The absolute pinnacle of League of Legends

Chapter 277 Liu Ming's Team's Tactics

Chapter 277 Liu Ming's Team's Tactics

Yes, ADCs are indeed strong and weak in heads-up, but there is no absolute strongest. It mainly depends on the equipment produced by both sides in heads-up.

If the adc Liushen pretends to be a pure output equipment, then there is no doubt that the strongest one must be the Mai Lin gunner, that is, the small cannon.

To be exact, it is a small cannon.

In the current version, the damage of the ap cannon of Liushen equipment is extremely explosive. It only needs one continuous damage to clear two-thirds of the blood volume of the adc with no defensive equipment. If you add the lich passive, you can directly Drop, does not need to hurt the scariest big move.

The damage of the small cannon's big move is no less than that of Xiaofa's big move. If it has a thousand magic powers, one big can almost wipe out a blood of the adc.

The second is Teemo. If it is pure output, Teemo doesn't even need the blinding effect. A Q plus a general attack with a lich passive can almost take away an adc.

Ranked third is EZ, or the EZ with magical equipment. The AP damage of EZ is really terrifying. One big and one E can kill people in seconds, but EZ's skills are all predictive skills, full of uncertainty. If If you can't hit people with skills, then the one who is dropped in seconds is EZ.

The above is the case of pure output. If you add a defensive item, then the strongest is not them, but the orthodox adc.

As for this defensive outfit, the first choice is naturally the Banshee.

Banshee equipment can only resist one skill, which seems to have little effect on ADCs that focus on basic attack output, but don't forget that some heroes have only one key skill, such as Teemo's blinding, VN's knockback nail wall stun, Delevingne's forced knockback, etc.

If these skills are blocked, they will not be so strong.

However, after all, the banshee has a relatively high income for mage heroes, and the effect against adc is really not great. The most important effect of the banshee is to prevent it from being dropped by ap teemo and ap cannon. If it can resist these two people together If the wave breaks out, then the next step is to counterattack and win in the end.

If there is no Banshee, but other defensive equipment is used instead, it is impossible for Draven, VN, and female gun to beat the blinding Teemo.

According to the orthodox build, the strongest duels must be Draven and VN. The outbreak of these two is far superior to other ADCs, and each has control.

As for who is stronger and who is weaker between the two, it depends on the operations of both parties. If Draven is stunned by the VN nail wall, then the winner must be VN. If he is not stunned, it must be Draven.

However, the probability of Draven being stunned is very small if you are singled out. Just stand in an open place and fight against VN, and keep taking the ax to refresh the damage of the Q skill and the burst of Draven who is constantly increasing the attack speed. Naturally, it is not comparable to VN, and the difference is not 01:30.

And what is the scariest thing about VN?The nail wall can be ignored, the rest is the stealth and damage of the big move, the stealth is targeted by the real eye and the prophet, it can be completely ignored, and the real damage triggered by W every three times is not considered for the pure output adc protrude.

The pure output Draven has about [-] HP in one endless critical strike, and the full-level VN is probably about this HP.

If Delevingne triggers a critical strike at the first hit, maybe he can kill VN directly in seconds, even if he doesn't die, he will be disabled, and he can take it away with a basic attack.

Draven's outburst was no joke.

So, no matter how you think about it, Draven is indeed better than VN in heads-up, as long as you have real eyes and stealth, you will be fine.

Of course, League of Legends is a team game after all, so it doesn't make much sense to discuss heads-up ability. VN is definitely better than Delevingne in playing big meat.


Looking at the two characters 'failure' on the screen, Yuan Yi smiled wryly and shook his head, saying: "Mr. Lu's ability to roll snowballs and team fights is really beyond our comparability. Just getting two heads, he tortured us to death." It’s so miserable, if he’s playing mid laner, it’s okay.”

"Yeah, Huo Nan's equipment with two heads is not very good, just a small mask, but we are always suppressed everywhere when we fight together." Liu Xu was also quite puzzled by this, Mr. Lu didn't show much It's a brilliant operation, but my team always loses miserably.

Naturally, he would not superficially think that this is mainly a problem with the lineup. After all, there have been precedents of support, abuse, and big moves in the world professional arena, but there are many.

"It's nothing surprising. It's not like we haven't encountered a crash for no reason. If we can't gain an advantage in the early stage, we are already doomed to lose." Liu Ming looked at it very openly, and didn't think about it anymore after speaking. thing, said with a smile: "Let's come to recruit people, and seek wealth and wealth."

Through the previous game, he also probably saw that no matter it was playing support or playing consumption, he was not the opponent of Mr. Lu's team, because Mr. Lu handled the details too well, and the big move was not good enough. Similarly, as long as the big move is used well, it is basically group destruction.

However, the risk of big moves is also great. If you can't gain an advantage in the early stage, you can't win the team battle either. You can only find a way to delay it until the later stage to win.

But as long as the advantage is played, it is the advantage in the end.

He is just betting.

In addition, the overall strength of their team is relatively balanced. In addition to the bottom lane, the top, middle, and wild can play a lot of advantages, and the big move happens to be more in line with the characteristics of their team. , There is no big problem if the team starts a good team battle.

Yuan Yi nodded slightly, and pondered: "There are quite a lot of big move lineups, and currently there are two strongest ones, one with Clockwork as the core, and the other with Yasuo."

"It's hard for Yasuo to show off in front of Mr. Lu. I think the clockwork is more secure, and then cooperate with the prince or Shitou to start a group." Liu Xu suggested.

"You are the mid laner, of course you decide." Liu Ming nodded amusedly, and said, "If you say it's clockwork, it's clockwork. Whether Shishi can start a team depends on what support Mr. Lu chooses. Compared with the prince, it's easier to start a team." It's better, at least the prince can be immune to all control when he opens up."

"Hehe, on the first day of the game, Shitou was interrupted by Mr. Lu twice in a row, so there is indeed a lot of risk for Shitou to start a team."

"The prince is still a backhand hero."

"I feel that the big moves of Stone, Prince, and Clockwork are much worse than the last one, Mumu, and Gargoyle. Why don't we try their lineup?" Lazar wondered.

"I'm not very good at playing gargoyles." Liu Xu admitted frankly.

"This lineup is certainly strong, but it's not invincible, and since they have won this lineup, they know some ways to restrain it. I'm afraid we will lose even worse." Liu Ming shook his head directly and denied that he also wanted the enemy's lineup. Give it a try, but not right now.

"It's still a little early to think about the lineup, and we'll make a decision according to the situation when we're in the draft." Yuan Yi didn't know what kind of big move to choose.

"Yeah!" Liu Ming nodded in approval.

At this time, the staff came over.

Liu Ming quickly created the room, and after the five members of Mr. Delu's team arrived, he clicked the game start button, and the screen changed to enter the selection interface.

(End of this chapter)

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