, this set will draw more than 1000 HP in seconds at least on a Morgana who does not have dual resistance, and Morgana just happens to be lower than this number. If Morgana If you don’t turn on Q, but turn on E, then Morgana might not be seconded.”

"I think that even Morgana herself doesn't believe that the enchantress can kill her in seconds without W damage, so she wants to use Q to keep the enchantress, but still underestimates the enchantress' damage and shooting speed. Keeping Yao Ji, but giving his head to Yao Ji instead."

"Thunder strike, beautiful strike!"

"Morgana is dead, so this is almost a wave of rhythm."

"... "

Morgana's sudden death made the audience unbelievable and amazed, and the players on both sides were a little unresponsive. Why did Morgana die so well?

Of course, what should be considered now is not this, but the impact of Morgana's death.

To start a group under the tower, Morgana's big move is too threatening, and it might be at a disadvantage. Therefore, the stone man has been holding the clockwork magic ball for a long time, and he is still looking for an opportunity to start a group. Now, Morgana is a threat If it is gone, then there is no need to look for an opportunity, just jump over the tower and it will be over.

Ding Haoran is cautious, but it doesn't mean he is indecisive, so when he saw Morgana's death, he immediately made a big move to hit the Highland Tower.

With a loud bang, the big move of the stone knocked three of them into the air. Immediately afterwards, he slapped the ground and sent stones. At the same time, a series of big moves and small skills came down, and Crispy died tragically on the spot, and Shen Ye was disabled.

After Prince Gai grew up, he directly rushed out of the EQ second company, and hit Xerath who was not hit by the stone. Xerath was picked up, and the enchantress followed up. Another set of small skills was shot, and Xerath was instantly crushed. Spike.

Then Shen was chased to death.


This result is not surprising. The three of the stone men were doomed to such an ending. This wave was indeed very beautiful.

A wave of mass destruction is naturally a wave.


The scoring algorithm of the 'LOL Week' competition is the same as that of the general professional league. In a BO3 points match, the team that wins two consecutive games gets three points, and the team that loses two games in a row gets no points. Naturally, there is no need to play the third game.

Three points in hand!

At the end of the game, Feng Qiang, Zhou Peng, and Ding Haoran showed relaxed smiles and chatted cheerfully at the side. Of course, Qingxue was also very happy, and she leaned in front of him and chatted with him. While waiting for the game supervisor to come and notify.

Except for the first match, the rest of the matches are randomly determined by the machine, which may be unfair, but this is the case with the 'LOL week' match. There are too many teams and the time is very limited. It is impossible for each team to You have to play against other teams.

Twenty teams, even if each game is a two-game winning streak, they have to play at least 38 rounds, and after each round, they have to wait for the other teams to finish and then let the machine randomly select opponents. This is almost impossible in three days Complete characters, and people's energy is limited, so you can't play like this.

While waiting, Ding Feng and Qingxue did not forget to sign autographs for fans.


That's all for today, book friends, go to bed early, good night, good night!

(End of this chapter)

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