Chapter 272
The election is over!
The game is counting down...

Enter the reading interface...

The interface changes to the fountain, and the game begins.

The lineups for both sides are:

The blue side, the top laner, the jungler Amumu, the mid laner Gargoyle, and the bottom lane are Fire Man and Mouse.

Purple Fang, top laner Shen, jungler Nightmare, mid laner card master, and the bottom lane combination is Thresh and Male Spear.

The two sides have a tacit understanding that they have no intention of fighting a first-level regiment. They just find a position in the wild area and stand there, waiting for the pawn line to set off and the wild monsters to spawn.

Go down the road, and the line of troops is handed over.

With the captain's order, coupled with the fear of Mr. Lu, Thresh and the male gun played extremely wretchedly, showing a growth-oriented tactic from the very beginning, but the fire man did not intend to let them go, and directly suppressed them. Go ahead and use your position and skills to consume.

One of the places where the blue side needs to be careful in the bottom lane is the triangular grass on the top. In the case of not having much vision in the early stage, the purple side's jungler is very likely to come out from there to gank. The fire man and the mouse are short-legged heroes , while consuming supplementary knife, always pay attention to precautions.

But it's okay, the opposite jungler Nightmare is also a short-legged hero, and the control skills also have a certain delay, so I'm not very worried.

As long as you don't get hooked by Thresh, it's fine.

Nightmare didn't mean to come to gank, not to mention the characteristics of heroes, even if he is a hero with control and explosiveness such as Pan Sen, Prince, and Blind Man, he may not be able to successfully gank Mr. Lu.

Of course, there is no need for this.

Five minutes into the game, the upper and middle lanes of Mr. Lu's side fell into a state of being suppressed. They missed one after another to make up the knife, and barely had a chance to gain experience. The small life was extremely miserable.

No way, the gap is still too big.

Such a situation was only expected for the students of the major colleges and universities in Nanling City, and the audience in other places were not very surprised either.

Mainly reflected in the segment.

The middle lane is not bad, although the gap is not small, but they are all in the diamond group after all, the worst is the top lane, a platinum two pair and a high player who is infinitely close to the diamond one, the result can be imagined, this is still limited resources at present Under such circumstances, the further you go to the back, the harder you will be crushed.

Mu Mu was quite helpless about this, so he had to abandon the resources in the wild area, and squatted back and forth in the grass on the middle and upper roads to limit the development of the enemy, and maybe have a chance to catch a wave.

But this is not a long-term solution after all. Although Mu Mu's appearance gave the teammates in the middle and upper lanes the opportunity to develop, but he also gained a lot of online experience, but his last hits did not improve at all. If there are no people, then his jungler may be useless.

Regarding this, the three of them smiled wryly, but there was nothing they could do. Only now did they deeply realize the huge gap between them and the main players of the school team.

Of course Mumu will not allow himself to be useless. Every time he squats along the way for a while, he will consume a wave of blood with the enemy hero. Once the pressure on the line is relieved, he will return to the wild area to brush up a wave of wild growth. But don't forget to pay attention to the situation of the middle and upper roads, and be ready to support at any time.

For now, it's not a big problem.

The wandering in the top lane has long hands, and Shen's burst is not high, as long as you are careful, there is no problem. In the middle lane, Gargoyle vs. cards, even if the strength gap between them is not small, the hero characteristics can make up for it. Not to mention suppressing cards, but At least the last knife will not fall behind and can be maintained.

The wretchedness of the middle and upper lanes also invisibly avoided several waves of gank from Nightmare.

After all, Liu Ming is not a god. When the enemy is close to the defense tower, his nightmare can only have the effect of harassment at most, and the possibility of killing him is not high, so he frantically farms in the wild area, trying to reach level [-] as soon as possible. And at level six, the current situation can be broken.

Peaceful development!

Of course, the bottom lane is an exception.

Bot lane is fighting from beginning to end. To be precise, it should be unilateral consumption. The fire man consumes it. The mouse will occasionally throw a W, and then the E skill will draw the blood of Thresh and the male gun. The mouse's consumption ability It's not very good, but there are too many times, Thresh and Male Gun are also very hurt.

Male Gun and Thresh managed to reach level five with the help of blood bottles. At level five, their blood volume was exhausted, so they had to go back to the city to replenish.

Fire Man and Mouse ignored them, and went back to the city together after getting into the bushes to make up a wave of soldiers.

In the middle, the gargoyle and the card have reached level [-]. The blood volume of the card is not enough to gank, and the money on the body is enough to go back to replenish a good equipment. Retreating back, at this moment the gargoyle flashed forward, and the big move was activated.

The card was mocked!
The gargoyle's damage wasn't enough to kill him, but now that it's flashing again, don't think it must be the mouse coming. When the mouse comes, the fire man will definitely follow.

The card contained flash and purification, and he didn't dare to wait for the mouse to come to open it, so he solved the taunt immediately, and the next moment, the mouse appeared in front of him.

The mouse let out a mean laugh, and a shot of venom was thrown on the card, the card was slowed down, and the mouse opened the big move to chase the card and hit it hard.

The card retreated unhurriedly, a white shield covering the blood bar out of thin air.

It was Shen's big move.

The wandering teleport also appears on minions at the same time...

Immediately afterwards, a gloomy mocking sound resounded throughout the Summoner Canyon, and the whole world was plunged into terrible darkness...

The next moment, a dark figure rushed towards the mouse...

Kaka brought Shen's shield and walked towards the mouse, wanting to let Shen taunt the mouse for the first time, but the next moment Kaka's pupils shrank suddenly, and the fire man flashed over, and a fireball was thrown directly at him , Shen Yi appeared, and the card decisively handed over the flash under the defense tower.

Before Ka Card could breathe a sigh of relief, the thing that worried him most happened. At this time, a wave of soldiers was slowly walking towards him, and it was too late for him to retreat.

Is this the rhythm of the fireball raging and bouncing?
Fireman's ultimate move has a characteristic, it hits the target that is burned by the flame first, and the card eats the first fireball and is burned by the flame, then the priority target of the third and fifth fireball must be him, Now his blood volume can't stand it twice, let alone three hits.

Cards tried their best to get rid of the pawn line, but they still couldn't escape death.

The card died, and the fireman turned around to attack Shen and Nightmare, who had set fire to the mouse. Unfortunately, they still couldn't keep the mouse. Handing over the flash was still ignited to death by the fire man.

After receiving the instructions, Mumu rushed to the middle road immediately. Unfortunately, he had no shoes and short legs. When he arrived on the battlefield, the team battle was almost over. However, Mumu's arrival was not without any help, at least his Q skill It's not bad to force out Shen's flash.

One wave of two for two!

The blue side died of mice and gargoyles, and the purple side died of cards and nightmares. One was killed by the fire man's ultimate move, and the other was burned to death by the fire man.


That's all for today, the night is cold, book friends, go to bed early, good night, good night!

(End of this chapter)

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