The absolute pinnacle of League of Legends

Chapter 276 Huo Nan's winning trick, flashing to start a group

Chapter 276 Huo Nan's winning trick, flashing to start a group

On the road, there was a wave of zero for four, and the blue team had a fat wave. The already strong lineup will become so strong after this wave, and the purple team has no power to fight anymore.

Unplug the highlands and return to the city.

The super soldiers were sent out in less than 10 minutes. With the current development status and heroic characteristics of the purple side, the defensive ability is extremely limited, but the blue side did not give them a chance to breathe. Push the pawn line under the second tower on the bottom road.

Nan Qiang and Shen defended the super soldiers at home, but Kaka, Thresh, and Nightmare couldn't defend at all. Once the blue side pushed forward, they could only retreat.

Retreating under the Highland Tower, Shen and Nanqiang, who cleared out two waves of super soldiers, rushed over.

The line of soldiers arrived under the highland tower, and the damage from the cards and male guns was just enough to clear out a wave of soldiers, but this was also the first two waves, and after the third wave, the blue side directly pushed under the tower.

This highland cannot be lost!
Thinking of this, Zi Fang gritted his teeth carefully, found a good angle, rushed forward, and then flashed to follow, taunting Wanderer, Gargoyle and Mumu.

Thresh stepped forward and activated his ultimate move.

Fireman's EQ instantly stunned Shen, and then suspended his body in the air, condensing a big fireball and flying towards Shen. The arrival of the fireball made everyone in the purple party who was about to output retreat as if they had seen a ghost, but they still couldn't avoid it. The fireball Flicked from Shen to Thresh, and then bounced back.

Shen and Thresh only lasted for three seconds before being killed by concentrated fire. The other three escaped, and the blue side ignored it and worked together calmly to destroy the Highland Tower.

At ten nine minutes, the big crystal exploded.


Liu Ming's team failed to survive for 10 minutes. This result surprised the students of Qiyu University.

Since Captain Liu Ming became the captain of the school team, he has had no less than a hundred matches with other colleges and universities, but he has never been abused so badly. No matter how bad it is, he can last at least 10 minutes. This time, starting from 15 minutes, Liu The Ming team showed a huge defeat.

And the economies of both sides were not much different at that time!
Is it just because there is a Mr. Lu on the opposite side?That's not enough, Mr. Lu has four pitfalls, and the overall strength is not 01:30 points behind Liu Ming's team.

Ultimately, viewers put the result down to the lineup.

Just like what I said before, if the support stream can't have a huge advantage in the early stage, then once they get together in the later stage, the support stream can't beat the big move stream at all, let alone this is a big move stream that can crush people to death, damage, Group control, meat shields, etc. are all available, and whoever matches will know.

As far as team battles are concerned, compared with Liu Ming's support lineup, Mr. Lu's big recruit lineup is equivalent to 5000 yuan more in economy, which seems to be a gap in the early stage.

Moreover, the later the big move lineup, the more valuable it is.

Ding Feng had one regret in this round, that is, he couldn't use the fire man's winning trick that he used to use before.

This strange trick is not considered profound, but anyone who often plays with fire men knows it.

It's the flash team!
The most common thing players talk about is the big move to start the team. The most typical hero who uses the big move to start the team is the Golem, and the player who flashes the team first thinks of Mumu.

Or gargoyles.

But the real most powerful flash team hero is actually Huo Nan.

In the previous life, Ding Feng was the king of the Huo Nan, with an astonishingly high winning rate, and the biggest contributor to such a high winning rate was Huo Nan's flash start.

Be surprised!
The operation of Huoman's flash group start is very simple:
First, you have to use E or W to ignite a crispy skin.

It is best to use E, W's damage has a damage bonus under the burning effect, so keep it for bursts.

The E skill burns the target, then takes a small step back, and before the ignited crispy skin can react, he flashes forward and touches his face to be stunned.

If the enemy teammates don't come to focus on you in the first time, then as long as you do enough damage, the fire man's set of small skills will explode, plus the big move and the line of soldiers, it is enough to drop the stunned crispy skin in seconds, even if this crispy The leather has displacement, so it may not be able to escape the fireball immediately.

Die too!

And if the enemy teammate rushes to focus on you at the first time, then they may hand over their limited displacement skills. At this time, you can completely throw a big move at these people who want to focus on you. Maybe there is enough time and you can still First make up a high-explosive W, and then open the golden body.

You will find that after this big move, the enemy's blood volume is low. As long as the team's disadvantage is not too great, this wave will not lose, and maybe they can win a big victory.

After that, as long as there is a flash, there will be a few more sets.

It's hard to guard against!

This is the frightening thing about Huo Nan flashing his team. Huo Nan can be regarded as one of the few in the entire League of Legends who is not afraid to fight more with less and is eager to do so.

In other words, to a certain extent, there is only one such hero, Fire Man.

Of course, this technique seems simple, but you still need to practice more, and you must also know under what circumstances it is suitable to use this technique, otherwise it will cause counterproductive effects.

In short, it is to grasp the timing of flashing the group.

In addition, the characteristics and skills of the hero Huo Nan are definitely destined to be a hero who cannot be cowardly. A very cowardly player will definitely not be able to play the aura that Huo Nan should have, and he is not suitable for playing Huo Man as a hero.

Huo Nan is very strong, there are many heroes restrained by Huo Nan, such as Kaka, Enchantress, etc., Huo Nan is also restrained by some heroes, such as Zed, Yasuo...

Especially Yasuo.

Yasuo's wind wall can resist Huo Nan's Q and ultimate move, and these two skills are also the key skills of Huo Nan. As long as the wind wall is used well, Huo Nan can be abused properly.

Of course, the same sentence, there is no strongest hero, only the strongest player.

However, this is not absolute.

Take little Teemo for example, no matter how hard Teemo plays, it is impossible to beat a sword girl of the same level. The output ability and fleshiness of these two heroes are not at the same level at all.

The sword girl who has the magic resistance shoes can minimize the blinding time of Teemo, and does not need mercury and purification, but without the most critical blinding, with Teemo's extremely weak basic attack, the same as the sword girl The result of slashing is death, and you can't escape if you want to escape. Daomei chases people a little fast.

Many people say that Timok Juggernaut, Barbarian King and other heroes who use basic attacks to damage are actually true, but this is only limited to putting cold arrows in team battles. Mo still can't fight, after all, the damage is much worse.

Even in laning, Timo would not dare to say that he can play against the barbarian king, but he can play against the sword master.

When it comes to Teemo, many low-end players will have an insight, that is, Teemo is the ADC with the strongest heads-up ability in the entire League of Legends.

Because Teemo has blindness!
Who has the strongest heads-up ability among ADCs? This has always been a question that fans like to discuss most. Everyone has their own opinions, but most of them think that it is either VN or Delevingne.

Choose one!

But in fact, the one-on-one ability of the ADC mainly depends on the equipment produced by the ADC, and the skills and characteristics of the hero itself are second.


That's all for today, book friends, rest early, good night!

(End of this chapter)

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