The absolute pinnacle of League of Legends

Chapter 271 Big move flow VS support flow

Chapter 271 Big move flow VS support flow

Liu Ming pulled Ruiwen away, and explained casually: "We don't need to deliberately study the tactics of this one, it will make us nervous instead. Fireworks and Lazards, you should be steady down the road. It doesn't matter if you miss some pawns, as long as you don't give it to Mr. Lu." The head is good, otherwise our other lines will suffer."

"Well, no problem!"

"We'll try our best, but the result may be a bit uncertain."

Yan Huo and Lazar nodded slightly.

"There will be a lot of variables in the lane match with Mr. Lu. Just do your best, don't force it." Liu Ming nodded with a smile, and continued: "I don't plan to help the bottom lane in this game. I will focus on the middle and upper lanes. If we can play the middle and upper lanes If you have a big advantage, then get together early and go to the opposite wild area to catch the singles. We can't follow the normal routine when we play against Mr. Lu, we must take risks to win the chance of victory, and it is best not to delay it until the later stage."

"Let's use the support stream first, and see how it works!"

As soon as Liu Ming finished speaking, Yan Huo asked, "Then what do we take for the next step? Bron and ***?"

"It's not necessarily true. You can figure it out for yourself. Anyway, as long as we have the support ability in the upper middle field, Bron may be very strong in supporting the team, but it is not suitable for every situation. You can decide later on depending on the situation. I don't have a good idea either." Liu Ming shook his head after thinking about it.

At this point, the disabling session is over.

Start choosing people!

Mr. Lu's team is on the blue side, and the blue side picks first, and the first pick is the mummy Amumu.

"Mumu?" The members of Liu Ming's team were taken aback. Although this hero's appearance rate in the passerby ranks is not low, he is rarely seen in professional leagues.

Mu Mu is a typical group control hero, but his flexibility is too low, and his burst is not very strong. In terms of team start ability, he is not as strong as Golem, so his appearance rate is not as high as that of Golem who is also a group control hero. It is only suitable for junglers, and it is not very strong among junglers.

But he didn't expect that the jungler of the e-commerce team would actually take out Amumu.

"Could it be a big move?" Yuan Yi smiled slightly. If other powerful junglers like Blind Man, Prince, and Wei were like him, he might be a little bit afraid, but Mu Mu would be relieved.

After finishing speaking, he immediately chose Shen, and Liu Ming also chose the hero Nightmare in seconds.

As soon as these two heroes came out, whether it was Mr. Lu's side or the outside audience, they had already guessed that they would come up with a support lineup.

Then the next mid laner, no accident, is a card.

"Our school team's support flow seems to be quite smooth, but I don't know if Mr. Lu will snatch the cards."

"Probably not. The appearance of Mumu shows that Mr. Lu's team also has its own combat ideas, so it doesn't have to follow the opponent's rhythm."

"Mr. Lu's team is going to make a big move?"

"It should be, otherwise I wouldn't choose Amumu. If no one else cooperates, Mumu is equivalent to a super pawn in high-end rounds. Mumu's Q is too easy to hide, and the suddenness of starting a team is not high. , it’s better to choose a prince, and Mr. Lu’s jungler is not bad for playing prince.”

"Support flow vs big move flow, interesting!"

"Yeah, these two lineups have their own advantages and disadvantages. The advantage of the support stream is support, and the team battle is quite weak. If you don't have enough advantage, the team battle will not be able to beat the big move flow. And if it is delayed to the later stage, the big move If the flow is stronger, it depends on which side can play the desired effect."

"There are too many combinations of big moves, and I don't know what to choose for the next four positions."

"Well, I guess it should be..."

Immediately afterwards, the 2nd and 3L picks of Mr. Lu's team, 2L picked the Wandering Mage, and 3L picked the Sentinel Galio who also rarely played.

"Gargoyle? Hey, why did I forget that there is such a group control mage in the mid laner!"

"Uh, actually, what I've always wondered is why the Gargoyle's appearance rate is so low? The Gargoyle will explode and consume, and the big move is still a group taunting skill, the range is not small, and it's still a tank Type mage, if you want to say the scariest mage, I think it should be a gargoyle."

"Yeah, I don't understand either!"

"Gargoyle is indeed very strong. It may be that the battle system is not suitable for the team, so few teams use it. I will play it when I go back. It may be a sharp weapon for scoring."

"Mumu and Shaobing, once the two people's ultimate moves are well connected, team battles are really impossible, and the wandering ultimate move also has area damage."

"What will Mr. Lu and Goddess Qingxue choose next?"

"... "

Galio's appearance immediately aroused the audience's enthusiasm for discussion. Even if they didn't see him at this time, many audiences would have forgotten that there is such a powerful existence in the mage.

The strength of Galio in the mid laner position is equivalent to the weapon of the top unit, and it is also one of the few mages who can single out with weapons.

Still can't beat it!
Naturally, there is no need to personally test this. In the entire League of Legends, there are really not many heroes who dare to say that they can win weapons in a one-on-one match, maybe none of them.

Of course, if you masturbate standing up, maybe there really is one.

The barbarian king!

Countless people have conducted experiments. Maybe many heroes can force the barbarian king's ultimate move with one set, but no one can hold back the barbarian king's ultimate five-second burst.

Weapons are no exception.

The Sentinel's Death Galio has two nicknames, one is 'Gargoyle', he is a Gargoyle in the background story, and the other is 'Saobing', which is a homonym for Sentinel.

Sentry, biscuits!
Many people think that Sentinel is very strong, but his appearance rate is not worthy of his ability. As for the reason, everyone has their own opinions, but they are not very convincing. I am afraid that those professional players will not dare to say that he can Give a convincing statement.

The appearance of Sentinel's Fall aroused heated discussions, which is not surprising at all. After all, it rarely appears in high-end team competitions, so it is full of novelty.

If it was Timo, it would be even more sensational.

Next, as the audience expected, Liu Ming's team 3L chose the mid-lane mage card, and 4L chose Thresh, the current version of the support brother.

3, 4L selected, the next is a wonderful scene.

It was the turn of Mr. Lu and Goddess Qingxue to choose candidates. Without much hesitation, the two heroes were chosen in no particular order, and they were Huo Man and Mouse.

"Fire man and mouse, this combination is a bit fragile, but it is very explosive."

"This combination is not a big problem. Anyway, the front row is enough in the team. There are two group control heroes, Amumu and Gargoyle. If you want to focus fire, you have to consider your own safety and position. You don't need Fire Man and The mouse fights, as long as the fire man and the mouse play a set, they will probably win."

"This lineup should be regarded as the scariest lineup in the ult. In the general ult, you have to consider how many big and middle players can win. This lineup doesn't need to consider this."

"How can there be such a rush that doesn't give you a way to survive? The big moves of these two people can make you dare not even approach your teammates. I don't know how uncomfortable it is to play in a team."

"A great lineup!"

"That's right. It's a pity that the League of Legends doesn't have the strongest lineup, only the strongest players. Whoever wins depends on the performance of both sides."

"um, yes…"

(End of this chapter)

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