The absolute pinnacle of League of Legends

Chapter 270 Opponent, Team Liu Ming

Chapter 270 Opponent, Team Liu Ming

When the two returned to the game computer room, the three male players had already arrived. Xiao Xin watched the two walk in front of them with a smile on her face, and said with a smile: "You guys are really slow, run away!"

"Well, I went to the artificial lake." Ding Feng smiled and nodded.

"It's quite quiet there." Xiaoxin smiled slightly, but made Qingxue blush, Qingxue asked: "Xiaoxin, who is our opponent?"

"Liu Ming's class." Xiaoxin smiled and announced a name that surprised them. Unexpectedly, in the first two games of the points competition, they met people from the school team.

Is this the rhythm of deciding the champion and runner-up in advance?
"Hehe, it's a good time to come. Anyway, we will meet sooner or later. If we can beat Liu Ming's team, then the champion of this 'LOL Week' competition will be ours."

"Yes, to save you from long nights and dreams."

"Well, today's luck is really good. When we first came up, we faced the two strongest teams in our school. The result of the competition seems to be ahead of schedule."

Hearing Liu Ming's name, the three male team members were not only not worried at all, but were extremely happy. The school team has always been an existence they look up to. They never thought that they would meet them one day, but now they do. The fighting spirit of the three of them suddenly became extremely high-pitched.

There's no way, there's a great Mr. Lu in their team.

And just as Zhou Peng said, if they can beat Liu Ming's team, then the championship will fall into their hands without any suspense.

There is a rule in the 'LOL Week' competition. The same team can only meet once. If they win this time, they will never meet again.

Whichever side wins, the champion belongs to that side.

Li Xiaoxin smiled and listened to them, then greeted them and walked out. Ding Feng and Qingxue returned to their seats and sat down, waiting for the game to start.


"It's about to start, which team will be the next opponent?"

"Hey, it's best to be Captain Liu Ming's team, so that the champion of the competition will be determined in advance, and the rest of the idiots will be easier to deal with."

"Whatever is decided, the champion is already owned by Mr. Lu's team, there is no suspense at all."

"Yeah, the difference in strength is a bit big, but I don't know what hero support Mr. Lu will use next. The top demon girl really can't walk around."

"It's probably another mage."

"Some mages in the auxiliary position are more difficult to open Rui. Ordinary opponents are fine. If you encounter Liu Ming and the others, it is better to be steady. Captain Liu Ming's class team is all diamond masters, and their strength is relatively balanced. Play casually. It will be very exhausting."

"Yes, who asked Mr. Lu to bring four pits!"

"You can't say that. At least I don't think Qingxue is a bad girl at all. In the position of ADC, Qingxue is at least as good as a diamond."

"That's right, Goddess Qingxue is strong when she is strong, and abuses when she is weak. She can also guarantee that the colonel team's bot lane will not drop too much damage. This is not something ordinary players can do."

"It seems to be starting..."

In the e-sports plaza of Qiyu University, thousands of students were chatting enthusiastically. Even though these teams were not comparable to the teams that Mr. Lu met in Asia, they were full of expectations.

Soon, a broadcast sounded throughout the e-sports plaza: "I've kept everyone waiting, the game is about to start, and the team that Mr. Lu's team will face next is..."

After a pause, "Team Liu Ming!"

As soon as these words came out, the students were extremely surprised:
"No, why such a coincidence?"

"It's probably a secret operation. When I passed by the school gate in the morning, I saw a lot of big people coming to our school. Now they should watch the game in the conference room. It's rare for them to come here in their busy schedule. Naturally, the school wants to entertain with the most exciting game, so there is This is a black box operation."

"I saw it too."

"That's it. Otherwise, how could the [-] teams have such a coincidence to meet two favorite teams for the championship and runner-up. No matter how you think about it, it's not normal."

"I saw the first game too."

"Very good, very good. Anyway, deciding the champion in advance will not affect our interest in watching the next game. As long as it is Mr. Lu's game, I want to watch it. The abuse is not bad."

"Now I've seen some of them, hehe!"

"... "

The big screen turned back to the commentary seat again, Xiaoqiao looked at the document in front of her, and said with a smile: "Welcome back, this is the team information provided by Qiyu University in front of me, and the team that Mr. Lu will face next is said to be the strongest team in Qiyu University." The class team of the school team, the upper middle field of the school team are all in the team."

"First of all, captain Liu Ming is in the second rank of drill, but he already has 94 win points, and he may be promoted to rank one at any time. He is also in rank two in the upper unit, with [-] win points, which is not much different from the captain. Mid laner Liu Ming Xu, Drill [-], and the rest of the bot lane support and ADC have just been promoted to Drill [-]."

"It's worth mentioning that the IDs of the two bot laners are quite interesting. The ID of the adc is the goddess who eats and drinks, and the ID of the support is the goddess who does not eat fireworks. One is a more human goddess, and the other is a real goddess. Goddess in the sense of meaning, it seems that the concepts of the two conflict a bit..."

"The overall strength of Liu Ming's team is much stronger than that of Mr. Lu's team, but with a world-class master like Mr. Lu Kari, it's not a big problem."

"Okay, the game will start now!"

Just as Xiao Qiao finished speaking, there happened to be a 'bang' at this moment, and the screen switched to the selection interface.


in a machine room.

"Lhasa, Fireworks, if you don't want to lose, you just need to be steady and develop steadily. As long as we can hold Mr. Lu back, it's not impossible for us to win." Liu Xu picked up the cigarette on the table with a smile, and pulled it out One was held in his mouth, and his eyes were on the two people beside him.

"Don't call me Lazard, I'm called Eat and Drink." ADC gave him a dissatisfied look.

"Forget it, Lazar is more fluent in calling you. Anyway, I'm not the only one calling you that. Why don't you say it when the captain calls you?" Liu Xu curled his lips, picked up the lighter and was about to light the cigarette. Reaching out from the side, he took the cigarette out of his mouth.

Yuan Yi shook the cigarette, said with a smile: "You still smoke at this time, cigarettes will make you more emotionally agitated, and you can't fight against the wind."

"It's okay, it's not fun to play games without smoking!" Liu Xu laughed, took the cigarette from his hand, put it in his mouth and lit it with a lighter.

Yuan Yi shook his head helplessly, the captain who was pulling people glanced at the two of them, and said with a smile: "Just smoke, you don't know him, he is an old smoker."

"Captain, how do you play this one?" Yuan Yi looked at the captain and asked.

In terms of personal ability, he is indeed not weaker than the captain, but in terms of tactics and awareness, he is still far behind the captain. Therefore, in general decision-making, he will listen to the captain, and in this semester, he is not inferior to the captain. In the competition of the college teams, it also proved the captain's brilliant decision-making.


That's all for today, book friends, go to bed early, good night, good night!

(End of this chapter)

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